---------------------------------------------- INSTALL ---------------------------------------------- The following steps should be followed to pull this code project into a local GIT repository (local directory): This command will create a directory called "rip_dvd" in the CWD and pull the code for this project: > git clone http://git.pippins.net/rip_dvd/.git rip_dvd To pull updates in the future of this project into your local directory: > cd rip_dvd > git pull origin ---------------------------------------------- CONFIGURATION ---------------------------------------------- You'll need to copy the rip_dvd.conf.dist file to a local copy of the file called rip_dvd.conf. This way, you can customize the settings needed by the script in a file that isn't tracked by GIT. The conf file tracked by GIT (rip_dvd.conf.dist) will then contain the defaults the script needs to run. You can override these in your own rip_dvd.conf file you create locally. This will allow you to get updates from my GIT repository at a later point in time without blowing away your local settings.