# Now verify the disk by running md5sum on the entire contents of the disk
-dd if=$dev bs=1M count=4440 2>>$logfile | md5sum | awk '{print$1}' > $md5sum
+dd if=$dev bs=1M count=$imagesizemb 2>>$logfile | md5sum | awk '{print$1}' > $md5sum
# Check that the md5sums match
if ! cmp $md5sum $img.md5sum; then
echo "md5sum check FAILED" >> $logfile
+ echo "dd if=$dev bs=1M count=$imagesizemb 2>>$logfile | md5sum | awk '{print\$1}' > $md5sum" >> $logfile
+ e2label $dev >> $logfile
cat $logfile | grep -v "MB written" | grep -v "to quit" | mailx -s "DVD md5sum doesn't match image file!!!" $mailto
exit 1