Elders Quorum Installation Guide Alan Pippin v1.0, 05 Jan 2008 Steps for installing Elders Quroum app _________________________________________________________________ Getting and Installing Downloading Can be downloaded from: https://eq.pippins.net/eq.zip It can also be obtained via the GIT revision control system by pulling from here: http://git.pippins.net/eq/.git Dependencies phpgroupware mysql apache (or equivalent webserver) MLS data dumps (required fields shown below) Installing 1) Download the eq.tar file and extract it or GIT pull the archive into your base phpgroupware directory (like /usr/share/phpgroupware/). 2) Setup the mysql table structures for the EQ application: mysql -u -p < eq/sql/eq.sql 3) Point your browser to: http://www.yourdomain.com/phpgroupware/setup The setup prog will autodetect this application. From there you will need to assign this app to the users you want to have be able to use it. Enable it for each user by going to Site Admin -> User Accounts -> -> edit Make sure the "eq" application has a checkmark next to it under "Permissions this user has" 4) Copy the setup/db_config to setup/db_config.local and change the values in .local appropriately. Check for syntax errors by running eq/bin/check_config_syntax 5) Copy the setup/eq_config to setup/eq_config.local and change the values in .local appropriately. Make sure you update the path locations for your specific installation locations: upload_target_path & application_path Check for syntax errors by running eq/bin/check_config_syntax 6) Try to run eq/bin/import_ward_data & parse_ward_data scripts from the commandline to check for any missing perl library dependencies and mysql connection. Just run them without command line args. Install the right perl modules until the scripts run without any errors. 7) A graphical representation of the mysql schema used by this application can be found here: eq/sql/eq.jpg 8) Click on the Admin tool in the EQ app to import your initial set of ward data obtained from MLS into the EQ application. 9) Click on the Admin tool and update the EQ Presidency Table appropriately. The most important thing at this point is to get your district leaders added for each district you have in your quorum. 10) I highly recommend installing phpmyadmin to view/edit/debug mysql tables related to this tool. Requirements The following csv files must be obtained from MLS (or a stripped down version of each csv with the fields indicated must be manually created). These files should be placed in 1 .zip file and uplodaed to the application via the Admin section of the EQ Tools application. Membership.csv: Preferred Name Phone 1 Indiv ID HofH ID Street 1 Street 2 Birth Full Name Hometeaching.csv: Home Teacher 1 Home Teacher 2 Comp ID HT District Household Organization.csv: Indiv ID Indiv Name Organization Position Org Seq Sustained