From bfa24cc8c0228028cae669b2fa0adddef10470ae Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "Alan J. Pippin" <>
Date: Thu, 12 Oct 2017 19:46:51 -0600
Subject: [PATCH] Fixed up scripts to support importing videos from phones

 copy_videos_from_watchdir | 87 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 make_mkv                  | 96 +++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------
 merge_videos_by_day       | 39 ++++++++++++----
 move_videos_from_watchdir | 98 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 organize_videos           | 15 ++++--
 organize_videos.conf      | 12 ++++-
 6 files changed, 299 insertions(+), 48 deletions(-)
 create mode 100755 copy_videos_from_watchdir
 create mode 100755 move_videos_from_watchdir

diff --git a/copy_videos_from_watchdir b/copy_videos_from_watchdir
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e64a505
--- /dev/null
+++ b/copy_videos_from_watchdir
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+# Author: Alan J. Pippin
+# Description: Find videos from a watched dir and copy them to the video processing destination directory
+use File::Copy;
+use File::Basename;
+use Getopt::Std;
+use File::stat;
+use Time::localtime;
+use File::Pid;
+# Configuration parameters
+$mydir = `cd \$(dirname $0) 2>/dev/null; pwd`; chomp($mydir); unshift @INC,("$mydir");
+# Default configuration values
+require "organize_videos.conf";
+# Override defaults with local customizations
+if( -f "$mydir/organize_videos.conf.local") { require "organize_videos.conf.local"; }
+# Sanity check
+if(! -d $srcpathname) { print "-E- Can't find srcpath: $srcpathname\n"; exit 1; }
+if(! -d $watchpathname) { print "-E- Can't find watchpath: $watchpathname\n"; exit 1; }
+sub usage {
+    print "usage: $0 [-v] [-t]\n";
+    print "   -v        verbose; print file being copied (to).\n";
+    print "   -t        test; print what will happen, but don't do anything\n";
+    return 1;
+# Sanity checks / Option processing
+if(defined $opt_h) { usage(); exit 1; }
+# Our srcpathname is actually our dstpathname
+$dstpathname = $srcpathname;
+$srcpathname = $watchpathname;
+# Only proceed if there are video files to organize
+$video_files_found=`find \"$srcpathname/\" $movie_file_ext -o -iregex \".*\.mkv\"`;
+if(!$video_files_found) { exit 0; }
+# Only one instance of this script running at a time
+my $pidfile = File::Pid->new({file => "$pid_file", pid => "$$"});
+exit if $pidfile->running();
+# Print the date
+# Merge videos prior to copying them over to the destination path
+my $errno = 0;
+# Copy the videos over to the destination path
+chdir "$srcpathname";
+print "$video_files_found\n" if($opt_v);
+foreach $file (`find \"$srcpathname/\" $movie_file_ext -o -iregex \".*\.mkv\"`) {
+    chomp($file);
+    $srcdir = dirname($file);
+    $file = basename($file);
+    $srcfile = $file;
+    $dstfile = "$dstpathname/$file";
+    print "-> Copying \"$srcdir/$srcfile\" to \"$dstfile\"\n";
+    if(!defined $opt_t) {
+	# Make sure the dstfile doesn't exist, if it does, don't do the copy
+	if(! -f "$dstfile") {
+	    $errno=system("cp -p \"$srcdir/$srcfile\" \"$dstfile\" 2>/dev/null");
+	    if($errno) { print "-E- Error copying srcfile to dstfile: $srcdir/$srcfile -> $dstfile\n"; next; }
+	} else {
+	    print "-> Skipping \"$srcdir/$srcfile\". Destfile \"$dstfile\" already exists.\n";
+	}
+	# Fix the permissions
+	system("chown $owner \"$dstfile\"");
+	system("chgrp $group \"$dstfile\"");
+	system("chmod $mode \"$dstfile\"");
+    }
+print "\n\n";
diff --git a/make_mkv b/make_mkv
index 805a7f5..b947780 100755
--- a/make_mkv
+++ b/make_mkv
@@ -108,8 +108,8 @@ print "-> Creating the MKV video file '$opt_o'\n";
 my $cmd = "$mkvmerge --title \"$opt_t\" $output_file_options -o \"$opt_o\"";
 # Make our input file command line options for all the videos
-my $video_count = 0;
 my @video_tmp_files;
+my %merge_cmd;
 foreach my $video (sort{$videos{$a} <=> $videos{$b}} keys %videos) {
     # Make a note of the video extension
     my $video_ext = $video;
@@ -135,21 +135,26 @@ foreach my $video (sort{$videos{$a} <=> $videos{$b}} keys %videos) {
 	# We don't need to do this anymore since it is not an issue with the new mkvmerge
 	if($video_ext !~ /mkv/i) {
 	    $video_mkv =~ s/\.[^.]*$//; $video_mkv .= ".ffmpeg.mkv";
+	    if(-f $video_mkv) { next; }
 	    print "   Re-muxing the interlaced video content as an mkv file: $video_mkv\n";
 	    my $make_mkv_cmd = "$avconv -y -i \"$video\" -scodec copy -acodec copy -vcodec copy -f matroska \"$video_mkv\" >> \"$tmpfile\" 2>&1";
+	    my $errors = 0;
 	    if($opt_v) { print "   $make_mkv_cmd\n"; }
 	    if(! defined $opt_s) {
 		my $errno = system("$make_mkv_cmd");
 		$errno = $errno >> 8;
 		if($errno > 1) {
 		    unlink "$video_mkv";
-		    die "-E- ffmpeg encountered some errors with exit code $errno\n";
+		    print "-W- avconv encountered some errors with exit code $errno\n";
+		    $errors = 1;
-	    # Push the name of our intermediate video file onto a list of files to delete on exit
-	    push(@video_tmp_files, "$video_mkv");
-	    # Update the name of our video file to equal the name of our new intermediate video file name
-	    $video = $video_mkv;
+	    if($errors == 0) { 
+		# Push the name of our intermediate video file onto a list of files to delete on exit
+		push(@video_tmp_files, "$video_mkv");
+		# Update the name of our video file to equal the name of our new intermediate video file name
+		$video = $video_mkv;
+	    }
     } else { 
 	print "   Detected progressive video content: $video\n";
@@ -159,6 +164,7 @@ foreach my $video (sort{$videos{$a} <=> $videos{$b}} keys %videos) {
     # This also gives us a chance to deinterlace the video as well
     # Only re-quantize for .MTS videos
     # We can re-compress any input video
+    my $rotated = "none";
     if(((defined $opt_q) && ($video_ext =~ /mts/i)) || (defined $opt_z)) {
 	my $handbrake_options = "";
@@ -166,8 +172,12 @@ foreach my $video (sort{$videos{$a} <=> $videos{$b}} keys %videos) {
 	# Set our output video filename
 	my $video_mp4 = $video; $video_mp4 =~ s/\.[^.]*$//; $video_mp4 .= ".hb.mp4";
+	# Don't recompress certain file extensions
+	my $no_recompress = 0;
+	if($video =~ $no_recompress_file_ext) { $no_recompress = 1;} 
 	# Set our requantize factor accordingly
-	if(defined $opt_q) {
+	if(defined $opt_q and ! -f $video_mp4) {
 	    print "   Re-quantizing input video content to: $video_mp4\n";
 	    $handbrake_options = $handbrake_requantize_options;
 	    if(!$progressive) { $handbrake_options = "-q $interlaced_requantize_quality"; }
@@ -175,14 +185,23 @@ foreach my $video (sort{$videos{$a} <=> $videos{$b}} keys %videos) {
 	# Set our recompress options accordingly
-	if(defined $opt_z) {
+	if(defined $opt_z and ! -f $video_mp4 and ! $no_recompress) {
 	    print "   Re-compressing input video content to: $video_mp4\n";
 	    $handbrake_options = $handbrake_recompress_options;
 	    # We want our audio to be passed-through by default, so detect how the audio of the input is encoded, and tell handbrake to make the output match
-	    if($opt_v) { print "   $ffmpeg -i \"$video\" 2>&1 | grep \"Audio\" | sed -r -e 's/.*?Audio: (\\S+).*?/\\1/'\n"; }
-	    $AUDIO_CODEC=`$ffmpeg -i "$video" 2>&1 | grep "Audio" | sed -r -e 's/.*?Audio: (\\S+).*?/\\1/'`; chomp($AUDIO_CODEC);
-	    if($AUDIO_CODEC eq "") { die "-E- Unable to extract audio track encoding from input video file: $video\n"; }
-	    $handbrake_options .= " -E copy:$AUDIO_CODEC";
+	    if($opt_v) { print "   $ffmpeg -i \"$video\" 2>&1 | grep \"Audio\" | sed -r -e 's/.*?Audio: (\\S+).*?/\\1/' | tail -n 1\n"; }
+	    $AUDIO_CODEC=`$ffmpeg -i "$video" 2>&1 | grep "Audio" | sed -r -e 's/.*?Audio: (\\S+).*?/\\1/' | tail -n 1`; chomp($AUDIO_CODEC);
+	    $AUDIO_CODEC =~ s/,$//g;
+	    if($AUDIO_CODEC eq "") { print "-W- Unable to extract audio track encoding from input video file: $video\n"; $handbrake_options .= " -E copy"; }
+	    else { $handbrake_options .= " -E copy:$AUDIO_CODEC"; }
+	}
+	# Set our rotate option accordingly to rotate videos taken in portrait mode to landscape
+	my $rotate = `$ffprobe "$video" 2>&1 | grep -e rotate | awk '{print \$3}'`; chomp($rotate);
+	if($rotate ne "") {
+	    print "   Detected rotated input video ($rotate). Rotating video to: $video_mp4\n";
+	    if($rotate eq "90")  { $handbrake_options .= " --rotate=4"; $rotated = "90"; }
+	    if($rotate eq "180") { $handbrake_options .= " --rotate=3"; $rotated = "none"; }
 	# Set our de-interlace option accordingly
@@ -190,14 +209,21 @@ foreach my $video (sort{$videos{$a} <=> $videos{$b}} keys %videos) {
 	if(!$progressive) { $deinterlace_option = "-d"; }
 	# Use HandBrake to requantize/recompress/deinterlace the input video
-	my $handbrake_cmd = "$handbrake $deinterlace_option $handbrake_options -i \"$video\" -o \"$video_mp4\" >> \"$tmpfile\" 2>&1";
-	if($opt_v) { print "   $handbrake_cmd\n"; }
-	if(! defined $opt_s) { 
-	    my $errno = system("$handbrake_cmd");
-	    $errno = $errno >> 8;
-	    if($errno > 1) {
-		unlink "$video_mp4";
-		die "-E- handbrake encountered some errors with exit code $errno\n";
+	if(! $no_recompress and ! -f $video_mp4) { 
+	    my $handbrake_cmd = "$handbrake $deinterlace_option $handbrake_options -i \"$video\" -o \"$video_mp4\" >> \"$tmpfile\" 2>&1";
+	    if($opt_v) { print "   $handbrake_cmd\n"; }
+	    if(! defined $opt_s and ! -f $video_mp4) { 
+		my $errno = system("$handbrake_cmd");
+		$errno = $errno >> 8;
+		if($errno > 1) {
+		    unlink "$video_mp4";
+		    die "-E- handbrake encountered some errors with exit code $errno\n";
+		}
+	    }
+	} else {
+	    if(! -f $video_mp4) { 
+		print "   Copying input video content to: $video_mp4\n";
+		system("cp \"$video\" \"$video_mp4\"") if(!$opt_s);
@@ -207,23 +233,29 @@ foreach my $video (sort{$videos{$a} <=> $videos{$b}} keys %videos) {
 	$video = $video_mp4;
-    # Create our input file command line options for this video
-    if($video_count == 0) {
-	$cmd .= " $input_file_options \"$video\"";
+    # Create our mkvmerge input file command line options for this video
+    if(not defined $merge_cmd{$rotated}) {
+	$merge_cmd{$rotated} = "$cmd $input_file_options \"$video\"";	
     } else {
-	$cmd .= " $input_file_options + \"$video\"";
+	$merge_cmd{$rotated} .= " $input_file_options + \"$video\"";
-    $video_count++;
 # Execute our command line
-print "\n$cmd\n";
-if(! defined $opt_s) { 
-    my $errno = system("$cmd");
-    $errno = $errno >> 8;
-    if($errno > 1) {
-	unlink "$opt_o";
-	die "-E- mkvmerge encountered some errors with exit code $errno\n";
+foreach my $key (keys %merge_cmd) {
+    my $merge_cmd = $merge_cmd{$key};
+    # if the $key is not none, change the output filename to avoid naming conflicts since it will need to create a separate output file
+    if($key ne "none") {
+	$merge_cmd =~ s/-o "(.*?)\.(mkv)"/-o "$1\.$key\.$2"/g;
+    }
+    print "\n$merge_cmd\n";
+    if(! defined $opt_s) {
+	my $errno = system("$merge_cmd");
+	$errno = $errno >> 8;
+	if($errno > 1) {
+	    unlink "$opt_o";
+	    die "-E- mkvmerge encountered some errors with exit code $errno\n";
+	}
diff --git a/merge_videos_by_day b/merge_videos_by_day
index 7179746..1a153b0 100755
--- a/merge_videos_by_day
+++ b/merge_videos_by_day
@@ -84,11 +84,15 @@ foreach $file (sort `$find_cmd`) {
     $srcext = "";
     if($srcfile =~ /\.(\w+)$/) { $srcext = $1; }
     $ext = "mkv";
-    print "Found movie: srcdir: $srcdir srcfile: $srcfile srcext: $srcext dstext: $ext\n" if($opt_v);
     # Throw out files not in the current srcpath
     if((! -f "$srcfile") && (! -f "$srcdir/$srcfile")) { next; }
+    # Throw out encoded files left over from a previous run
+    print "srcfile: $srcfile\n";
+    if($srcfile =~ /.hb.mp4/) { next; }
+    print "Found movie: srcdir: $srcdir srcfile: $srcfile srcext: $srcext dstext: $ext\n" if($opt_v);
     # Make a note of the month, year, and day this video was taken (from the modification time of the file)
     $date_taken = ctime(stat("$srcdir/$srcfile")->mtime);
@@ -122,7 +126,7 @@ foreach $file (sort `$find_cmd`) {
 	$month = $1;
 	$day = sprintf("%02d",$2);
 	$monthnum = $monthname2month{$month};
-	$monthname = lc($month2monthname{$month});
+	$monthname = lc($month);
     } else {
 	print "-E- Unable to parse year and month from this file: $srcdir/$srcfile\n";
@@ -150,35 +154,48 @@ foreach $file (sort `$find_cmd`) {
 # Check for duplicate filenames in the dstfiles being created for other exts
+my $last_dstnum = 0;
+my $changed_dst = 0;
 foreach $ext (sort keys %videos) {
-    foreach $video (sort keys %{$videos{$ext}}) {	
+    #print "checking: $ext\n";
+    foreach $video (sort keys %{$videos{$ext}}) {
+	#print "checking: $ext $video\n";
 	# Make sure this video name is not in use as a destination for any other ext
 	foreach $checkext (sort keys %videos) {
+	    #print "checking: $ext $video $checkext\n";
 	    if($checkext eq $ext) { next; }
 	    foreach $checkvideo (sort keys %{$videos{$checkext}}) {
+		#print "checking: $ext $video $checkext $checkvideo\n";
 	     	if("$video" eq "$checkvideo") {
 		    if($video =~ /(.*?)\.(\d+)\.(\w+)$/) {
 			$dstfile = $1;
 			$dstnum = $2;
 			$dstext = $3;
-		    foreach $i ($dstnum .. '999') {
+		    foreach $i ($last_dstnum .. '999') {
+			$last_dstnum = $i + 1;
 			$newfile = $dstfile . "." . sprintf("%03d",$i);
 			if("$video" ne "$newfile.$dstext") { last; }
 		    $videos{$ext}{"$newfile.$dstext"} = $videos{$ext}{$video};
+		    #print "for ext $ext changed destination to: $newfile.$dstext: $videos{$ext}{$video};\n";
 		    delete $videos{$ext}{$video};
+		    $changed_dst = 1;
+		    last;
+	    if($changed_dst) { last; }
+	if($changed_dst) { last; }
+    $changed_dst = 0;
 # Tell the user which videos we are going to merge
 foreach $ext (sort keys %videos) {
     foreach $video (sort keys %{$videos{$ext}}) {
 	foreach $srcfile (@{$videos{$ext}{$video}}) { 
-	    print "   merging $srcfile into \"$video\"\n";
+	    print "   merging $ext $srcfile into \"$video\"\n";
@@ -202,6 +219,7 @@ foreach $ext (sort keys %videos) {
 	$cmd .= "$make_mkv -t \"$video_title_prefix $year-$month-$day\" -o \"$video\" -i $videos";
 	if($requantize_input_video) { $cmd .= ' -q'; }
 	if($recompress_input_video) { $cmd .= ' -z'; }
+	if($opt_v) { $cmd .= ' -v'; }
 	if($use_compute_host) { $cmd .= "'"; }
 	if(defined $opt_t) {
 	    # Print what will be done, but don't actually do it
@@ -224,14 +242,17 @@ foreach $ext (sort keys %videos) {
 	} else {
 	    # Create the merged video
+	    print "$ext: $cmd" if($opt_v);
 	    my $errno = system("$cmd");
 	    $errno = $errno >> 8;
 	    if($errno) { die "-E- make_mkv encountered some errors with exit code $errno\n"; }
 	    system("ls -l \"$srcpathname/\" > /dev/null"); # Make sure the video file is there
 	    # Fix the permissions
-	    system("chown $owner \"$video\"");
-	    system("chgrp $group \"$video\"");
-	    system("chmod $mode \"$video\"");
+	    if(-f "$video") { 
+		system("chown $owner \"$video\"");
+		system("chgrp $group \"$video\"");
+		system("chmod $mode \"$video\"");
+	    }
 	    # Remove the individual video files
 	    if(!defined $opt_k) { 
 		foreach $srcvideo (@{$videos{$ext}{$video}}) {
diff --git a/move_videos_from_watchdir b/move_videos_from_watchdir
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9c1a242
--- /dev/null
+++ b/move_videos_from_watchdir
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+# Author: Alan J. Pippin
+# Description: Find videos from a watched dir and move them to the video processing destination directory
+use File::Copy;
+use File::Basename;
+use Getopt::Std;
+use File::stat;
+use Time::localtime;
+use File::Pid;
+# Configuration parameters
+$mydir = `cd \$(dirname $0) 2>/dev/null; pwd`; chomp($mydir); unshift @INC,("$mydir");
+# Default configuration values
+require "organize_videos.conf";
+# Override defaults with local customizations
+if( -f "$mydir/organize_videos.conf.local") { require "organize_videos.conf.local"; }
+# Sanity check
+if(! -d $srcpathname) { print "-E- Can't find srcpath: $srcpathname\n"; exit 1; }
+if(! -d $watchpathname) { print "-E- Can't find watchpath: $watchpathname\n"; exit 1; }
+sub usage {
+    print "usage: $0 [-v] [-t]\n";
+    print "   -v        verbose; print file being moved (to).\n";
+    print "   -f        force it to run by ignoring the \$minage setting in organize_videos.conf\n";
+    print "   -t        test; print what will happen, but don't do anything\n";
+    return 1;
+# Sanity checks / Option processing
+if(defined $opt_h) { usage(); exit 1; }
+# Our srcpathname is actually our dstpathname
+$find_changed_cmd =~ s/$srcpathname/$watchpathname/g;
+$find_cmd_with_mkv =~ s/$srcpathname/$watchpathname/g;
+$dstpathname = $srcpathname;
+$srcpathname = $watchpathname;
+# Only proceed if no files have changed in the past $cmin minutes
+if(!$opt_f && $changed_files_found) { exit 0; }
+# Only proceed if there are video files to organize
+if(!$video_files_found) { exit 0; }
+# Only one instance of this script running at a time
+my $pidfile = File::Pid->new({file => "$pid_file", pid => "$$"});
+print "pid_file: $pid_file\n" if($opt_v);
+exit if $pidfile->running();
+# Print the date
+# Merge videos prior to copying them over to the destination path
+my $errno = 0;
+# Move the videos over to the destination path
+chdir "$srcpathname";
+print "$video_files_found\n" if($opt_v);
+foreach $file (`$find_cmd_with_mkv`) {
+    chomp($file);
+    $srcdir = dirname($file);
+    $file = basename($file);
+    $srcfile = $file;
+    $dstfile = "$dstpathname/$file";
+    # only move files that have been organized
+    if($srcfile !~ /\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d/) { next; }
+    print "-> Moving \"$srcdir/$srcfile\" to \"$dstfile\"\n";
+    if(!defined $opt_t) {
+	# Make sure the dstfile doesn't exist, if it does, don't do the move
+	if(! -f "$dstfile") {
+	    $errno=system("mv \"$srcdir/$srcfile\" \"$dstfile\" 2>/dev/null");
+	    if($errno) { print "-E- Error moving srcfile to dstfile: $srcdir/$srcfile -> $dstfile\n"; next; }
+	} else {
+	    print "-> Skipping \"$srcdir/$srcfile\". Destfile \"$dstfile\" already exists.\n";
+	}
+	# Fix the permissions
+	system("chown $owner \"$dstfile\"");
+	system("chgrp $group \"$dstfile\"");
+	system("chmod $mode \"$dstfile\"");
+    }
+print "\n\n";
diff --git a/organize_videos b/organize_videos
index 647e08d..34fd2e6 100755
--- a/organize_videos
+++ b/organize_videos
@@ -144,6 +144,7 @@ my $errno = 0;
 my $merge_opts = "";
 if(defined $opt_t) { $merge_opts .= "-t "; }
 if(defined $opt_k) { $merge_opts .= "-k "; }
+if(defined $opt_v) { $merge_opts .= "-v "; }
 if($requantize_input_video) { $merge_opts .= ' -q'; }
 if($recompress_input_video) { $merge_opts .= ' -z'; }
 $errno=system("$merge_videos_by_day -s \"$srcpathname\" $merge_opts");
@@ -160,8 +161,8 @@ if(defined $opt_n) {
 # Copy the videos over to the destination path
 my %dstdirs;
 chdir "$srcpathname";
-print "$find_cmd_with_mkv\n" if($opt_v);
-foreach $file (`$find_cmd_with_mkv`) {
+print "$find_mkv\n" if($opt_v);
+foreach $file (`$find_mkv`) {
     $srcdir = dirname($file);
@@ -169,10 +170,14 @@ foreach $file (`$find_cmd_with_mkv`) {
     $srcfile = $file;
     $ext = $file; $ext =~ s/.*\.(\S+)$/$1/; $ext = lc($ext);
-    print "Found movie: srcdir: $srcdir srcfile: $srcfile ext: $ext\n" if($opt_v);
     # Throw out files not in the current srcpath
     if((! -f "$srcfile") && (! -f "$srcdir/$srcfile")) { next; }
+    # Throw out encoded files left over from a previous run
+    print "srcfile: $srcfile\n";
+    if($srcfile =~ /.hb.mp4/) { next; }
+    print "Found movie: srcdir: $srcdir srcfile: $srcfile ext: $ext\n" if($opt_v);
     # Make a note of the month, year, and day this video was taken (from the modification time of the file)
     $date_taken = ctime(stat("$srcdir/$srcfile")->mtime);
@@ -206,7 +211,7 @@ foreach $file (`$find_cmd_with_mkv`) {
 	$month = $1;
 	$day = sprintf("%02d",$2);
 	$monthnum = $monthname2month{$month};
-	$monthname = lc($month2monthname{$month});
+	$monthname = lc($month);
     } else {
 	print "-E- Unable to parse year and month from this file: $srcdir/$srcfile\n";
diff --git a/organize_videos.conf b/organize_videos.conf
index 702a752..9216f4b 100644
--- a/organize_videos.conf
+++ b/organize_videos.conf
@@ -19,9 +19,12 @@ $dstpathname = "/naspool/videos/HomeVideos";
 # Path to move the originals to
 $origpathname = "/naspool/dropbox/Originals";
-$originals_file_ext = qr/mov/i;
+$originals_file_ext = qr/(mov|mp4)/i;
 $save_originals = 1;
+# Path to a dir to watch for videos to move to $srcpathname to be organized
+$watchpathname = "/naspool/pictures/mylio";
 # Path to merge_videos_by_day script
 $merge_videos_by_day = "/naspool/videos/bin/merge_videos_by_day";
@@ -36,6 +39,7 @@ $mkvmerge = '/usr/bin/mkvmerge';
 # ffmpeg path/command name
 $ffmpeg = '/usr/bin/ffmpeg';
+$ffprobe = '/usr/bin/ffprobe';
 $avconv = '/usr/bin/avconv';
 # handbrake path/command name
@@ -64,7 +68,10 @@ $video_suffix = "000";
 # Which movie file extensions should be considered for merging
 # NOTE: Script does not support merging multiple mkv files into a single mkv file
-$movie_file_ext = "-iregex \".*\.mov\" -o -iregex \".*\.3gp\" -o -iregex \".*\.mp4\" -o -iregex \".*\.mts\" -o -iregex \".*\.m4v\"";
+$movie_file_ext = "-iregex \".*\.mov\" -o -iregex \".*\.3gp\" -o -iregex \".*\.avi\" -o -iregex \".*\.mp4\" -o -iregex \".*\.mpg\" -o -iregex \".*\.mts\" -o -iregex \".*\.m4v\"";
+# Which movie file extensions should not be recompressed for merging
+$no_recompress_file_ext = qr/\.(mp4)$/;
 # Video file creation dates must not have changed in the last X minutes to process any of the video files
 # This is done to ensure that all videos from a given upload from a camera have completed prior to looking for videos to merge
@@ -76,6 +83,7 @@ $find_changed_cmd = "find  \"$srcpathname/\" -not -cmin $minage -a \\( $movie_fi
 # What command should be used to find all movie files
 $find_cmd = "find \"$srcpathname/\" $movie_file_ext";
 $find_cmd_with_mkv = "find \"$srcpathname/\" $movie_file_ext -o -iregex \".*\.mkv\"";
+$find_mkv = "find \"$srcpathname/\" -iregex \".*\.mkv\"";
 # Set the tmpfile to use, but remove the 0 byte file it creates, we'll create it if we need it
 $tmpfile = `tempfile`; chomp($tmpfile); unlink "$tmpfile";