From: Carl Baldwin <cnb@ball.(none)>
Date: Mon, 24 Oct 2005 21:47:17 +0000 (-0600)
Subject: Some clean-up
X-Git-Tag: release-0.4~71

Some clean-up

diff --git a/main.cpp b/main.cpp
index b0b6f11..d8a1214 100644
--- a/main.cpp
+++ b/main.cpp
@@ -120,6 +120,21 @@ void copy_filenames( I begin, const I &end, O out ) {
+template<class ITER>
+void updateLastBackupDate( ITER begin, const ITER &end, unsigned long long date ) {
+  while( begin != end ) {
+    (*begin)->setLastBackupDate( date );
+  }
+template<class ITER>
+void delete_objects( ITER begin, const ITER &end ) {
+  while( begin != end ) {
+    delete *begin;
+    ++begin;
+  }
 int main() {
   // Parse the list of current files on stdin
   file_set current;
@@ -174,10 +189,8 @@ int main() {
   insert_iterator<file_set> final_i( final, final.begin() );
   // Copy files over until full or out of files
-  bool complete = copy_until_full( backups_s.rbegin(),
-                                   backups_s.rend(),
-                                   final_i,
-                                   space );
+  bool complete
+    = copy_until_full( backups_s.rbegin(), backups_s.rend(), final_i, space );
   // Track the size filled up by essential backups
   unsigned long long essential_blocks, essential_bytes;
@@ -203,16 +216,14 @@ int main() {
   sizes( final.begin(), final.end(), total_blocks, total_bytes );
   unsigned long long now = current_time();
-  for( file_set::iterator k = final.begin(); k != final.end(); ++k ) {
-    (*k)->setLastBackupDate( now );
-  }
+  updateLastBackupDate( final.begin(), final.end(), now );
   // Write the 'current' list to the dbfile
   ofstream dbout( dbname );
-  copy( current.begin(), current.end(), ostream_iterator<FileData*>( dbout, "" ) );
+  copy( current.begin(), current.end(), ostream_iterator<FileData*>( dbout ) );
   // Write the 'final' list to stdout
-  copy_filenames( final.begin(), final.end(), ostream_iterator<string>( cout, "" ) );
+  copy_filenames( final.begin(), final.end(), ostream_iterator<string>( cout ) );
   cerr << now << endl << endl;
@@ -231,6 +242,6 @@ int main() {
   if( ! complete ) { cerr << "Backup is incomplete!" << endl; }
   // Clean-up
-  for( file_set::iterator i = backed_up.begin(); i != backed_up.end(); ++i ) { delete *i; }
-  for( file_set::iterator i = current.begin();   i != current.end();   ++i ) { delete *i; }
+  delete_objects( backed_up.begin(), backed_up.end() );
+  delete_objects( current.begin(),   current.end() );