touch $noburnfile
# Discover disk images by looking for .img.md5sum files in $imagedir
-imgmd5=$(ls $imagedir/*.img.md5sum | head -n 1)
+imgmd5=$(ls $imagedir/*.img.md5sum 2>/dev/null | head -n 1)
+# If we didn't find an non-empty file then exit gracefully
+[ -z "$imgmd5" ] && exit 0
+[ -s "$imgmd5" ] || exit 0
echo MD5 file: $imgmd5
echo Logfile: $logfile
-# If we didn't find an non-empty file then exit gracefully
-[ -z "$imgmd5" ] && exit 0
-[ -s "$imgmd5" ] || exit 0
# Get the name of the disk image by stripping off the tailing '.md5sum'