#!/bin/bash # Checks to make sure the $lockdir hasn't been held for too long MAXAGE_MIN=1440 # source our configuration config="/etc/bin/zfs-scripts.conf" [ -e "${config}.dist" ] && . ${config}.dist [ -e "${config}" ] && . ${config} if test "`find $lockdir -mmin +$MAXAGE_MIN 2>/dev/null`"; then #echo "-> Found $lockdir that is > 1 day old" ls -ld $lockdir | $mailx -s "zfs admin lock file > 1 day old" "$mailto" exit 1 fi PROC_ID=$(ps -e -o pid,etimes,command | grep zfs-replicate-all | grep -v tail | awk '{if($2>86400) print $0}' | head -n 1 | awk '{print $1}') if [[ -n "$PROC_ID" ]]; then ps -ef | grep $PROC_ID | grep -v grep | $mailx -s "zfs-replicate-all running > 1 day" "$mailto" exit 1 fi exit 0