From: Alan J. Pippin <>
Date: Thu, 21 Feb 2019 16:46:48 +0000 (-0700)
Subject: Fixed bug in how dates were extracted from video files

Fixed bug in how dates were extracted from video files

Rewrote moving videos from watchdir to support NextCloud dirs

diff --git a/merge_videos_by_day b/merge_videos_by_day
index cda301d..ec00da9 100755
--- a/merge_videos_by_day
+++ b/merge_videos_by_day
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ foreach $file (sort `$find_cmd`) {
     $date_taken = ctime(stat("$srcdir/$srcfile")->mtime);
     # Get the date taken from the filename
-    if(!$merge_by_modification_date && $srcfile =~ /^(\d+)-(\d+)-(\d+)/) {
+    if(!$merge_by_modification_date && $srcfile =~ /^(\d\d\d\d)-(\d\d)-(\d\d)/) {
 	$year = $1;
 	$month = $2;
 	$day = sprintf("%02d",$3);
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ foreach $file (sort `$find_cmd`) {
         $monthname = lc($month2monthname{$month});
     # Get the date taken from the srcdir
-    elsif(!$merge_by_modification_date && $srcdir =~ /(\d+)-(\d+)-(\d+)/) {
+    elsif(!$merge_by_modification_date && $srcdir =~ /(\d\d\d\d)-(\d\d)-(\d\d)/) {
 	$year = $1;
 	$month = $2;
 	$day = sprintf("%02d",$3);
diff --git a/move_videos_from_watchdir b/move_videos_from_watchdir
index 9c1a242..83ec63f 100755
--- a/move_videos_from_watchdir
+++ b/move_videos_from_watchdir
@@ -21,7 +21,6 @@ if( -f "$mydir/organize_videos.conf.local") { require "organize_videos.conf.loca
 # Sanity check
 if(! -d $srcpathname) { print "-E- Can't find srcpath: $srcpathname\n"; exit 1; }
-if(! -d $watchpathname) { print "-E- Can't find watchpath: $watchpathname\n"; exit 1; }
@@ -36,63 +35,81 @@ sub usage {
 # Sanity checks / Option processing
 if(defined $opt_h) { usage(); exit 1; }
-# Our srcpathname is actually our dstpathname
-$find_changed_cmd =~ s/$srcpathname/$watchpathname/g;
-$find_cmd_with_mkv =~ s/$srcpathname/$watchpathname/g;
-$dstpathname = $srcpathname;
-$srcpathname = $watchpathname;
-# Only proceed if no files have changed in the past $cmin minutes
-if(!$opt_f && $changed_files_found) { exit 0; }
-# Only proceed if there are video files to organize
-if(!$video_files_found) { exit 0; }
 # Only one instance of this script running at a time
 my $pidfile = File::Pid->new({file => "$pid_file", pid => "$$"});
 print "pid_file: $pid_file\n" if($opt_v);
 exit if $pidfile->running();
-# Print the date
-# Merge videos prior to copying them over to the destination path
-my $errno = 0;
-# Move the videos over to the destination path
-chdir "$srcpathname";
-print "$video_files_found\n" if($opt_v);
-foreach $file (`$find_cmd_with_mkv`) {
-    chomp($file);
-    $srcdir = dirname($file);
-    $file = basename($file);
-    $srcfile = $file;
-    $dstfile = "$dstpathname/$file";
-    # only move files that have been organized
-    if($srcfile !~ /\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d/) { next; }
+print "watchpathname: $watchpathname\n" if($opt_v);
+foreach $watchpath (split(';', $watchpathname)) {
+    if(! -d $watchpath) { print "-E- Can't find watchpath: $watchpath\n"; exit 1; }
+    print "checking $watchpath\n" if($opt_v);
-    print "-> Moving \"$srcdir/$srcfile\" to \"$dstfile\"\n";
-    if(!defined $opt_t) {
-	# Make sure the dstfile doesn't exist, if it does, don't do the move
-	if(! -f "$dstfile") {
-	    $errno=system("mv \"$srcdir/$srcfile\" \"$dstfile\" 2>/dev/null");
-	    if($errno) { print "-E- Error moving srcfile to dstfile: $srcdir/$srcfile -> $dstfile\n"; next; }
-	} else {
-	    print "-> Skipping \"$srcdir/$srcfile\". Destfile \"$dstfile\" already exists.\n";
+    # Our srcpathname is actually our dstpathname
+    $new_find_changed_cmd = $find_changed_cmd;
+    $new_find_cmd_with_mkv = $find_cmd_with_mkv;
+    $new_find_changed_cmd =~ s/$srcpathname/$watchpath/g;
+    $new_find_cmd_with_mkv =~ s/$srcpathname/$watchpath/g;
+    $dstpathname = $srcpathname;
+    # Only proceed if no files have changed in the past $cmin minutes
+    $changed_files_found=`$new_find_changed_cmd`;
+    print "finding videos: $new_find_changed_cmd\n" if($opt_v);
+    if(!$opt_f && $changed_files_found) { next; }
+    # Only proceed if there are video files to organize
+    $video_files_found=`$new_find_cmd_with_mkv`;
+    print "finding videos: $new_find_cmd_with_mkv\n" if($opt_v);
+    if(!$video_files_found) { next; }
+    # Print the date
+    system("date");
+    my $errno = 0;
+    # Move the videos over to the destination path
+    chdir "$watchpath";
+    print "found: $video_files_found\n" if($opt_v);
+    foreach $file (`$new_find_cmd_with_mkv`) {
+	chomp($file);
+	$srcdir = dirname($file);
+	$file = basename($file);
+	$srcfile = $file;
+	$dstfile = "$dstpathname/$file";
+	# Make sure we have a unique dstfile
+	if(-f "$dstfile") {
+	    $video_ext = $srcfile;
+	    $video_ext =~ s/.*\.(\S+)$/$1/;
+	    $suffix = 0;
+	    $newdstfile_base = $dstfile;
+	    $newdstfile_base =~ s/\.[^.]*$//;
+	    do {
+		$newdstfile = "${newdstfile_base}_${suffix}.${video_ext}";
+		$suffix++; 
+	    } while(-f "$newdstfile");
+	    $dstfile = $newdstfile;
+	}
+	print "-> Moving \"$srcdir/$srcfile\" to \"$dstfile\"\n";
+	if(!defined $opt_t) {
+	    # Make sure the dstfile doesn't exist, if it does, add a unique number to the end
+	    if(! -f "$dstfile") {
+		$errno=system("mv \"$srcdir/$srcfile\" \"$dstfile\" 2>/dev/null");
+		if($errno) { print "-E- Error moving srcfile to dstfile: $srcdir/$srcfile -> $dstfile\n"; next; }
+	    } else {
+		print "-E- Unable to mv $srcdir/$srcfile -> $dstfile because it already exists\n";
+	    }
+	    # Fix the permissions
+	    system("chown $owner \"$dstfile\"");
+	    system("chgrp $group \"$dstfile\"");
+	    system("chmod $mode \"$dstfile\"");
-	# Fix the permissions
-	system("chown $owner \"$dstfile\"");
-	system("chgrp $group \"$dstfile\"");
-	system("chmod $mode \"$dstfile\"");
-print "\n\n";
+#print "\n\n";
diff --git a/organize_movies b/organize_movies
index 290f37c..f2c9215 100755
--- a/organize_movies
+++ b/organize_movies
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ exit if $pidfile->running();
 # Encode the movies
-encode_movies($mobile_movie_src_dir, $mobile_movie_dst_dir);
+#encode_movies($mobile_movie_src_dir, $mobile_movie_dst_dir);
 encode_movies($movie_src_dir, $movie_dst_dir);
 sub encode_movies {
@@ -56,6 +56,7 @@ sub encode_movies {
 	    my $stat = stat("$movie");
 	    if($stat->mtime < ($now - $minage*60)) {
 		my ($base, $dir, $ext) = fileparse($movie,'\..*');
+                $base =~ s/_t\d+$//g; # remove any extra title numbers from the name
 		my $output = "$movie_dst_dir/$category/$base.mkv";
 		print "-> Encoding $movie => $output\n";
 		my $date = `date`; chomp $date;
diff --git a/organize_videos.conf b/organize_videos.conf
index 54a57a4..aebd225 100644
--- a/organize_videos.conf
+++ b/organize_videos.conf
@@ -22,8 +22,8 @@ $origpathname = "/naspool/dropbox/Originals";
 $originals_file_ext = qr/(mov|mp4)/i;
 $save_originals = 1;
-# Path to a dir to watch for videos to move to $srcpathname to be organized
-$watchpathname = "/naspool/pictures/mylio";
+# Path to a dir (or dirs separated by semis) to watch for videos to move to $srcpathname to be organized
+$watchpathname = "/naspool/cloud/alan/files/InstantUpload/Camera;/naspool/cloud/mary/files/InstantUpload/Camera;";
 # Path to merge_videos_by_day script
 $merge_videos_by_day = "/naspool/videos/bin/merge_videos_by_day";
@@ -92,8 +92,8 @@ $tmpfile = `tempfile`; chomp($tmpfile); unlink "$tmpfile";
 $timezone = `cat /etc/timezone`; chomp($timezone);
 # handbrake options used when re-encoding the videos
-$handbrake_requantize_options='--strict-anamorphic --crop 0:0:0:0 -E ac3';
-$handbrake_recompress_options='--strict-anamorphic --crop 0:0:0:0 --denoise="weak" -e x264 -q 18 -x b-adapt=2:rc-lookahead=50 -v 2 -a 1 -6 dpl2 --preset="High Profile"';
+$handbrake_requantize_options='--auto-anamorphic --crop 0:0:0:0 -E ac3';
+$handbrake_recompress_options='--auto-anamorphic --crop 0:0:0:0 --denoise="weak" -e x264 -q 18 -x b-adapt=2:rc-lookahead=50 -v 2 -a 1 -6 dpl2 --preset="HQ 1080p30 Surround"';
 # handbrake input file options
 $input_file_options = "-S";