From: Carl Baldwin <cnb@ball.(none)>
Date: Sun, 23 Oct 2005 02:11:48 +0000 (-0600)
Subject: Added counting of bytes and blocks
X-Git-Tag: release-0.4~79

Added counting of bytes and blocks

diff --git a/main.cpp b/main.cpp
index 6f982b3..d00d8de 100644
--- a/main.cpp
+++ b/main.cpp
@@ -9,6 +9,8 @@
 using namespace std;
+static const unsigned int bytes_in_block = 0x800;
 unsigned long long current_time() {
   unsigned long long rc = 0;
   time_t now_tt = time( 0 );
@@ -23,19 +25,17 @@ unsigned long long current_time() {
   return rc;
-template<class I, class O>
-bool copy_until_full( I begin, I end, O out, unsigned long long &space ) {
-  const unsigned long long block_size = 0x200ULL;
+template<class I, class O, class INT>
+bool copy_until_full( I begin, I end, O out, INT &space ) {
   bool complete = true;
   I i = begin;
   while( 0 != space && i != end ) {
-    unsigned long long size = (*i)->getFileSize();
-    unsigned long long blocks = size & ( ~(block_size-1) );
-    if( blocks < size ) blocks += block_size;
+    INT size = (*i)->getFileSize();
+    INT blocksize = blocks( size ) * bytes_in_block;
-    if( blocks <= space ) {
-      space -= blocks;
+    if( blocksize <= space ) {
+      space -= blocksize;
       out = *i;
     } else {
@@ -86,6 +86,28 @@ void partition_sets( const SET &current, const SET &old,
                   cmp );
+template<class INT>
+INT blocks( const INT &bytes ) {
+  INT numblocks = bytes / bytes_in_block;
+  if( 0 != bytes % bytes_in_block ) numblocks++;
+  return numblocks;
+template<class ITER, class INT>
+void sizes( ITER begin, const ITER &end, INT &numblocks, INT &numbytes ) {
+  numblocks = 0;
+  numbytes  = 0;
+  while( begin != end ) {
+    INT filesize = (*begin)->getFileSize();
+    numbytes  += filesize;
+    numblocks += blocks( filesize );
+    begin++;
+  }
 int main() {
   // Parse the list of current files on stdin
   file_set current;
@@ -103,18 +125,30 @@ int main() {
   // Now find the list of files to backup.
   file_set backups;
+  insert_iterator<file_set> backups_i( backups, backups.begin() );
   // backup all added files
-  copy( added.begin(), added.end(), inserter( backups, backups.begin() ) );
+  copy( added.begin(), added.end(), backups_i );
+  // Track the total size of added files
+  unsigned long long added_blocks, added_bytes;
+  sizes( backups.begin(), backups.end(), added_blocks, added_bytes );
+  file_vector modified_files;
   // Backup files that have been modified
   file_set::iterator i = common.begin(), j = old_common.begin();
   for( ; i != common.end(); ++i, ++j ) {
     (*i)->setLastBackupDate( (*j)->getLastBackupDate() );
-    if( needs_backup( *j, *i ) ) backups.insert( *i );
+    if( needs_backup( *j, *i ) ) modified_files.push_back( *i );
+  copy( modified_files.begin(), modified_files.end(), backups_i );
+  // Track the total size of modified files
+  unsigned long long modified_blocks, modified_bytes;
+  sizes( modified_files.begin(), modified_files.end(), modified_blocks, modified_bytes );
   // Now, sort the backups by filesize and build a list that'll fit on a DVD
   file_vector backups_s;
   copy( backups.begin(), backups.end(), back_inserter( backups_s ) );
@@ -133,6 +167,10 @@ int main() {
                                    space );
+  // Track the size filled up by essential backups
+  unsigned long long essential_blocks, essential_bytes;
+  sizes( final.begin(), final.end(), essential_blocks, essential_bytes );
   // Now, sort the non-backed-up list by last_backup_date and back-fill
   if( 0 != space ) {
     file_vector leftovers;
@@ -148,6 +186,10 @@ int main() {
     copy_until_full( leftovers.begin(), leftovers.end(), final_i, space );
+  // Track the total size to be copied to the dvd
+  unsigned long long total_blocks, total_bytes;
+  sizes( final.begin(), final.end(), total_blocks, total_bytes );
   unsigned long long now = current_time();
   for( file_set::iterator k = final.begin(); k != final.end(); ++k ) {
     (*k)->setLastBackupDate( now );
@@ -160,7 +202,19 @@ int main() {
   // Write the 'final' list to stdout
   copy( final.begin(), final.end(), ostream_iterator<FileData*>( cout, "" ) );
-  if( ! complete ) { cerr << "incomplete" << endl; }
+  cerr << "Need backing up..." << endl;
+  cerr << "	Added Bytes:		" << added_bytes << endl;
+  cerr << "	Added Blocks:		" << added_blocks << endl;
+  cerr << "	Modified Bytes:		" << modified_bytes << endl;
+  cerr << "	Modified Blocks:	" << modified_blocks << endl << endl;
+  cerr << "Will be backed up..." << endl;
+  cerr << "	Essential Bytes:	" << essential_bytes << endl;
+  cerr << "	Essential Blocks:	" << essential_blocks << endl;
+  cerr << "	Total Bytes:		" << total_bytes << endl;
+  cerr << "	Total Blocks:		" << total_blocks << endl << endl;
+  if( ! complete ) { cerr << "Backup is incomplete!" << endl; }
   // Clean-up
   for( file_set::iterator i = backed_up.begin(); i != backed_up.end(); ++i ) { delete *i; }