2 # Author: Alan J. Pippin
3 # Description: Extract the given chapter(s) from an mkv file into separate video files
4 # Requires: Newer version of ffmpeg to be installed that supports MKV chapters
6 # Howto compile the latest FFMPEG from src under Linux
7 # FFMPEG - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=786095
9 # Howto eliminate the non-monotonically increasing dts to muxer error
10 # Comment out the error message in ffmpeg src tree in libavformat/utils.c
11 # http://ffmpeg.zeranoe.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=49
15 # Video: h264 (avc1 / 0x31637661)
19 # Video: h264 (High) (HDMV / 0x564D4448)
20 # Audio: ac3 (AC-3 / 0x332D4341)
23 # Video: h264 (Baseline) (avc1 / 0x31637661)
24 # Audio: aac (mp4a / 0x6134706D)
27 # Video: h264 (Baseline) (avc1 / 0x31637661)
28 # Audio: aac (mp4a / 0x6134706D)
31 #ffmpeg -ss 00:00:00.000 -t 00:00:38.299 -i 2010-12-04.000.mkv -map 0 -vcodec copy -acodec copy test.mov
33 ####################################################################################################
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40 # Configuration parameters - CHANGE THESE TO SUITE YOUR NEEDS
41 my $ffmpeg=`which ffmpeg`; chomp($ffmpeg);
42 my $tmpfile = `tempfile`; chomp($tmpfile);
43 ####################################################################################################
45 ####################################################################################################
46 # Command Line Options
47 getopts("c:i:o:kse:");
49 if(! -x $ffmpeg) { die "-E- Unable to find required program: ffmpeg\n"; }
50 if(! defined $opt_i) { &usage(); die "-E- Missing required argument input video name: -i <input.mkv>\n"; }
51 if(! defined $opt_c) { &usage(); die "-E- Missing required chapter: -c <all|1,2,...>"; }
52 if(! -r $opt_i) { &usage(); die "-E- Unable to open/find the input mkv file: $opt_i\n"; }
53 if(! defined $opt_o) {
54 if($opt_i =~ /^(\d+-\d+-\d+)/) { $opt_o = $1; }
55 elsif($opt_i =~ /^(.*?)\./) { $opt_o = $1; }
59 print "usage: $0 -i <input.mkv> -o <output_base_name> -c <chapter,chapter,...>\n";
60 print " -c <chapter,chapter,...> Specify which chapter from the mkv file to extract (all or 1,2,3, ...)\n";
61 print " -i <input.mkv> Specify the name of the input mkv file\n";
62 print " -o <output_base_name> Sets the base name to use when naming the output videos extracted from the chapters\n";
63 print " If not specified, the base name will be taken from the name of your input video\n";
64 print " -e <ext> Specify the extension that should be used on the output files.\n";
65 print " This is automatically determined. You only need to specify it if autodetection fails.\n";
66 print " -s Simulate mode. Don't actually make the video, but tell us what you will do\n";
67 print " -k Keep intermediate mkv file created during the extraction/conversion of mp4 clips\n";
72 ####################################################################################################
76 my ($ffmpeg_info, $progressive) = @_;
84 foreach $line (@{$ffmpeg_info}) {
85 if($line =~ /Stream/) {
86 if($line =~ /h264/i) { $h264 = 1; }
87 if($line =~ /h264.*High/i) { $h264_high = 1; }
88 if($line =~ /ac3/i) { $ac3 = 1; }
89 if($line =~ /aac/i) { $aac = 1; }
90 if($line =~ /pcm_s16le/i) { $pcm_s16le = 1; }
95 if($h264 && $pcm_s16le) { return "mov"; }
97 if($h264_high && $ac3) { if(!$progressive) { return "mkv"; } else { return "mp4"; } }
99 if($h264 && $aac) { if(!$progressive) { return "mkv"; } else { return "mp4"; } }
105 my ($chapters, $chapter) = @_;
106 foreach $ch (@{$chapters}) {
107 if($ch == $chapter) { return 1; }
112 ####################################################################################################
115 # Turn our list of chapters into an ordered array
116 my @chapters = sort(split(/,/, $opt_c));
117 my $all_chapters = 0;
118 if($opt_c =~ /all/) { $all_chapters = 1; }
119 print "-> Extracting the following chapters from $opt_i: @chapters\n";
121 my $progressive = system('ffmpeg -i "$opt_i" 2>&1 | grep -q "frame rate differs"');
123 print " Detected interlaced video content\n";
125 print " Detected progressive video content\n";
128 # Use ffmpeg to extract the list of chapters available to rip
129 # For each chapter specified on the command line, use ffmpeg to extract a video clip from that chapter
130 my @ffmpeg_info = `$ffmpeg -i $opt_i 2>&1`;
131 foreach $line (@ffmpeg_info) {
132 if($line =~ /Chapter #\d+\.(\d+): start (\S+), end (\S+)/) {
135 if($start > 0) { $start += 1; } # Add some margin to prevent taking a piece of the previous clip
137 $duration = $end - $start;
138 if($duration < 0) { die "-E- Unexpected negative duration detected for chapter $chapter\n"; }
139 if($all_chapters || &export_chapter(\@chapters,$chapter)) {
141 if(defined $opt_e) { $ext = $opt_e; }
142 else { $ext = &detect_ext(\@ffmpeg_info, $progressive); }
143 if($ext =~ /UNKNOWN/) { die "-E- Unable to determine the file type/extension to use for the output videos. Specify it with the -e <ext> option.\n"; }
144 $dstfile = $opt_o . ".c" . sprintf("%03d",$chapter) . "." . $ext;
145 print "-> Exporting $chapter to $dstfile:\n";
146 $cmd = "ffmpeg -ss $start -t $duration -i $opt_i -map 0 -vcodec copy -acodec copy $dstfile 2>&1";
152 $errno = system("$cmd");
153 $errno = $errno >> 8;
154 if($errno > 0) { die "-E- ffmpeg encountered some errors with exit code $errno\n"; }
156 if(!$progressive && $ext =~ /mkv/i) {
159 $dstfile = $dstfile = $opt_o . ".c" . sprintf("%03d",$chapter) . "." . $ext;
160 $cmd = "mencoder -oac copy -ovc copy -of lavf -lavfopts format=mp4 -o $dstfile $srcfile";
166 $errno = system("$cmd");
167 $errno = $errno >> 8;
168 if(! defined $opt_k) { unlink "$srcfile"; }
169 if($errno > 0) { die "-E- mencoder encountered some errors with exit code $errno\n"; }
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