* @version $Revision: 1.1 $ */ class ItemAddEmbedVideo extends ItemAddPlugin { /** * @see ItemAddPlugin::handleRequest */ function handleRequest($form, &$item) { global $gallery, $url; $status = $error = array(); if (isset($form['action']['addEmbedVideoPage'])) { $platform =& $gallery->getPlatform(); if (empty($extraHeaders)) { $extraHeaders = array('Referer' => str_replace('&', '&', $url)); } if(isset($form['webPage']['URL'])) { /* Load any stored/set Parameters */ list ($ret, $params) = GalleryCoreApi::fetchAllPluginParameters('module', 'embedvideo'); if ($ret) { return array($ret, null, null); } foreach (array('default', 'override') as $type) { $ItemAddUploadApplet[$type] = array(); if (!empty($params['embedvideo' . $type . 'Variables'])) { $variablesArray = explode('|', $params['embedvideo' . $type . 'Variables']); foreach ($variablesArray as $variable) { list ($name, $value) = explode('=', $variable); $ItemAddEmbedVideo[$type][$name] = $value; /* print "type: $type name: $name value: $value
"; */ } } } /* Store any Parameters into some simpler, shorter, local variables */ global $debugOutput, $useInternalFlvPlayer; global $width, $height, $externalFlvPlayer, $externalFlvPlayerVars; global $flvThumbnail, $useRemoteSize, $autoStart; global $watermarkVideos, $watermarkImage, $watermarkAlignment; global $unsupported_url; /* Find out what value our parameters should have by looking to see if they * are defined in our overrides section or default section. If they are not * defined in either of these 2 places, pass in a default value to set them to */ $debugOutput = $this->getParameter($ItemAddEmbedVideo, 'debugOutput', "false"); $useInternalFlvPlayer = $this->getParameter($ItemAddEmbedVideo, 'useInternalFlvPlayer', "true"); $youtubeShowRelated = $this->getParameter($ItemAddEmbedVideo, 'youtubeShowRelated', "false"); $width = $this->getParameter($ItemAddEmbedVideo, 'width', "320"); $height = $this->getParameter($ItemAddEmbedVideo, 'height', "240"); $externalFlvPlayer = $this->getParameter($ItemAddEmbedVideo, 'externalFlvPlayer', ""); $externalFlvPlayerVars = $this->getParameter($ItemAddEmbedVideo, 'externalFlvPlayerVars', ""); $flvThumbnail = $this->getParameter($ItemAddEmbedVideo, 'flvThumbnail', ""); $useRemoteSize = $this->getParameter($ItemAddEmbedVideo, 'useRemoteSize', "false"); $autoStart = $this->getParameter($ItemAddEmbedVideo, 'autoStart', "false"); $watermarkImage = $this->getParameter($ItemAddEmbedVideo, 'watermarkImage', ""); $watermarkVideos = $this->getParameter($ItemAddEmbedVideo, 'watermarkVideos', "false"); $watermarkAlignment = $this->getParameter($ItemAddEmbedVideo, 'watermarkAlignment', "left"); $wordwrapSummary = $this->getParameter($ItemAddEmbedVideo, 'wordwrapSummary', "0"); $wordwrapDescription = $this->getParameter($ItemAddEmbedVideo, 'wordwrapDescription', "0"); /* Print our stored/set Parameters */ if(!strcmp($debugOutput,"true")) { print "\n
"; print "

Variable Parameters

\n"; print "debugOutput=$debugOutput
\n"; print "useInternalFlvPlayer=$useInternalFlvPlayer
\n"; print "youtubeShowRelated=$youtubeShowRelated
\n"; print "width=$width
\n"; print "height=$height
\n"; print "externalFlvPlayer=$externalFlvPlayer
\n"; print "externalFlvPlayerVars=$externalFlvPlayerVars
\n"; print "flvThumbnail=$flvThumbnail
\n"; print "useRemoteSize=$useRemoteSize
\n"; print "autoStart=$autoStart
\n"; print "watermarkVideos=$watermarkVideos
\n"; print "watermarkImage=$watermarkImage
\n"; print "watermarkAlignment=$watermarkAlignment
\n"; print "wordwrapSummary=$wordwrapSummary
\n"; print "wordwrapDescription=$wordwrapDescription
\n"; print "
\n"; } /* Store other string constants we'll use later */ /* youtube */ $youtubeUrlPattern="youtube"; $youtubeApiUrl="http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/"; $youtubeThumbnailUrl="http://img.youtube.com/vi/"; /* We can't extract the server size from youtube */ $youtubeWidth="425"; $youtubeHeight="350"; /* google */ $googleUrlPattern="video.google"; $googlePlayer="http://video.google.com/googleplayer.swf"; /* We can't extract the server size from google video */ $googleWidth="400"; $googleHeight="326"; /* yahoo */ $yahooUrlPattern="video.yahoo"; $yahooThumbnailUrl="http://thmg01.video.search.yahoo.com/image/"; /* metacafe */ $metacafeUrlPattern="metacafe"; $metacafeThumbnailUrl="http://www.metacafe.com/thumb/"; /* revver */ $revverUrlPattern="revver"; $revverThumbnailUrl="http://frame.revver.com/frame/120x90/"; /* dailymotion */ $dailymotionUrlPattern="dailymotion"; $dailymotionThumbnailUrl="http://www.dailymotion.com/thumbnail/160x120/video/"; /* divshare */ $divshareUrlPattern="divshare"; $divshareThumbnailUrl="http://www.divshare.com/direct/video_thumb/"; /* stickam */ $stickamUrlPattern="stickam"; $stickamThumbnailUrl="http://static.stickam.com/"; /* myspace */ $myspaceUrlPattern="vids.myspace"; $myspaceUrlPattern2="myspacetv"; $myspaceThumbnailUrl="http://mediaservices.myspace.com/services/rss.ashx?type=video&videoID="; /* vimeo */ $vimeoUrlPattern="vimeo.com"; /* Gallery2 specific paths and variables */ $urlGenerator =& $gallery->getUrlGenerator(); $gallery2_url = $urlGenerator->getCurrentUrlDir(); $gallery2_flv_thumbnail = "modules/embedvideo/images/G2video_thumbnail.jpg"; $gallery2_video_watermark = "modules/embedvideo/images/G2video_watermark1.png"; $gallery2_flv_player = "modules/flashvideo/lib/G2flv.swf"; /* Unsupported URLs */ $unsupported_url=0; /* Store the passed URL in a shorter local variable */ $url = $form['webPage']['URL']; /* ***************************** * Embed a Youtube Video ***************************** */ if(preg_match("/$youtubeUrlPattern/",$url)) { /* Make sure we can find a video_id in the URL */ $extra_params = ""; if(preg_match("/watch\?v=(.*?)(&\S+=\S+)/",$url,$matches)) { $video_id = $matches[1]; $extra_params = $matches[2]; } else if (preg_match("/watch\?v=(.*)/",$url,$matches)) { $video_id = $matches[1]; } else if (preg_match("/v\/(.*)/",$url,$matches)) { $video_id = $matches[1]; } else { return array(GalleryCoreApi::error(ERROR_BAD_PARAMETER,__FILE__,__LINE__, "Unable to extract video id from url: $url"),null,null); } /* If extra params were given, handle them here */ if(strcmp($extra_params,"")) { /* Handle the high quality format information */ if(preg_match("/fmt=(\d+)/",$extra_params,$matches)) { $extra_params="&ap=%2526fmt%3D".$matches[1]; } } /* Youtube api feed */ $feed = $youtubeApiUrl."videos/$video_id"; if(!strcmp($debugOutput,"true")) { print "\n

Youtube URL Parsing Results

"; print "video_id: $video_id
"; print "extra_embed_params: $extra_params
"; print "gdata feed: $feed
"; print "
"; } /* Get the youtube xml feed as a string data source */ list ($successfullyCopied, $xml, $response, $headers) = GalleryCoreApi::fetchWebPage($feed, $extraHeaders); if (!$successfullyCopied) { return array(GalleryCoreApi::error(ERROR_BAD_PATH,__FILE__,__LINE__, "Unable to get video information at url: $url - $response"),null,null); } if(preg_match("/This video is private/",$xml)) { return array(GalleryCoreApi::error(ERROR_BAD_PARAMETER,__FILE__,__LINE__, "Unable to retrieve video information from youtube.". "You cannot embed a private youtube video: $url"),null,null); } if(!strcmp($debugOutput,"true")) { print "\n

Youtube XML Dump

"; print "$xml"; print "
"; } /* Extract certain information from the xml feed */ preg_match_all("/\(.+?)\<\/media:title\>/smi",$xml, $title); preg_match_all("/\(.+?)\<\/media:description\>/smi",$xml, $description); preg_match_all("/\"; print "summary: $summary
"; print "thumbnail: $thumbnail
"; } /* Determine what our width and height should be based on our useRemoteSize parameter */ if(!strcmp($useRemoteSize,"true")) { $width = $youtubeWidth; $height = $youtubeHeight; } /* Determine if the video should autoplay or not based on the autoStart parameter */ $autoStartStr=""; if(!strcmp($autoStart,"true")) { $autoStartStr="&autoplay=1"; } /* Determine if the video should show related videos or not based on the youtubeShowRelated parameter */ $youtubeShowRelatedStr=""; if(!strcmp($youtubeShowRelated,"false")) { $youtubeShowRelatedStr="&rel=0"; } /* Format the description to hold a reference to the embedded video */ $description = ''; $description.= ''; $description.= ''; $description.= ''; /* ********************************** * Embed a Google Video ********************************** */ } else if(preg_match("/$googleUrlPattern/",$url)) { /* Make sure we can extract a docID */ if(preg_match("/docid=(.*)/",$url,$matches)) { $doc_id = $matches[1]; } else { return array(GalleryCoreApi::error(ERROR_BAD_PARAMETER,__FILE__,__LINE__, "Unable to extract doc id from url: $url"),null,null); } /* Grab the contents of the webpage used to display the video on video.google.com */ list ($successfullyCopied, $contents, $response, $headers) = GalleryCoreApi::fetchWebPage($url, $extraHeaders); if (!$successfullyCopied) { return array(GalleryCoreApi::error(ERROR_BAD_PATH,__FILE__,__LINE__, "Unable to get video information at url: $url - $response"),NULL,NULL); } /* Extract the summary from the webpage contents */ //print "contents: $contents
"; preg_match('//i', $contents, $matches); $summary=$matches[1]; /* Extract the title from the webpage contents */ $title="Unknown"; if(preg_match('/(.+?)\s+- Google Video<\/title>/i', $contents, $matches)) { $title=$matches[1]; } else if(preg_match('/<title>(.+?)<\/title>/i', $contents, $matches)) { $title=$matches[1]; } /* Extract the thumbnail URL from the webpage contents */ preg_match('/\'(http:\/\/.*?\/ThumbnailServer2.+?)\'/i', $contents, $matches); $thumbnail=$matches[1]; $thumbnail=preg_replace("/\\\\x26/","&",$thumbnail); $thumbnail=preg_replace("/\\\\x3d/","=",$thumbnail); /* Determine what our width and height should be based on our useRemoteSize parameter */ if(!strcmp($useRemoteSize,"true")) { $width = $googleWidth; $height = $googleHeight; } /* Determine if the video should autoplay or not based on the autoStart parameter */ $autoStartStr=""; if(!strcmp($autoStart,"true")) { $autoStartStr="&autoplay=1"; } /* Format the description to hold a reference to the embedded video */ $description = '<embed '; $description.= 'style="width:'.$width.'px; height:'.$height.'px;" id="VideoPlayback" '; $description.= 'type="application/x-shockwave-flash" '; $description.= 'src="'.$googlePlayer.'?docId='.$doc_id.$autoStartStr.'" flashvars=""> '; $description.= '</embed>'; /* ********************************** * Embed a Yahoo Video ********************************** * TODO: The autoStart parameter doesn't work with the yahoo video player */ } else if(preg_match("/$yahooUrlPattern/",$url)) { /* Make sure we can extract a vidID */ if(preg_match("/vid=(.*)/",$url,$matches)) { $vid_id = $matches[1]; } else { return array(GalleryCoreApi::error(ERROR_BAD_PARAMETER,__FILE__,__LINE__, "Unable to extract vid id from url: $url"),null,null); } /* Grab the contents of the webpage used to display the video */ list ($successfullyCopied, $contents, $response, $headers) = GalleryCoreApi::fetchWebPage($url, $extraHeaders); if (!$successfullyCopied) { return array(GalleryCoreApi::error(ERROR_BAD_PATH,__FILE__,__LINE__, "Unable to get video information at url: $url - $response"),NULL,NULL); } /* Extract the summary from the webpage contents */ preg_match('/Description:<\/em><p>(.+?)<\/p>/', $contents, $matches); $summary=$matches[1]; /* Extract the title from the webpage contents */ $title="Unknown"; if(preg_match('/<title>(.+?)\s+- Yahoo! Video<\/title>/i', $contents, $matches)) { $title=$matches[1]; } else if(preg_match('/<title>(.+?)<\/title>/i', $contents, $matches)) { $title=$matches[1]; } /* Build the thumbnail URL from the vid_id */ $thumbnail=$yahooThumbnailUrl.$vid_id."_01"; /* Format the description to hold a reference to the embedded video */ if(preg_match('/(<embed src.+?<\/embed>)/', $contents, $matches)) { $description=$matches[1]; if(!strcmp($useRemoteSize,"false")) { $description=preg_replace("/width='\d+'/","width='".$width."'",$description); $description=preg_replace("/height='\d+'/","height='".$height."'",$description); } } else { return array(GalleryCoreApi::error(ERROR_BAD_PATH,__FILE__,__LINE__, "Unable to extract embedded video information from url: $url"),NULL,NULL); } /* ********************************** * Embed a MetaCafe Video ********************************** */ } else if(preg_match("/$metacafeUrlPattern/",$url)) { /* Make sure we can extract a itemID */ if(preg_match("/\/watch\/(.+?)\/(.+?)/",$url,$matches)) { $item_id = $matches[1]; } else { return array(GalleryCoreApi::error(ERROR_BAD_PARAMETER,__FILE__,__LINE__, "Unable to extract item id from url: $url"),null,null); } /* Grab the contents of the webpage used to display the video */ list ($successfullyCopied, $contents, $response, $headers) = GalleryCoreApi::fetchWebPage($url, $extraHeaders); if (!$successfullyCopied) { return array(GalleryCoreApi::error(ERROR_BAD_PATH,__FILE__,__LINE__, "Unable to get video information at url: $url - $response"),NULL,NULL); } /* Extract the summary from the webpage contents */ preg_match('/<meta name="description" content="(.+?)" \/>/i', $contents, $matches); $summary=$matches[1]; /* Extract the title from the webpage contents */ preg_match('/<title>(.+?)<\/title>/i', $contents, $matches); $title=$matches[1]; /* Build the thumbnail URL from the item_id */ $thumbnail=$metacafeThumbnailUrl.$item_id.".jpg"; /* Format the description to hold a reference to the embedded video */ if(preg_match('/(embed src.+?\/embed)/', $contents, $matches)) { $description="<".$matches[1]; $description=preg_replace("/"/","'",$description); if(!strcmp($useRemoteSize,"false")) { $description=preg_replace("/width='\d+'/","width='".$width."'",$description); $description=preg_replace("/height='\d+'/","height='".$height."'",$description); } if(!strcmp($autoStart,"true")) { $description=preg_replace("/\.swf/",".swf?playerVars=autoPlay=yes",$description); } $description.= "</embed>"; } else { return array(GalleryCoreApi::error(ERROR_BAD_PATH,__FILE__,__LINE__, "Unable to extract embedded video information from url: $url"),NULL,NULL); } /* ********************************** * Embed a Revver Video ********************************** * TODO: The autoStart parameter doesn't work with the yahoo video player */ } else if(preg_match("/$revverUrlPattern/",$url)) { /* Make sure we can extract a itemID */ if(preg_match("/\/watch\/(.+)/",$url,$matches)) { $item_id = $matches[1]; $item_id=preg_replace("/\/$/","",$item_id); } else { return array(GalleryCoreApi::error(ERROR_BAD_PARAMETER,__FILE__,__LINE__, "Unable to extract item id from url: $url"),null,null); } /* Grab the contents of the webpage used to display the video */ list ($successfullyCopied, $contents, $response, $headers) = GalleryCoreApi::fetchWebPage($url, $extraHeaders); if (!$successfullyCopied) { return array(GalleryCoreApi::error(ERROR_BAD_PATH,__FILE__,__LINE__, "Unable to get video information at url: $url - $response"),NULL,NULL); } /* Extract the summary from the webpage contents */ if(preg_match('/"video_description">(.+?)<\/p>/i', $contents, $matches)) { $summary=$matches[1]; } if(preg_match('/"video_description">(.+)/i', $contents, $matches)) { $summary=$matches[1]; } /* Extract the title from the webpage contents */ preg_match('/digg_title = \'(.+?)\'/i', $contents, $matches); $title=$matches[1]; /* Build the thumbnail URL from the item_id */ $thumbnail=$revverThumbnailUrl.$item_id.".jpg"; /* Format the description to hold a reference to the embedded video */ if(preg_match('/<input class.+?(script src.+?\/script)/', $contents, $matches)) { $description="<".$matches[1]; if(!strcmp($useRemoteSize,"false")) { $description=preg_replace("/width:\d+/","width:".$width,$description); $description=preg_replace("/height:\d+/","height:".$height,$description); } if(!strcmp($autoStart,"true")) { preg_match('/(height:\d+)/',$description,$matches); $height=$matches[1]; $description=preg_replace("/$height/",$height.";autoplay:true",$description); } $description.= ">"; } else { return array(GalleryCoreApi::error(ERROR_BAD_PATH,__FILE__,__LINE__, "Unable to extract embedded video information from url: $url"),NULL,NULL); } /* ********************************** * Embed a DailyMotion Video ********************************** * TODO: The autoStart parameter doesn't work with the yahoo video player */ } else if(preg_match("/$dailymotionUrlPattern/",$url)) { /* Make sure we can extract a itemID */ if(preg_match("/\/video\/(.+)/",$url,$matches)) { $item_id = $matches[1]; $item_id=preg_replace("/\/$/","",$item_id); } else { return array(GalleryCoreApi::error(ERROR_BAD_PARAMETER,__FILE__,__LINE__, "Unable to extract item id from url: $url"),null,null); } /* Grab the contents of the webpage used to display the video */ list ($successfullyCopied, $contents, $response, $headers) = GalleryCoreApi::fetchWebPage($url, $extraHeaders); if (!$successfullyCopied) { return array(GalleryCoreApi::error(ERROR_BAD_PATH,__FILE__,__LINE__, "Unable to get video information at url: $url - $response"),NULL,NULL); } /* Extract the summary from the webpage contents */ preg_match('/<div class="description\s+foreground">(.+?)<\/div>/i', $contents, $matches); $summary=$matches[1]; /* Extract the title from the webpage contents */ preg_match('/<meta name="title" content="Dailymotion : (.+?)" \/>/i', $contents, $matches); $title=htmlentities($matches[1], ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8"); /* Build the thumbnail URL from the item_id */ $thumbnail=$dailymotionThumbnailUrl.$item_id; /* Format the description to hold a reference to the embedded video */ if(preg_match('/<textarea id="video_player_embed_code_text".+?>(.+?)<\/textarea>/', $contents, $matches)) { $description=$matches[1]; $description=preg_replace("/"/","'",$description); $description=preg_replace("/</","<",$description); $description=preg_replace("/>/",">",$description); if(!strcmp($useRemoteSize,"false")) { $description=preg_replace("/width=\"\d+\"/","width=\"".$width."\"",$description); $description=preg_replace("/height=\"\d+\"/","height=\"".$height."\"",$description); } } else { return array(GalleryCoreApi::error(ERROR_BAD_PATH,__FILE__,__LINE__, "Unable to extract embedded video information from url: $url"),NULL,NULL); } /* ********************************** * Embed a DivShare Video ********************************** */ } else if(preg_match("/$divshareUrlPattern/",$url)) { /* Make sure we can extract a itemID */ if(preg_match("/\/download\/(.+)/",$url,$matches)) { $item_id = $matches[1]; $item_id=preg_replace("/\/$/","",$item_id); } else { return array(GalleryCoreApi::error(ERROR_BAD_PARAMETER,__FILE__,__LINE__, "Unable to extract item id from url: $url"),null,null); } /* Grab the contents of the webpage used to display the video */ list ($successfullyCopied, $contents, $response, $headers) = GalleryCoreApi::fetchWebPage($url, $extraHeaders); if (!$successfullyCopied) { return array(GalleryCoreApi::error(ERROR_BAD_PATH,__FILE__,__LINE__, "Unable to get video information at url: $url - $response"),NULL,NULL); } /* Extract the summary from the webpage contents */ //preg_match('/<meta name="description" content="(.+?)" \/>/i', $contents, $matches); //$summary=$matches[1]; // Right now, the description is a plug for divshare, nothing user specific about it $summary=""; /* Extract the title from the webpage contents */ preg_match('/<title>(.+?) - Divshare<\/title>/i', $contents, $matches); $title=$matches[1]; /* Build the thumbnail URL from the item_id */ $thumbnail=$divshareThumbnailUrl.$item_id; /* Format the description to hold a reference to the embedded video */ if(preg_match('/(<embed src.+?<\/embed>)/', $contents, $matches)) { $description=$matches[1]; if(!strcmp($useRemoteSize,"false")) { $description=preg_replace("/width=\"\d+\"/","width=\"".$width."\"",$description); $description=preg_replace("/height=\"\d+\"/","height=\"".$height."\"",$description); } } else { return array(GalleryCoreApi::error(ERROR_BAD_PATH,__FILE__,__LINE__, "Unable to extract embedded video information from url: $url"),NULL,NULL); } /* ********************************** * Embed a StickAm Video ********************************** */ } else if(preg_match("/$stickamUrlPattern/",$url)) { /* Make sure we can extract a itemID */ if(preg_match("/mId=(.+)/",$url,$matches)) { $item_id = $matches[1]; $item_id=preg_replace("/\/$/","",$item_id); } else { return array(GalleryCoreApi::error(ERROR_BAD_PARAMETER,__FILE__,__LINE__, "Unable to extract item id from url: $url"),null,null); } /* Grab the contents of the webpage used to display the video */ $url=preg_replace("/&/","&",$url); list ($successfullyCopied, $contents, $response, $headers) = GalleryCoreApi::fetchWebPage($url, $extraHeaders); if (!$successfullyCopied) { return array(GalleryCoreApi::error(ERROR_BAD_PATH,__FILE__,__LINE__, "Unable to get video information at url: $url - $response"),NULL,NULL); } /* Extract the summary from the webpage contents */ preg_match('/<meta name="description" content="(.+?)"\/>/i', $contents, $matches); $summary=$matches[1]; /* Extract the title from the webpage contents */ preg_match('/<meta name="title" content="(.+?)">/i', $contents, $matches); $title=$matches[1]; /* Build the thumbnail URL from the item_id */ if(preg_match('/movieName=(.+?)&userId=/i', $contents, $matches)) { $thumbnail_url=$matches[1]; $thumbnail_url=preg_replace("/%2F/","/",$thumbnail_url); $thumbnail=$stickamThumbnailUrl.$thumbnail_url.".jpg"; } else { return array(GalleryCoreApi::error(ERROR_BAD_PATH,__FILE__,__LINE__, "Unable to extract thumbnail from url: $url"),NULL,NULL); } /* Format the description to hold a reference to the embedded video */ if(preg_match('/readonly value="(.+?)"/', $contents, $matches)) { $description=$matches[1]; $description=preg_replace("/"/","'",$description); $description=preg_replace("/</","<",$description); $description=preg_replace("/>/",">",$description); if(!strcmp($useRemoteSize,"false")) { $description=preg_replace("/width='\d+'/","width='".$width."'",$description); $description=preg_replace("/height='\d+'/","height='".$height."'",$description); } } else { return array(GalleryCoreApi::error(ERROR_BAD_PATH,__FILE__,__LINE__, "Unable to extract embedded video information from url: $url"),NULL,NULL); } /* ********************************** * Embed a Myspace Video ********************************** */ } else if(preg_match("/($myspaceUrlPattern|$myspaceUrlPattern2)/",$url)) { /* Make sure we can extract a itemID */ if(preg_match("/videoid=(.+)/i",$url,$matches)) { $video_id = $matches[1]; $video_id=preg_replace("/\/$/","",$video_id); } else { return array(GalleryCoreApi::error(ERROR_BAD_PARAMETER,__FILE__,__LINE__, "Unable to extract video id from url: $url"),null,null); } /* Grab the contents of the webpage used to display the video */ list ($successfullyCopied, $contents, $response, $headers) = GalleryCoreApi::fetchWebPage($url, $extraHeaders); if (!$successfullyCopied) { return array(GalleryCoreApi::error(ERROR_BAD_PATH,__FILE__,__LINE__, "Unable to get video information at url: $url - $response"),NULL,NULL); } /* Extract the summary from the webpage contents */ preg_match('/class="description" id="vid_description">(.+?)<\/div>/i', $contents, $matches); $summary=$matches[1]; /* Extract the title from the webpage contents */ preg_match('/<h1>(.+?)<\/h1>/i', $contents, $matches); $title=$matches[1]; /* Build the thumbnail URL from the item_id */ $video_info_url=$myspaceThumbnailUrl.$video_id; list ($successfullyCopied, $video_info, $response, $headers) = GalleryCoreApi::fetchWebPage($video_info_url, $extraHeaders); if (!$successfullyCopied) { return array(GalleryCoreApi::error(ERROR_BAD_PATH,__FILE__,__LINE__, "Unable to get video information at url: $url - $response"),NULL,NULL); } if(preg_match('/thumbnail url="(.+?)"/',$video_info, $matches)) { $thumbnail = $matches[1]; } else { /* * Set the thumbnail to some generic jpg image, * since we can't extract it from the site. * If no parameter is set, set it to a default value. */ if(preg_match("/\w+/", $flvThumbnail)) { $thumbnail = $flvThumbnail; } else { $thumbnail = $gallery2_url.$gallery2_flv_thumbnail; } } /* Format the description to hold a reference to the embedded video */ if(preg_match('/(<embed src.+?\/embed>)/', $contents, $matches) || preg_match('/(<embed src.+?\/object>)/', $contents, $matches)) { $description=$matches[1]; $description=preg_replace("/"/","'",$description); $description=preg_replace("/</","<",$description); $description=preg_replace("/>/",">",$description); if(!strcmp($useRemoteSize,"false")) { $description=preg_replace("/width='\d+'/","width='".$width."'",$description); $description=preg_replace("/height='\d+'/","height='".$height."'",$description); } } else { return array(GalleryCoreApi::error(ERROR_BAD_PATH,__FILE__,__LINE__, "Unable to extract embedded video information from url: $url"),NULL,NULL); } /* ********************************** * Embed a Vimeo Video ********************************** */ } else if(preg_match("/$vimeoUrlPattern/",$url)) { /* Make sure we can extract a docID */ if(preg_match("/$vimeoUrlPattern\/(.*)/",$url,$matches)) { $video_id = $matches[1]; } else { return array(GalleryCoreApi::error(ERROR_BAD_PARAMETER,__FILE__,__LINE__, "Unable to extract video id from url: $url"),null,null); } /* Grab the contents of the webpage used to display the video */ list ($successfullyCopied, $contents, $response, $headers) = GalleryCoreApi::fetchWebPage($url, $extraHeaders); if (!$successfullyCopied) { return array(GalleryCoreApi::error(ERROR_BAD_PATH,__FILE__,__LINE__, "Unable to get video information at url: $url - $response"),NULL,NULL); } /* Extract the summary from the webpage contents */ preg_match('/<meta name="description" content="(.+?)"/i', $contents, $matches); $summary=$matches[1]; /* Extract the title from the webpage contents */ preg_match('/<meta name="title" content="(.+?)"/i', $contents, $matches); $title=$matches[1]; /* Extract the thumbnail URL from the webpage contents */ preg_match('/"videothumbnail" href="(.+?)"/i', $contents, $matches); $thumbnail=$matches[1]; /* Determine what our width and height should be based on our useRemoteSize parameter */ if(!strcmp($useRemoteSize,"true")) { preg_match('/id="vimeo_player_'.$video_id.'".+?style="width:(\d+)px;height:(\d+)px;"/i', $contents, $matches); $width = $matches[1]; $height = $matches[2]; } /* Determine if the video should autoplay or not based on the autoStart parameter */ $autoStartStr=""; if(!strcmp($autoStart,"true")) { $autoStartStr="&autoplay=1"; } /* Format the description to hold a reference to the embedded video */ $description = '<object width="'.$width.'" height="'.$height.'">'; $description.= '<param name="allowfullscreen" value="true" />'; $description.= '<param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always" />'; $description.= '<param name="movie" value="http://vimeo.com/moogaloop.swf?clip_id='.$video_id; $description.= '&server=vimeo.com&show_title=1&show_byline=1&'.$autoStartStr; $description.= 'show_portrait=0&color=&fullscreen=1"/ >'; $description.= '<embed src="http://vimeo.com/moogaloop.swf?clip_id='.$video_id; $description.= '&server=vimeo.com&show_title=1&show_byline=1&'.$autoStartStr; $description.= 'show_portrait=0&color=&fullscreen=1"'; $description.= 'type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always"'; $description.= 'width="'.$width.'" height="'.$height.'">'; $description.= '</embed></object>'; /* ********************************** * Embed a remote .swf file ********************************** */ } else if(preg_match("/.*\/(.+?)\.swf/i",$url,$matches)) { /* Set the title and summary to the name of the file */ $title = $matches[1]; $summary = $matches[1]; /* * Set the thumbnail to some generic jpg image, * since we can't extract it from the remote swf file. * If no parameter is set, set it to a default value. */ if(preg_match("/\w+/", $flvThumbnail)) { $thumbnail = $flvThumbnail; } else { $thumbnail = $gallery2_url.$gallery2_flv_thumbnail; } /* * Check to make sure the URL to the remote swf file is valid * (That the file exists at the URL given) */ list ($successfullyCopied, $response, $headers) = $this->fetchWebFileHeaders($url, $extraHeaders); if (!$successfullyCopied) { return array(GalleryCoreApi::error(ERROR_BAD_PATH,__FILE__,__LINE__, "Unable to find the video at url: $url - $response"),NULL,NULL); } /* * Format the description to hold a reference to the embedded video */ /* Format the description to hold a reference to the embedded video */ $description ='<embed src="'.$url.'">'; /* ********************************** * Embed a remote .flv or .mp4 file ********************************** */ } else if(preg_match("/.*\/(.+?)\.flv/i",$url,$matches) || preg_match("/.*\/(.+?)\.mp4/i",$url,$matches)) { /* Set the title and summary to the name of the file */ $title = $matches[1]; $summary = $matches[1]; /* * Set the thumbnail to some generic jpg image, * since we can't extract it from the remote flv file. * If no parameter is set, set it to a default value. */ if(preg_match("/\w+/", $flvThumbnail)) { $thumbnail = $flvThumbnail; } else { $thumbnail = $gallery2_url.$gallery2_flv_thumbnail; } /* * Check to make sure the URL to the remote flv file is valid * (That the file exists at the URL given) */ list ($successfullyCopied, $response, $headers) = $this->fetchWebFileHeaders($url, $extraHeaders); if (!$successfullyCopied) { return array(GalleryCoreApi::error(ERROR_BAD_PATH,__FILE__,__LINE__, "Unable to find the video at url: $url - $response"),NULL,NULL); } /* * Format the description to hold a reference to the embedded video * This reference will be embedded using the G2 internal player, * or an external player if provided by the user. */ if(!strcmp($useInternalFlvPlayer,"false")) { /* * The user has indicated they want to use an external flv player * Make sure one is defined! */ if(!preg_match("/\w+/",$externalFlvPlayer)) { return array(GalleryCoreApi::error(ERROR_CONFIGURATION_REQUIRED,__FILE__,__LINE__, "Invalid/missing external player parameter"),null,null); } /* Format the description to hold a reference to the embedded video */ $description ='<embed src="'.$externalFlvPlayer.'" '; $description.= 'width="'.$width.'" height="'.$height.'" '; $description.= 'bgcolor="#C0C0C0" allowfullscreen="true" '; $description.= 'type="application/x-shockwave-flash" '; $description.= 'pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" '; $description.= 'flashvars="file='.$url; $description.= '&fullscreenpage='.$thumbnail; $description.= '&linktarget=_Blank&image='.$thumbnail; if(!preg_match("/\w+/",$externalFlvPlayerVars)) { /* Format the flashvars for the internal G2 flv player */ $description.= '&showdigits=true&autostart='.$autoStart.'&showfsbutton=true&'; $description.= '&repeat=false&lightcolor=0x9999FF'; $description.= '&backcolor=0x888888&frontcolor=0x000000"'; } else { /* Format the flashvars for the external G2 flv player */ $description.= '&'.$externalFlvPlayerVars; } $description.= ' /> </p>'; /* Internal FLV player */ } else { /* Format the description to hold a reference to the embedded video */ $macromedia_url = "http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/"; $description = '<script type="text/javascript">'."\n"; $description.= '// <![CDATA['."\n"; $description.= 'function divResize(id, nw, nh) {'."\n"; $description.= 'var obj = document.getElementById(id);'."\n"; $description.= 'obj.style.width = nw + "px";'."\n"; $description.= 'obj.style.height = nh + "px";'."\n"; $description.= '}'."\n"; $description.= '// ]]>'."\n"; $description.= '</script>'."\n"; $description.= '<div id="flashvideo" style="align:left;width:525px;height:392px">'."\n"; $description.= '<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11CF-96B8-444553540000"'; $description.= 'codebase="'.$macromedia_url.'swflash.cab#version=8,0,0,0"'; $description.= 'width="100%" height="100%" id="IFid1" class="ImageFrame_image">'; $description.= '<param name="movie" value="'.$gallery2_url.$gallery2_flv_player.'"/>'; $description.= '<param name="FlashVars" value="flvUrl='.$url; $description.= '&Width='.$width.'&Height='.$height.'&title='.$title; $description.= '&allowDl=true&thumbUrl='.$thumbnail.'&autoStart='.$autoStart; $description.= '&langDownload=Download&langLarge=Large&langNormal=Normal"/>'; $description.= '<param name="quality" value="high"/>'; $description.= '<param name="scale" value="noscale"/>'; $description.= '<param name="salign" value="lt"/>'; $description.= '<param name="wmode" value="transparent"/>'; $description.= '<param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"/>'; $description.= '<embed src="'.$gallery2_url.$gallery2_flv_player.'" '; $description.= 'flashvars="flvUrl='.$url; $description.= '&Width='.$width.'&Height='.$height.'&title='.$title; $description.= '&allowDl=true&thumbUrl='.$thumbnail.'&autoStart='.$autoStart; $description.= '&langDownload=Download&langLarge=Large&langNormal=Normal" '; $description.= 'type="application/x-shockwave-flash" '; $description.= 'width="100%" height="100%" quality="high" scale="noscale" salign="lt" '; $description.= 'wmode="transparent" allowScriptAccess="always" '; $description.= 'pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer"/>'; $description.= '</object></div>'; } /* ********************************** * Embed a generic <object ... <embed ... video ********************************** */ } else { /* Grab the contents of the webpage used to display the video */ list ($successfullyCopied, $contents, $response, $headers) = GalleryCoreApi::fetchWebPage($url, $extraHeaders); if (!$successfullyCopied) { return array(GalleryCoreApi::error(ERROR_BAD_PATH,__FILE__,__LINE__, "Unable to get video information at url: $url - $response"),NULL,NULL); } /* Extract the URL base (site name) */ preg_match("/(http:\/\/.+?)\//i",$url,$matches); $site = $matches[1]; print "site: $site<br>"; /* Extract the summary from the webpage contents */ $summary="Unknown"; if(preg_match('/<meta name="description" content="(.+?)"/si', $contents, $matches)) { $summary=$matches[1]; } /* Extract the title from the webpage contents */ $title="Unknown"; if(preg_match('/<title>(.+?)<\/title>/i', $contents, $matches)) { $title=$matches[1]; } /* * Set the thumbnail to some generic jpg image, * since we can't extract it from a generic website. * If no parameter is set, set it to a default value. */ if(preg_match("/\w+/", $flvThumbnail)) { $thumbnail = $flvThumbnail; } else { $thumbnail = $gallery2_url.$gallery2_flv_thumbnail; } /* Format the description to hold a reference to the embedded video */ if(preg_match('/(<object.+?<embed.+?<\/object>)/', $contents, $matches)) { $description=$matches[1]; if(!strcmp($useRemoteSize,"false")) { $description=preg_replace("/width=\"\d+\"/","width=\"".$width."\"",$description); $description=preg_replace("/height=\"\d+\"/","height=\"".$height."\"",$description); } $description=preg_replace("/src=\"\//","src=\"".$site."\/",$description); } else { $unsupported_url=1; } } /* ********************************** * Unsupported URL to embed ********************************** */ if($unsupported_url == 1) { return array(GalleryCoreApi::error(ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_FILE_TYPE,__FILE__,__LINE__, "The URL you have supplied is unsupported (check the list of supported URLs, they must match exactly). You tried to embed a video from this url: $url"),null,null); } /* ********************************** * Add the video to Gallery ********************************** */ /* Get a local tmp file to save the thumbnail URL to */ $tmpDir = $gallery->getConfig('data.gallery.tmp'); $tmpFile = $platform->tempnam($tmpDir, 'add'); $tmpFile.= ".jpg"; /* Fetch the thumbnail and save it to a local file */ list ($successfullyCopied, $response, $headers) = GalleryCoreApi::fetchWebFile($thumbnail, $tmpFile, $extraHeaders); if (!$successfullyCopied) { return array(GalleryCoreApi::error(ERROR_STORAGE_FAILURE,__FILE__,__LINE__, "Unable to copy thumbnail from url: $thumbnail - $response"),null,null); } /* Obtain the mimeType of the thumbnail */ list ($ret, $mimeType) = GalleryCoreApi::getMimeType($tmpFile); /* Set the filename for the item we want to add */ $fileName = $title; $fileName = preg_replace("/\s+/","_",$fileName); $fileName = preg_replace("/'/","",$fileName); $fileName = preg_replace("/\"/","",$fileName); $fileName = preg_replace("/&#\d+;/","",$fileName); /* Wordwrap the description or summary as appropriate */ $description_summary = $summary; if(strcmp($wordwrapSummary,"0")) { $summary = wordwrap($summary,$wordwrapSummary,"<br>",FALSE); } if(strcmp($wordwrapDescription,"0")) { $description_summary = wordwrap($description_summary,$wordwrapDescription,"<br>",FALSE); } /* Tack on the summary to the end of the description */ $description.= "<br>$description_summary"; /* General debug output */ if(!strcmp($debugOutput,"true")) { print "\n<h2>Item Parameters</h2>\n"; print "url: $url <br>\n"; print "title: $title <br>\n"; print "thumbnailUrl: $thumbnail <br><img src=\"".$thumbnail."\"> <br>\n"; print "summary: <p>$summary</p>\n"; print "description: <p>$description</p>\n"; print "thumbnail: $tmpFile <br>\n"; print "mimeType: $mimeType <br>\n"; print "fileName: $fileName <br>\n"; print "width: $width <br>\n"; print "height: $height <br>\n"; print "<hr>"; } /* Resize the thumbnail image to the size indicated by our album */ $debugString=""; list ($ret, $toolkit) = GalleryCoreApi::getToolkitByOperation($mimeType, 'resize'); if (!$ret) { $debugString.="Checking to see if a toolkit that can resize images was found. <br>"; if (isset($toolkit)) { $newTmpFile = $platform->tempnam($tmpDir, 'add'); $newTmpFile.= ".jpg"; $thumbnailSize = 150; list ($ret, $preferences) = GalleryCoreApi::fetchDerivativePreferencesForItem($item->getId()); if(!$ret) { foreach ($preferences as $preference) { if (preg_match('/thumbnail\|(\d+)/', $preference['derivativeOperations'], $matches)) { $thumbnailSize = $matches[1]; $debugString.="Found thumbnail size in album preferences: $thumbnailSize <br>"; break; } } } // Obtain the width and height of the original thumbnail, finding out it's ratio, // and using that ratio when determining the width of the video below. // Example: youtube: 130x97 google: 160x120 metacafe: 90x76 yahoo: 100x70 // Set the thumbnailHeight to the current thumbnailSize // Set the thumbnailWidth to the appropriate size based on the thumbnailHeight * ratio $image_data = @getimagesize($tmpFile); if(!$image_data) { return array(GalleryCoreApi::error(ERROR_STORAGE_FAILURE,__FILE__,__LINE__, "Unable to retrieve thumbnail dimensions for: $tmpFile"),null,null); } $ratio = $image_data[0] / $image_data[1]; $debugString.="Using ratio from original thumbnail of $ratio. "; $thumbnailHeight=$thumbnailSize; $thumbnailWidth=round($thumbnailHeight * $ratio); $debugString.="Resizing thumbnail image to $thumbnailWidth x $thumbnailHeight: $tmpFile -> $newTmpFile <br>"; $toolkit->performOperation($mimeType, 'resize', $tmpFile, $newTmpFile, array($thumbnailWidth,$thumbnailHeight)); } } if(!strcmp($debugOutput,"true")) { print "\n<h2>Thumbnail Resize</h2>\n"; print "$debugString\n"; print "<hr>\n"; } /* Watermark the video thumbnail image if indicated by our parameter */ if(!strcmp($watermarkVideos,"true")) { /* * If no watermarkImage parameter is set, set it to a default value. */ if(preg_match("/\w+/", $watermarkImage)) { $watermarkImage = $watermarkImage; } else { $watermarkImage = $gallery2_url.$gallery2_video_watermark; } /* Get the watermark Image Extension */ preg_match('/\.(...)$/', $watermarkImage, $matches); $watermarkExt=$matches[1]; /* * Check to make sure the URL to the watermark image file is valid * (That the file exists at the URL given). Skip this part if it is a local path. */ if(!preg_match("/^\//", $watermarkImage)) { list ($successfullyCopied, $response, $headers) = $this->fetchWebFileHeaders($watermarkImage, $extraHeaders); if (!$successfullyCopied) { return array(GalleryCoreApi::error(ERROR_BAD_PATH,__FILE__,__LINE__, "Unable to find the watermark image at url: $watermarkImage - $response"),NULL,NULL); } /* Download the watermark image to a local file */ $tmpDir = $gallery->getConfig('data.gallery.tmp'); $watermark = $platform->tempnam($tmpDir, 'wmk_img_'); $watermark.= "." . $watermarkExt; list ($successfullyCopied, $response, $headers) = GalleryCoreApi::fetchWebFile($watermarkImage, $watermark, $extraHeaders); if (!$successfullyCopied) { return array(GalleryCoreApi::error(ERROR_STORAGE_FAILURE,__FILE__,__LINE__, "Unable to copy watermark image from url: $watermarkImage - $response"),null,null); } } else { $tmpDir = $gallery->getConfig('data.gallery.tmp'); $watermark = $platform->tempnam($tmpDir, 'wmk_img_'); $watermark.= "." . $watermarkExt; if(!$platform->copy($watermarkImage, $watermark)) { return array(GalleryCoreApi::error(ERROR_STORAGE_FAILURE,__FILE__,__LINE__, "Unable to copy watermark image from path: $watermarkImage"),null,null); } } /* See if there is a toolkit installed that can perform a composite operation */ list ($ret, $toolkit) = GalleryCoreApi::getToolkitByOperation($mimeType, 'composite'); if ($ret) { return array($ret->wrap(__FILE__, __LINE__, "Unable to locate a toolkit module to perform the 'composite' watermark operation"), null); } /* Make sure we can access the toolkit found */ if (!isset($toolkit)) { return array(GalleryStatus::error(ERROR_PERMISSION_DENIED, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Unable to access the toolkit module to perform the 'composite' watermark operation"), null); } /* Get the image dimensions of the thumbnail */ $image_data = @getimagesize($newTmpFile); if(!$image_data) { return array(GalleryCoreApi::error(ERROR_STORAGE_FAILURE,__FILE__,__LINE__, "Unable to retrieve thumbnail dimensions for: $tmpFile"),null,null); } $thumbnailWidth = $image_data[0]; $thumbnailHeight = $image_data[1]; /* Get the image dimensions of the watermark */ $image_data = @getimagesize($watermark); if(!$image_data) { return array(GalleryCoreApi::error(ERROR_STORAGE_FAILURE,__FILE__,__LINE__, "Unable to retrieve watermark dimensions for: $tmpFile"),null,null); } $watermarkWidth = $image_data[0]; $watermarkHeight = $image_data[1]; /* Obtain the mimeType of the watermark */ list ($ret, $watermarkMimeType) = GalleryCoreApi::getMimeType($watermark); /* Remove the gallery base path from the watermark image path */ /* This has to be done to satisfy the argument requirement for the toolkit operation */ $dataDir = $gallery->getConfig('data.gallery.base'); $dataDir=preg_replace("/\//","\\/",$dataDir); if(preg_match("/$dataDir(.*)/", $watermark, $matches)) { $watermark = $matches[1]; } /* General debug output */ if(!strcmp($debugOutput,"true")) { print "\n<h2>Watermark Operation</h2>\n"; print "watermarkImage: $watermarkImage <br>\n"; print "watermarkTmpImage: $watermark <br>\n"; print "watermarkMimeType: $watermarkMimeType <br>\n"; print "watermarkWidth: $watermarkWidth <br>\n"; print "watermarkHeight: $watermarkHeight <br>\n"; print "watermarkedWidth: $thumbnailWidth <br>\n"; print "watermarkedHeight: $thumbnailHeight <br>\n"; } /* Apply the watermark image to the thumbnail */ $tmpFile = $platform->tempnam($tmpDir, 'wmk_'); list ($ret, $mimeType) = $toolkit->performOperation( $mimeType, 'composite', $newTmpFile, $tmpFile, array($watermark, $watermarkMimeType, $watermarkWidth, $watermarkHeight, $watermarkAlignment, 0, 0)); /* Check the return code of the composite operation */ if ($ret) { return array($ret->wrap(__FILE__, __LINE__, "Unable to apply watermark to the video thumbnail image"), null); } if(!strcmp($debugOutput,"true")) { print "\nwatermarked Image: $tmpFile <br>"; print "<hr>"; } /* Update the path of our thumbnail to point to the new watermarked thumbnail instead */ $newTmpFile = $tmpFile; } /* Make the gallery2 call to add this item to the album */ list ($ret, $newItem) = GalleryCoreApi::addItemToAlbum($newTmpFile, $fileName, $title, $summary, $description, $mimeType, $item->getId()); if ($ret) { return array($ret, null, null); } $status['addedFiles'][] = array('fileName' => $url, 'id' => $newItem->getId(), 'warnings' => array()); if(!strcmp($debugOutput,"true")) { print "\n<br><br><h2>Video Successfully Added to your Gallery Album</h2><br><br><hr>"; } } /* Keep the tmpfiles around if we are in debug mode. Otherwise, remove them. */ if(!strcmp($debugOutput,"false")) { @$platform->unlink($tmpFile); @$platform->unlink($newTmpFile); } } return array(null, $error, $status); } /** * A simple function to resolve the value of a parameter from * the default or override value if it exists, or set it * to the default passed as an argument. */ function getParameter($params, $name, $default="") { if(isset($params['override'][$name])) { /* print "override $name = ".$params['override'][$name]."<br>"; */ return($params['override'][$name]); } else if(isset($params['default'][$name])) { /* print "default $name = ".$params['default'][$name] ."<br>"; */ return($params['default'][$name]); } else { /* print "$name = $default <br>"; */ return($default); } } /** * A simple function to get the headers only (no body) for a given URL * This was taken from GalleryCoreApi::requestWebPage */ function fetchWebFileHeaders($url, $requestHeaders=array()) { global $gallery; $requestMethod='GET'; $requestBody=''; /* Convert illegal characters */ $url = str_replace(' ', '%20', $url); /* Unescape ampersands, since if the URL comes from form input it will be escaped */ $url = str_replace('&', '&', $url); $platform =& $gallery->getPlatform(); $urlComponents = parse_url($url); if (empty($urlComponents['port'])) { $urlComponents['port'] = 80; } if (empty($urlComponents['path'])) { $urlComponents['path'] = '/'; } $handle = @$platform->fsockopen( $urlComponents['host'], $urlComponents['port'], $errno, $errstr, 5); if (empty($handle)) { $gallery->debug("Error $errno: '$errstr' requesting $url"); return array(null, null, null); } $requestUri = $urlComponents['path']; if (!empty($urlComponents['query'])) { $requestUri .= '?' . $urlComponents['query']; } $headerLines = array('Host: ' . $urlComponents['host']); foreach ($requestHeaders as $key => $value) { $headerLines[] = $key . ': ' . $value; } $success = $platform->fwrite($handle, sprintf("%s %s HTTP/1.0\r\n%s\r\n\r\n%s", $requestMethod, $requestUri, implode("\r\n", $headerLines), $requestBody)); if (!$success) { /* Zero bytes written or false was returned */ $gallery->debug( "fwrite failed in requestWebPage($url)" . ($success === false ? ' - false' : '')); return array(null, null, null); } $platform->fflush($handle); /* * Read the status line. fgets stops after newlines. The first line is the protocol * version followed by a numeric status code and its associated textual phrase. */ $responseStatus = trim($platform->fgets($handle, 4096)); if (empty($responseStatus)) { $gallery->debug('Empty http response code, maybe timeout'); return array(null, null, null); } /* Read the headers */ $responseHeaders = array(); while (!$platform->feof($handle)) { $line = trim($platform->fgets($handle, 4096)); if (empty($line)) { break; } /* Normalize the line endings */ $line = str_replace("\r", '', $line); list ($key, $value) = explode(':', $line, 2); if (isset($responseHeaders[$key])) { if (!is_array($responseHeaders[$key])) { $responseHeaders[$key] = array($responseHeaders[$key]); } $responseHeaders[$key][] = trim($value); } else { $responseHeaders[$key] = trim($value); } } $platform->fclose($handle); if(preg_match("/Not found/i", $responseStatus)) { $success = 0; } //print "success: $success <br>responseStatus: $responseStatus <br>responseHeaders: $responseHeaders <br>"; return array($success, $responseStatus, $responseHeaders); } /** * @see ItemAdd:loadTemplate */ function loadTemplate(&$template, &$form, $item) { global $gallery; if ($form['formName'] != 'ItemAddEmbedVideo') { /* First time around, load the form with item data */ $form['webPage'] = ''; $form['formName'] = 'ItemAddEmbedVideo'; } $session =& $gallery->getSession(); $template->setVariable('ItemAddEmbedVideo', $ItemAddEmbedVideo); return array(null, 'modules/embedvideo/templates/ItemAddEmbedVideo.tpl', 'modules_embedvideo'); } /** * @see ItemAddPlugin::getTitle */ function getTitle() { list ($ret, $module) = GalleryCoreApi::loadPlugin('module', 'embedvideo'); if ($ret) { return array($ret, null); } return array(null, $module->translate('Embed Video')); } } ?>