Added option to disable header compression as this isn't widely supported yet.
I also disabled header compression to avoid errors with 3gp videos not muxing correctly with it enabled.
my $tmpfile = `tempfile`; chomp($tmpfile);
my $chapter_file = $tmpfile;
my $input_file_options = "-S";
-my $output_file_options = "--chapters $chapter_file";
+my $output_file_options = "--chapters $chapter_file --compression -1:none";
my $timezone = `cat /etc/timezone`; chomp($timezone);
+++ /dev/null
-echo "-> Removing bad header on $*"
-ffmpeg -ss 5 -i $* -map 0 -acodec copy -vcodec copy new.$*
-if [[ $? == 0 ]]; then
- mv new.$* $*
- echo "-E- Unable to remove the bad header"
- rm new.$*