---------------------------------------------- DEPENDENCIES ---------------------------------------------- The following packages need to be installed on your system: Package Dependencies (apt-get install these for example): lsdvd dvdauthor gddrescue dvdbackup tovid mencoder mplayer genisoimage libdvdcss2 NOTE: In Ubuntu, depending on your version, replace libdvdcss2 with what you find on this page. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs Specific Executable (program) Dependencies (must be found in $PATH): volname makexml lsdvd dvdauthor ddrescue dvdbackup mencoder mplayer mkisofs NOTE: The script puts /usr/share/tovid on your path which should contain makexml Optional Dependencies: lookup imdb info/posters for mythvideo: http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/Fill_mythvideo_metadata.pl HandBrake CLI video encoder (version 0.9.3 required for xvid encoding): google to find it HandBrake CLI video encoder (version >=0.9.4 required for mp4 encoding): http://handbrake.fr/ You can also get these HandBrake versions from here: https://www.pippins.net/cgi-bin/index.pl?/www/files/video_utils/handbrake Windows Dependencies: To play back the videos in windows that use the divx encoding profiles, you'll need to download and install the xvid codec: http://www.koepi.info/xvid.html ---------------------------------------------- INSTALL ---------------------------------------------- The following steps should be followed to pull this code project into a local GIT repository (local directory): This command will create a directory called "rip_dvd" in the CWD and pull the code for this project: > git clone http://git.pippins.net/rip_dvd/.git rip_dvd To pull updates in the future of this project into your local directory: > cd rip_dvd > git pull origin To see the changelog for what you have pulled, run this command: > git whatchanged ------------------------------------------------- ENABLING MENCODER XVID TO ENCODE USING MULTICORES ------------------------------------------------- The libxvidcore4 package that you can get through ubuntu or debian is version 1.1.0. They didn't enable multi-core encoding using this library until version 1.2.0. Since you can't get that in a package, you can build it from source easily. Since the xvid codec (this lib) is used by mencoder by rip_dvd in all of its xvid profiles (the default), you can speed up the encode process quite a bit if you enable multi-cores. Follow these instructions to enable the xvid encoding to use multi-cores: > wget http://downloads.xvid.org/downloads/xvidcore-1.2.1.tar.gz > gunzip xvidcore-1.2.1.tar.gz > tar xvf xvidcore-1.2.1.tar > cd xvidcore/build/generic > ./configure --prefix=/usr > make > sudo make install > cd /usr/lib > sudo rm libxvidcore.so.4 > sudo ln -s libxvidcore.so.4.2 libxvidcore.so.4 After you do these steps, when rip_dvd is running using any xvid profile, you will note with 'top' that the mencoder process is using > 100% of your CPU. ---------------------------------------------- CONFIGURATION ---------------------------------------------- You'll need to copy the rip_dvd.conf.dist file to a local copy of the file called rip_dvd.conf. This way, you can customize the settings needed by the script in a file that isn't tracked by GIT. The conf file tracked by GIT (rip_dvd.conf.dist) will then contain the defaults the script needs to run. You can override these in your own rip_dvd.conf file you create locally. This will allow you to get updates from my GIT repository at a later point in time without blowing away your local settings. You can put your copy of the rip_dvd.conf file in any of the following locations: 1) /path/to/rip_dvd/script/rip_dvd.conf.dist 2) /path/to/rip_dvd/script/rip_dvd.conf 3) /etc/rip_dvd.conf 4) /path/to/where/rip_dvd/is/run/from/rip_dvd.conf ---------------------------------------------- MYTHTV MENU SETUP ---------------------------------------------- Copy the menu files provided in the GIT repository to your mythtv menu location: > cp optical_menu.xml /usr/share/mythtv/ > cp rip_dvd_menu.xml /usr/share/mythtv/ You'll also need to edit the rip_dvd_menu.xml file so that the paths, commands, buttons, actions, meet your needs to accomplish the common encoding tasks you will want to do. The optical_menu.xml file was modified with a single entry for the rip_dvd_menu.xml file. You can take a look at this entry in this file and place it in any xml file you want to get it on the menu you want. I choose to place it on the optical menu. The menu items in these examples call the rip_dvd.wrap script. This is a simple script I wrote to implementation hide the full command line options for rip_dvd from the mythtv menu system. I also use this wrapper script to determine where to put the ripped DVD images. You can copy this example and call it something else on your system and change it appropriately to meet your needs. ---------------------------------------------- COMMAND LINE EXAMPLES ---------------------------------------------- Rip a DVD into a compressed AVI file with default xvidhq profile: > rip_dvd -d /path/to/dest/dir -b 2000 -z Rip a DVD into a compressed AVI file with default xvidhq profile scaling to 320x240 compressed video size: > rip_dvd -d /path/to/dest/dir -b 2000 -z -a 320:240 Rip a DVD into a compressed AVI file with default xvidhq profile targetting a certain compressed video filesize (in MB): > rip_dvd -d /path/to/dest/dir -b 2000 -z -s 650 Rip a DVD into a VOB file: > rip_dvd -d /path/to/dest/dir -v Rip a DVD into an ISO file: > rip_dvd -d /path/to/dest/dir -m Rip a DVD into a burnable DVD compliant folder (creating VIDEO_TS and AUDIO_TS folders): > rip_dvd -d /path/to/dest/dir -f Rip a VOB file into a compressed AVI file: > rip_dvd -d /path/to/dest/dir -b 2000 -z -n /path/to/file.vob Rip a DVD Folder into a compressed AVI file: > rip_dvd -d /path/to/dest/dir -b 2000 -z -n /path/to/dvd/folder/that/contains/a/VIDEO_TS Rip a DVD into a compressed MP4 file for an ipod: > rip_dvd -d /path/to/dest/dir -b 2000 -z -p ipod Rip a DVD into a compressed MP4 file for an ipod AND again for a compressed AVI file: > dvdname=`volname /dev/dvd | awk '{ print $1 }'` > rip_dvd -d /path/to/dest/dir -v > rip_dvd -d /path/to/dest/dir/ipod -b 2000 -z -p ipod -n /path/to/dest/dir/$dvdname.VOB > rip_dvd -d /path/to/dest/dir/xvid -b 2000 -z -p xvidhq -n /path/to/dest/dir/$dvdname.VOB > rm /path/to/dest/dir/$dvdname.VOB