Changed behavior of script to put single videos into mkv file too.
# Command Line Options
if(! defined $opt_t) { &usage(); die "-E- Missing required title: -t <title>\n"; }
if(! defined $opt_o) { &usage(); die "-E- Missing required argument output video names: -o <output.mkv>\n"; }
print " -t <title> Sets the general title for the output video file\n";
print " -o <output.mkv> Sets the name of the output mkv file\n";
print " -i <input,input,...> Sets the name of the input files to make into an mkv file\n";
- print " -q Requantize MTS input videos to decrease output video size (requires HandBrakeCLI)\n";
+ print " -q Requantize input videos to decrease output video size (requires HandBrakeCLI)\n";
+ print " -z Recompress input videos to decrease output video size (requires HandBrakeCLI)\n";
print " -s Simulate mode. Don't actually make the video, but tell us what you will do\n";
print "\n";
return 1;
if($video_ext !~ /mkv/i) {
$video_mkv =~ s/\.[^.]*$//; $video_mkv .= ".ffmpeg.mkv";
print " Re-muxing the interlaced video content as an mkv file: $video_mkv\n";
- my $make_mkv_cmd = "$ffmpeg -y -i \"$video\" -scodec copy -acodec copy -vcodec copy -f matroska \"$video_mkv\" > /dev/null 2>&1";
+ my $make_mkv_cmd = "$ffmpeg -y -i \"$video\" -scodec copy -acodec copy -vcodec copy -f matroska \"$video_mkv\" >> \"$tmpfile\" 2>&1";
if(! defined $opt_s) {
my $errno = system("$make_mkv_cmd");
$errno = $errno >> 8;
print " Detected progressive video content: $video\n";
- # Re-quantize the input video to reduce the resulting output filesize
+ # Re-quantize or re-compress the input video to reduce the resulting output filesize
# This also gives us a chance to deinterlace the video as well
- # Only do this for .MTS videos
- if((defined $opt_q) && ($video_ext =~ /mts/i)) {
+ # Only re-quantize for .MTS videos
+ # We can re-compress any input video
+ if(((defined $opt_q) && ($video_ext =~ /mts/i)) || (defined $opt_z)) {
+ my $handbrake_options = "";
+ # Set our output video filename
+ my $video_mp4 = $video; $video_mp4 =~ s/\.[^.]*$//; $video_mp4 .= ".hb.mp4";
# Set our requantize factor accordingly
- my $requantize_option = "";
- if(!$progressive) { $requantize_option = "-q $interlaced_requantize_quality"; }
- else { $requantize_option = "-q $progressive_requantize_quality"; }
+ if(defined $opt_q) {
+ print " Re-quantizing input video content to: $video_mp4\n";
+ $handbrake_options = $handbrake_requantize_options;
+ if(!$progressive) { $handbrake_options = "-q $interlaced_requantize_quality"; }
+ else { $handbrake_options = "-q $progressive_requantize_quality"; }
+ };
+ # Set our recompress options accordingly
+ if(defined $opt_z) {
+ print " Re-compressing input video content to: $video_mp4\n";
+ $handbrake_options = $handbrake_recompress_options;
+ # We want our audio to be passed-through by default, so detect how the audio of the input is encoded, and tell handbrake to make the output match
+ $AUDIO_CODEC=`$ffmpeg -i "$video" 2>&1 | grep "Audio" | sed -r -e 's/.*?Audio: (\\S+),.*?/\\1/'`; chomp($AUDIO_CODEC);
+ if($AUDIO_CODEC eq "") { die "-E- Unable to extract audio track encoding from input video file: $video\n"; }
+ $handbrake_options .= " -E copy:$AUDIO_CODEC";
+ }
# Set our de-interlace option accordingly
my $deinterlace_option = "";
if(!$progressive) { $deinterlace_option = "-d"; }
- # Use HandBrake to requantize/deinterlace the input video
- my $video_mp4 = $video; $video_mp4 =~ s/\.[^.]*$//; $video_mp4 .= ".hb.mp4";
- print " Re-quantizing input video content: $video_mp4\n";
- my $handbrake_cmd = "$handbrake $deinterlace_option $requantize_option $handbrake_options -i \"$video\" -o \"$video_mp4\" > /dev/null 2>&1";
+ # Use HandBrake to requantize/recompress/deinterlace the input video
+ my $handbrake_cmd = "$handbrake $deinterlace_option $handbrake_options -i \"$video\" -o \"$video_mp4\" >> \"$tmpfile\" 2>&1";
+ #print " $handbrake_cmd\n";
if(! defined $opt_s) {
my $errno = system("$handbrake_cmd");
$errno = $errno >> 8;
-# Remove the temporary file used for the chapter generation
+# Remove the temporary file used for ffmpeg and handbrake output
if(-e "$tmpfile") { unlink "$tmpfile"; }
+# Remove the temporary file used for the chapter generation
+if(-e "$chapter_file") { unlink "$chapter_file"; }
# Remove any temporary video files created during the merge process
foreach my $video (@video_tmp_files) {
use Time::localtime;
# Early command line options processing
my $srcpathname = $opt_s;
sub usage {
- print "usage: $0 [-tvrh] -s <srcpath>\n";
+ print "usage: $0 [-tvrhz] -s <srcpath>\n";
print " -s <srcpath> specify the path to search for videos to merge under\n";
print " -h <compute host> specify the remote compute host to submit the mkvmerge job to\n";
print " -v verbose mode; print extra information about what is being found/merged\n";
print " -t test mode; print what will happen, but don't do anything\n";
print " -k keep the individual video files that are merged. By default, after a merge, individual video files that were merged are removed\n";
- print " -q Requantize MTS input videos to decrease output video size (requires HandBrakeCLI)\n";
+ print " -q Requantize input videos to decrease output video size (requires HandBrakeCLI)\n";
+ print " -z Recompress input videos to decrease output video size (requires HandBrakeCLI)\n";
return 1;
if(defined $opt_h) { usage(); exit 1; }
# Sanity checks
-if(defined $opt_q && !$use_compute_host) { die "-E- Unable to find required program: handbrake\n"; }
+if((defined $opt_q || defined $opt_z) && !$use_compute_host && ! -x "$handbrake") { die "-E- Unable to find required program: handbrake\n"; }
if(! -d $srcpathname) { &usage; print "-E- Can't find srcpath: $srcpathname\n"; exit 1; }
if(defined $opt_h) { $compute_host = $opt_h; }
push(@{$videos{"$srcext"}{"$dstfile"}}, "\"$srcdir/$srcfile\"");
-# For single videos, with the re-quantize option given, rename the destination file to mp4
-foreach $ext (sort keys %videos) {
- foreach $video (sort keys %{$videos{$ext}}) {
- # Get a count of the number of videos for this date
- # If we only have a single video, its extension will actually be mp4 if opt_q is specified
- my $num_videos = $#{$videos{$ext}{$video}} + 1;
- if((defined $opt_q) && ($num_videos <= 1)) {
- if($video =~ /(.*?)\.(\d+)\.(\w+)$/) {
- $dstfile = $1;
- $dstnum = $2;
- $new_dstvideo = "$1.$2.mp4";
- $videos{$ext}{$new_dstvideo} = $videos{$ext}{$video}; # make a new dst video entry with the src video being the same
- delete $videos{$ext}{$video}; # delete the old destination video from the hash
- }
- }
- }
# Check for duplicate filenames in the dstfiles being created for other exts
foreach $ext (sort keys %videos) {
foreach $video (sort keys %{$videos{$ext}}) {
-# Only merge the videos if there is more than 1 video to merge on a given day for a given ext
-# If there is only 1 video for a given day for a given ext, re-quantize it here if that option was given
-foreach $ext (sort keys %videos) {
- foreach $video (sort keys %{$videos{$ext}}) {
- # Get a count of the number of videos for this date
- my $num_videos = $#{$videos{$ext}{$video}} + 1;
- # Process any single videos now
- if($num_videos <= 1) {
- # Store the srcvideo name
- my $srcvideo = $videos{$ext}{$video}[0];
- my $pwd = `pwd`; chomp($pwd);
- # Make a note if this video is interlaced or not
- my $ffmpeg_cmd = "";
- if($use_compute_host) { $ffmpeg_cmd .= "ssh $compute_host 'cd \"$pwd\";"; }
- $ffmpeg_cmd .= "$ffmpeg -i $srcvideo 2>&1 | grep -q \"frame rate differs\"";
- if($use_compute_host) { $ffmpeg_cmd .= "'"; }
- my $progressive = system('$ffmpeg_cmd');
- if(!$progressive) { print " Detected interlaced video content: $srcvideo\n"; }
- # Re-quantize the input video to reduce the resulting output filesize
- # This also gives us a chance to deinterlace the video as well
- # Only do this for .MTS videos
- if((defined $opt_q) && ($ext =~ /mts/i)) {
- # Set our requantize factor accordingly
- my $requantize_option = "";
- if(!$progressive) { $requantize_option = "-q $interlaced_requantize_quality"; }
- else { $requantize_option = "-q $progressive_requantize_quality"; }
- # Set our de-interlace option accordingly
- my $deinterlace_option = "";
- if(!$progressive) { $deinterlace_option = "-d"; }
- # Use HandBrake to requantize/deinterlace the input video
- print " Re-quantizing input video content: $video\n";
- my $handbrake_cmd = "";
- if($use_compute_host) { $handbrake_cmd .= "ssh $compute_host 'cd \"$pwd\";"; }
- $handbrake_cmd .= "$handbrake $deinterlace_option $requantize_option $handbrake_options -i $srcvideo -o \"$video\" > /dev/null 2>&1";
- if($use_compute_host) { $handbrake_cmd .= "'"; }
- if(! defined $opt_t) {
- my $errno = system("$handbrake_cmd");
- $errno = $errno >> 8;
- if($errno > 1) {
- unlink "$video";
- die "-E- handbrake encountered some errors with exit code $errno\n";
- } else {
- # Remove the original srcvideo since we created a new version of it that we are going to keep instead
- if(!defined $opt_k) {
- system("rm -f $srcvideo\n");
- }
- }
- }
- }
- # Remove the video from the array since we already processed it above
- delete $videos{$ext}{$video};
- next;
- }
- }
# Tell the user which videos we are going to merge
foreach $ext (sort keys %videos) {
foreach $video (sort keys %{$videos{$ext}}) {
if($use_compute_host) { $cmd .= "ssh $compute_host 'cd \"$pwd\";"; }
$cmd .= "$make_mkv -t \"$video_title_prefix $year-$month-$day\" -o \"$video\" -i $videos";
if($requantize_input_video) { $cmd .= ' -q'; }
+ if($recompress_input_video) { $cmd .= ' -z'; }
if($use_compute_host) { $cmd .= "'"; }
if(defined $opt_t) {
+ # Print what will be done, but don't actually do it
print "\n-> Creating \"$video\"\n";
print "$cmd\n";
if(!defined $opt_k) {
my $merge_opts = "";
if(defined $opt_t) { $merge_opts .= "-t "; }
if(defined $opt_k) { $merge_opts .= "-k "; }
-$errno=system("$merge_videos_by_day -q -s \"$srcpathname\" $merge_opts");
+if($requantize_input_video) { $merge_opts .= ' -q'; }
+if($recompress_input_video) { $merge_opts .= ' -z'; }
+$errno=system("$merge_videos_by_day -s \"$srcpathname\" $merge_opts");
$errno = $errno >> 8;
if($errno) { die "-E- $merge_videos_by_day encountered some errors with exit code $errno\n"; }
# Video file creation dates must not have changed in the last X minutes to process any of the video files
# This is done to ensure that all videos from a given upload from a camera have completed prior to looking for videos to merge
-$minage = "+30";
+$minage = "+15";
# What command should be used to find files that have changed (are at least $minage old)
$find_changed_cmd = "find \"$srcpathname/\" -not -cmin $minage -a \\( $movie_file_ext \\)";
$timezone = `cat /etc/timezone`; chomp($timezone);
# handbrake options used when re-encoding the videos
-$handbrake_options='--strict-anamorphic --crop 0:0:0:0 -E ac3';
+$handbrake_requantize_options='--strict-anamorphic --crop 0:0:0:0 -E ac3';
+$handbrake_recompress_options='--strict-anamorphic --crop 0:0:0:0 --denoise="weak" -e x264 -q 18 -x b-adapt=2:rc-lookahead=50 -v 2 -a 1 -6 dpl2 --preset="High Profile"';
# tmp chapter file used by handbrake when creating mkv
-$chapter_file = $tmpfile;
+$chapter_file = `tempfile`; chomp($chapter_file);
# handbrake input file options
$input_file_options = "-S";
$use_compute_host = 1;
# This will dramatically decrease the size of the video with minimal compute processing requirements.
# What text to put on the front of the title for the merged video being created
$video_title_prefix = "HomeVideos:";