#!/bin/bash # DESCRIPTION: # Wrapper script around make_home_videos.pl script that # facilitates copying over the daily_clips to another # linux server location, properly merging the clips # created with the existing clips and playlists on # the remote server. # USAGE: make_home_videos.cmd # EXAMPLE: make_home_videos.cmd Dec06-Apr07 SERVER="/mnt/server/videos/HomeVideos" MAKE_VIDEOS="/mnt/server/videos/bin/make_home_videos.pl" $MAKE_VIDEOS -e -c -m -p -a -n $* # Copy the daily clips over to the main file server pushd "$*/daily_clips" > /dev/null lastyear="" for i in `/bin/ls -1 *.avi`; do filename=`echo "$i" | sed 's/.avi//g'` year=`echo "$filename" | awk --field-separator - '{print $1}'` month=`echo "$filename" | awk --field-separator - '{print $2}'` day=`echo "$filename" | awk --field-separator - '{print $3}'` # set lastyear if we haven't done so yet if [[ -z "$lastyear" ]]; then lastyear="$year" fi # if we have changed year directories, remake the playlists for lastyear if [[ "$year" != "$lastyear" ]]; then pushd "$SERVER/$lastyear" > /dev/null $MAKE_VIDEOS -p -d . popd > /dev/null fi # make the destination directory if it is missing if [[ ! -d "$SERVER/$year" ]]; then mkdir "$SERVER/$year" fi # don't overwrite existing filenames basefilename="$filename" num=0 while [[ -f "$SERVER/$year/$filename.avi" ]]; do ((num++)) filename="$basefilename.$num" done echo "Copying $i to $SERVER/$year/$filename.avi" cp "$i" "$SERVER/$year/$filename.avi" lastyear=$year done # remake the playlists for year pushd "$SERVER/$year" > /dev/null $MAKE_VIDEOS -p -d . popd > /dev/null popd > /dev/null echo "-> Rebooting the system in 10 seconds... Press CTRL-C to abort..." sleep 10 echo "-> Rebooting now..." sudo /sbin/reboot