From: Alan J. Pippin <>
Date: Fri, 18 Nov 2011 04:53:29 +0000 (-0700)
Subject: Fixed bug

Fixed bug

diff --git a/make_mkv b/make_mkv
index 6ad22c6..12e3c1b 100755
--- a/make_mkv
+++ b/make_mkv
@@ -73,10 +73,7 @@ foreach $video (split(/,/, $opt_i)) {
 print "-> Creating $opt_o with title '$opt_t' from the following video files in last modified date order:\n";
 open(CHAPTERS,">$chapter_file") || die "-E- Unable to create chapter file: $chapter_file\n";
 my $chapter_num = 0;
-my $prev_hour = 0;
-my $prev_min  = 0;
-my $prev_sec  = 0;
-my $new_duration = DateTime::Duration->new(years => 1900, hours => $prev_hour, minutes => $prev_min, seconds => $prev_sec);
+my $new_duration = DateTime::Duration->new(years => 1900, hours => 0, minutes => 0, seconds => 0);
 my $duration_format = DateTime::Format::Duration->new(pattern => '%H:%M:%S.%3N', normalize => 1);
 foreach my $video (sort{$videos{$a} <=> $videos{$b}} keys %videos) {