From: Alan Jack Pippin <ajp@pippin.(none)>
Date: Fri, 29 Jun 2007 03:58:50 +0000 (-0600)
Subject: Added support for yahoo video and
X-Git-Tag: 1_0_4~6

Added support for yahoo video and

diff --git a/ b/
index b8941f6..e5eecd1 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -78,10 +78,22 @@ class ItemAddEmbedVideo extends ItemAddPlugin {
 	   $flvThumbnail = $this->getParameter($ItemAddEmbedVideo, 'flvThumbnail');
 	   /* Store other string constants we'll use later */
+	   /* youtube */
+	   /* google */
+	   /* yahoo */
+	   $yahooUrlPattern="";
+	   $yahooThumbnailUrl="";
+	   /* metacafe */
+	   $metacafeUrlPattern="";
+	   $metacafeThumbnailUrl="";
 	   /* Gallery2 specific paths and variables */
 	   $urlGenerator =& $gallery->getUrlGenerator();
@@ -210,6 +222,94 @@ class ItemAddEmbedVideo extends ItemAddPlugin {
 	       $description.= 'src="'.$googlePlayer.'?docId='.$doc_id.'"> ';
 	       $description.= '</embed>';
 	       $description.= "<br>$summary";
+	   /*
+	    **********************************
+	    * Embed a Yahoo Video
+	    **********************************
+            */
+	   } else if(preg_match("/$yahooUrlPattern/",$url)) {
+	       /* Make sure we can extract a vidID */
+	       if(preg_match("/vid=(.*)/",$url,$matches)) {
+		   $vid_id = $matches[1];
+	       } else {
+		   return array(GalleryCoreApi::error(ERROR_BAD_PARAMETER,__FILE__,__LINE__,
+				"Unable to extract vid id from url: $url"),null,null);
+	       }
+	       /* Grab the contents of the webpage used to display the video on */
+	       list ($successfullyCopied, $contents, $response, $headers) =
+		 GalleryCoreApi::fetchWebPage($url, $extraHeaders);
+	       if (!$successfullyCopied) {
+		   return array(GalleryCoreApi::error(ERROR_BAD_PATH,__FILE__,__LINE__,
+				"Unable to get video information at url: $url - $response"),NULL,NULL);
+	       }
+	       /* Extract the summary from the webpage contents */
+	       preg_match('/Description:<\/em><p>(.+?)<\/p>/', $contents, $matches);
+	       $summary=$matches[1];
+	       /* Extract the title from the webpage contents */
+	       $title="Unknown";
+	       if(preg_match('/<title>(.+?)\s+- Yahoo! Video<\/title>/i', $contents, $matches)) {
+		 $title=$matches[1];
+	       } else if(preg_match('/<title>(.+?)<\/title>/i', $contents, $matches)) {
+		 $title=$matches[1];
+	       }
+	       /* Build the thumbnail URL from the vid_id */
+	       $thumbnail=$yahooThumbnailUrl.$vid_id."_01";
+	       /* Format the description to hold a reference to the embedded video */
+	       preg_match('/(<embed src.+?<\/embed>)/', $contents, $matches);
+	       $description=$matches[1];
+	       $description=preg_replace("/width='\d+'/","width='".$width."'",$description);
+	       $description=preg_replace("/height='\d+'/","height='".$height."'",$description);	       
+	       $description.= "<br>$summary";
+	   /*
+	    **********************************
+	    * Embed a MetaCafe Video
+	    **********************************
+            */
+	   } else if(preg_match("/$metacafeUrlPattern/",$url)) {
+	       /* Make sure we can extract a itemID */
+	       if(preg_match("/\/watch\/(.+?)\/(.+?)/",$url,$matches)) {
+		   $item_id = $matches[1];
+	       } else {
+		   return array(GalleryCoreApi::error(ERROR_BAD_PARAMETER,__FILE__,__LINE__,
+				"Unable to extract item id from url: $url"),null,null);
+	       }
+	       /* Grab the contents of the webpage used to display the video on */
+	       list ($successfullyCopied, $contents, $response, $headers) =
+		 GalleryCoreApi::fetchWebPage($url, $extraHeaders);
+	       if (!$successfullyCopied) {
+		   return array(GalleryCoreApi::error(ERROR_BAD_PATH,__FILE__,__LINE__,
+				"Unable to get video information at url: $url - $response"),NULL,NULL);
+	       }
+	       /* Extract the summary from the webpage contents */
+	       preg_match('/<meta name="description" content="(.+?)" \/>/i', $contents, $matches);
+	       $summary=$matches[1];
+	       /* Extract the title from the webpage contents */
+	       preg_match('/<title>(.+?)<\/title>/i', $contents, $matches);
+	       $title=$matches[1];
+	       /* Build the thumbnail URL from the item_id */
+	       $thumbnail=$metacafeThumbnailUrl.$item_id.".jpg";
+	       /* Format the description to hold a reference to the embedded video */
+	       preg_match('/(embed src.+?\/embed)/', $contents, $matches);
+	       $description="<".$matches[1];
+	       $description=preg_replace("/&quot;/","'",$description);
+	       $description=preg_replace("/width='\d+'/","width='".$width."'",$description);
+	       $description=preg_replace("/height='\d+'/","height='".$height."'",$description);
+	       $description.= "</embed>";
+	       $description.= "<br>$summary";
@@ -366,6 +466,7 @@ class ItemAddEmbedVideo extends ItemAddPlugin {
 	   /* General debug output */
 	   if(!strcmp($debugOutput,"true")) {
+  	       print "title: $title <br>";
   	       print "<p><a href=\"".$title."\" target=\"_blank\">";
 	       print "<img src=\"".$thumbnail."\">\n</a>".$summary."</p>";
 	       print "<p>$description</p>";
diff --git a/templates/ItemAddEmbedVideo.tpl b/templates/ItemAddEmbedVideo.tpl
index 5aaaf3c..7f10a0f 100644
--- a/templates/ItemAddEmbedVideo.tpl
+++ b/templates/ItemAddEmbedVideo.tpl
@@ -20,8 +20,10 @@
     <b><u>Supported Video Sites:</u></b> <br>
-    <b>YouTube:</b><br>
-    <b>GoogleVideo:</b><br>
+    <b>YouTube:</b><br>
+    <b>GoogleVideo:</b><br>
+    <b>YahooVideo:</b><br>
+    <b>Metacafe:</b><br>
     <b><u>Supported File Types:</u></b><br>
     <b>FlashVideo (.flv):</b> http://aaa.bbb.ccc/video.flv<br>