From: Alan J. Pippin <>
Date: Wed, 30 Jan 2008 14:50:47 +0000 (-0700)
Subject: Changed reference to create jsCalendar to be our own local class.
X-Git-Tag: release_0_2_0~1^2~13

Changed reference to create jsCalendar to be our own local class.
This was done to fix the issue with the base phpgroupware phpgwapi
doing away with the "setup" parameter to the calendar which we
rely on for inputing our dates properly into SQL.

diff --git a/inc/ b/inc/
index 74c79ed..4d129a1 100644
--- a/inc/
+++ b/inc/
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ class eq
       $this->grants     = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->acl->get_grants('eq');
       $this->grants[$this->account] = PHPGW_ACL_READ + PHPGW_ACL_ADD + PHPGW_ACL_EDIT + PHPGW_ACL_DELETE;
-      $this->jscal = CreateObject('phpgwapi.jscalendar');   // before phpgw_header() !!!
+      $this->jscal = CreateObject('eq.jscalendar');   // before phpgw_header() !!!
       $this->cal_options = 'daFormat    : "%Y-%m-%d",
                                 ifFormat    : "%Y-%m-%d",
                                 mondayFirst : false,