$this->t->set_file(array('ppi_sched_t' => 'ppi_sched.tpl'));
- $action = get_var('action',array('GET','POST'));
+ $action = get_var('action',array('GET','POST'));
$this->t->set_var('lang_save','Save Appt / Pri / Notes');
$this->t->set_var('lang_reset','Clear Changes');
$year = date('Y');
- // Get the President
- $sql = "SELECT * FROM tc_presidency AS tp JOIN tc_individual AS ti where tp.individual=ti.individual AND tp.president=1 AND tp.valid=1";
- $this->db->query($sql,__LINE__,__FILE__);
- if($this->db->next_record()) {
- $president_name = $this->db->f('name');
- $president_name_array = explode(",",$president_name);
- $president_last_name = $president_name_array[0];
- $president_id = $this->db->f('individual');
- $presidency_id = $this->db->f('presidency');
- $interviewer = $this->db->f('individual');
- $district_number = '*';
- $district_name = $president_name;
- $president_address = $this->db->f('address');
- } else {
- print "<hr><font color=red><h3>-E- Unable to locate President in tc_presidency table</h3></font></hr>";
- return;
- }
if($action == 'save') {
// Save any changes made to the appointment table
$new_data = get_var('appt_notes',array('POST'));
$indiv = $entry['individual'];
$appointment = $entry['appointment'];
$location = $entry['location'];
- if($location == "") { $location = "$president_last_name"." home ($president_address)"; }
+ $presidency_location = $entry['presidency_location'];
+ if($location == "") { $location = $presidency_location; }
if($indiv == 0) { $location = ""; }
//Only perform a database update if we have made a change to this appointment
$appt_table_width=$date_width + $time_width + $indiv_width + $location_width;
$appt_header_row = "<th width=$date_width><font size=-2>Date</th>";
$appt_header_row.= "<th width=$time_width><font size=-2>Time</th>";
- $appt_header_row.= "<th width=$indiv_width><font size=-2>indiv</th>";
+ $appt_header_row.= "<th width=$indiv_width><font size=-2>Individual</th>";
$appt_header_row.= "<th width=$location_width><font size=-2>Location</th>";
- $appt_table_data = "";
+ $appt_table_data = "";
+ $table_data="";
$total_indivs=0; $indivs_with_yearly_ppi=0;
- // Display a scheduling table for the President
- $table_data=""; $appt_table_data="";
- $table_title = "District ".$district_number.": ".$district_name.": All indivs with Yearly PPI Not Completed";
- $appt_table_title = "District ".$district_number.": ".$district_name.": Yearly PPI Appointment Slots";
- $this->t->set_var('table_title',$table_title);
- $this->t->set_var('appt_table_title',$appt_table_title);
- // query the database for all the appointments
- $sql = "SELECT * FROM tc_appointment where presidency=".$presidency_id." and date>=CURDATE() ORDER BY date ASC, time ASC";
+ // Get the President
+ $sql = "SELECT * FROM tc_presidency AS tp JOIN tc_individual AS ti where tp.individual=ti.individual AND tp.valid=1 AND ";
+ if($this->yearly_ppi_interviewer == 1) { $sql .= " (tp.president=1)"; }
+ if($this->yearly_ppi_interviewer == 2) { $sql .= " (tp.president=1 OR tp.counselor=1)"; }
+ if($this->yearly_ppi_interviewer == 3) { $sql .= " (tp.president=1 OR tp.counselor=1 OR tp.secretary=1)"; }
while ($this->db->next_record()) {
- $appointment = $this->db->f('appointment');
- $indiv = $this->db->f('individual');
- $location = $this->db->f('location');
- if(($location == "") && ($indiv > 0)) { $location = "$president_last_name"." home ($president_address)"; }
+ $presidency_name = $this->db->f('name');
+ $presidency_name_array = explode(",",$presidency_name);
+ $presidency_last_name = $presidency_name_array[0];
+ $presidency_id = $this->db->f('presidency');
+ $presidency_address = $this->db->f('address');
+ $presidency_location = "$presidency_last_name"." home ($presidency_address)";
+ $appt_table_data = "";
+ // Display a scheduling table for this presidency member
+ $district_number = '*';
+ $district_name = $presidency_name;
+ $table_title = "District ".$district_number.": ".$district_name.": All indivs with Yearly PPI Not Completed";
+ $appt_table_title = "District ".$district_number.": ".$district_name.": Yearly PPI Appointment Slots";
+ $this->t->set_var('table_title',$table_title);
+ $this->t->set_var('appt_table_title',$appt_table_title);
+ // query the database for all the appointments
+ $sql = "SELECT * FROM tc_appointment where presidency=".$presidency_id." and date>=CURDATE() ORDER BY date ASC, time ASC";
+ $this->db2->query($sql,__LINE__,__FILE__);
+ while ($this->db2->next_record()) {
+ $appointment = $this->db2->f('appointment');
+ $indiv = $this->db2->f('individual');
+ $location = $this->db2->f('location');
+ if(($location == "") && ($indiv > 0)) { $location = $presidency_location; }
- $date = $this->db->f('date');
+ $date = $this->db2->f('date');
$date_array = explode("-",$date);
$year = $date_array[0]; $month = $date_array[1]; $day = $date_array[2];
$day_string = date("l d-M-Y", mktime(0,0,0,$month,$day,$year));
- $time = $this->db->f('time');
+ $time = $this->db2->f('time');
$time_array = explode(":",$time);
$time_string = date("g:i a", mktime($time_array[0], $time_array[1], $time_array[2]));
$appt_table_data.= '<td align=center><select name=appt_notes['.$appointment.'][individual]>';
$appt_table_data.= '<option value=0></option>';
for ($i=0; $i < count($individual); $i++) {
- $id = $individual[$i];
- $name = $indiv_name[$i];
- if($individual[$i] == $indiv) {
- $selected[$id] = 'selected="selected"';
- } else {
- $selected[$id] = '';
- }
- $appt_table_data.= '<option value='.$id.' '.$selected[$id].'>'.$name.'</option>';
+ $id = $individual[$i];
+ $name = $indiv_name[$i];
+ if($individual[$i] == $indiv) {
+ $selected[$id] = 'selected="selected"';
+ } else {
+ $selected[$id] = '';
+ }
+ $appt_table_data.= '<option value='.$id.' '.$selected[$id].'>'.$name.'</option>';
$tr_color = $this->nextmatchs->alternate_row_color($tr_color);
+ }
+ $this->t->set_var('appt_table_data',$appt_table_data);
+ $this->t->set_var('appt_header_row',$appt_header_row);
+ $this->t->set_var('appt_table_width',$appt_table_width);
+ $this->t->fp('apptlist','appt_list',True);
- $this->t->set_var('appt_table_data',$appt_table_data);
- $this->t->set_var('appt_header_row',$appt_header_row);
- $this->t->set_var('appt_table_width',$appt_table_width);
$sql = "SELECT * FROM tc_individual AS ti JOIN tc_scheduling_priority AS tsp WHERE ti.scheduling_priority=tsp.scheduling_priority AND steward='$this->default_stewardship' AND valid=1 ORDER BY tsp.priority ASC, ti.name ASC";
$name_width=175; $phone_width=100; $date_width=100; $notes_width=300;
$completed_table_width=$name_width + $phone_width + $date_width + $notes_width;
- $completed_header_row = "<th width=$name_width><font size=-2>Individual Name</th>";
+ $completed_header_row = "<th width=$name_width><font size=-2>Individual</th>";
$completed_header_row.= "<th width=$phone_width><font size=-2>Phone</th>";
$completed_header_row.= "<th width=$date_width><font size=-2>Date</th>";
$completed_header_row.= "<th width=$notes_width><font size=-2>PPI Notes</th>";
$indiv_width=500; $phone_width=25; $pri_width=10; $notes_width=128; $int_date_width=20;
$table_width=$indiv_width + $phone_width + $pri_width + $notes_width + $int_date_width;
- $header_row = "<th width=$indiv_width><font size=-2>individual Name</th>";
+ $header_row = "<th width=$indiv_width><font size=-2>Individual</th>";
$header_row.= "<th width=$phone_width><font size=-2>Phone</th>";
$header_row.= "<th width=$pri_width><font size=-2>Priority</th>";
$header_row.= "<th width=$int_date_width><font size=-2>Last Interview</th>";
$name_width=175; $phone_width=100; $date_width=100; $notes_width=300;
$completed_table_width=$name_width + $phone_width + $date_width + $notes_width;
- $completed_header_row = "<th width=$name_width><font size=-2>Individual Name</th>";
+ $completed_header_row = "<th width=$name_width><font size=-2>Individual</th>";
$completed_header_row.= "<th width=$phone_width><font size=-2>Phone</th>";
$completed_header_row.= "<th width=$date_width><font size=-2>Date</th>";
$completed_header_row.= "<th width=$notes_width><font size=-2>Interview Notes</th>";
array_multisort($indiv_name, $individual);
//var_dump($indiv_name); print "<br><br>"; var_dump($individual);
- $header_row="<th width=$comp_width><font size=-2>Individual Name</th>";
+ $header_row="<th width=$comp_width><font size=-2>Individual</th>";
$indiv_width=400; $ppi_width=75; $table_width=$indiv_width + $num_months*$ppi_width;
$notes = get_var('notes',array('GET','POST'));
$interview_type = get_var('interview_type',array('GET','POST'));
- $sql = "SELECT * FROM tc_presidency AS tp JOIN tc_individual AS ti WHERE tp.individual=ti.individual AND tp.valid=1 AND (tp.president=1 OR tp.counselor=1 OR tp.secretary=1)";
+ $sql = "SELECT * FROM tc_presidency AS tp JOIN tc_individual AS ti WHERE tp.individual=ti.individual AND tp.valid=1 AND ";
+ if($this->yearly_ppi_interviewer == 1) { $sql .= " (tp.president=1)"; }
+ if($this->yearly_ppi_interviewer == 2) { $sql .= " (tp.president=1 OR tp.counselor=1)"; }
+ if($this->yearly_ppi_interviewer == 3) { $sql .= " (tp.president=1 OR tp.counselor=1 OR tp.secretary=1)"; }
while ($this->db2->next_record()) {
$indiv = $this->db2->f('individual');
$table_width=$date_width + $time_width + $indiv_width + $family_width + $location_width;
$header_row = "<th width=$date_width><font size=-2>Date</th>";
$header_row.= "<th width=$time_width><font size=-2>Time</th>";
- $header_row.= "<th width=$indiv_width><font size=-2>individual</th>";
+ $header_row.= "<th width=$indiv_width><font size=-2>Individual</th>";
$header_row.= "<th width=$family_width><font size=-2>Family</th>";
$header_row.= "<th width=$location_width><font size=-2>Location</th>";
$table_data = "";