From: Alan J. Pippin <>
Date: Fri, 22 May 2009 20:45:12 +0000 (-0600)
Subject: Commented out mp4 profiles from usage. They just don't work well yet.
X-Git-Tag: 1_0~8

Commented out mp4 profiles from usage. They just don't work well yet.
There is a lot more work required to get that encoding to use 6 channel audio properly.
The 2-channel audio is also not very impressive. Tried using -oac copy to copy the AC3
stream from the DVD, and it didn't work either. So, it's not ready for prime time use.
Once it is, I will uncomment it from the usage then.

diff --git a/rip_dvd b/rip_dvd
index 0295e62..afa9aa8 100755
--- a/rip_dvd
+++ b/rip_dvd
@@ -116,9 +116,9 @@ function usage() {
     echo >&2 "                 - xvidvhq = AVI, very high quality encoding, Xvid codec, 2 pass encoding (default)"
     echo >&2 "                 - xvidhq = AVI, high quality encoding, Xvid codec, 2 pass encoding"
     echo >&2 "                 - xvid = AVI, fast encoding, Xvid codec, 2 pass encoding"
-    echo >&2 "                 - mp4vhq = MP4, very high quality encoding, x264 codec, 2 pass encoding"
-    echo >&2 "                 - mp4hq = MP4, high quality encoding, x264 codec, 2 pass encoding"
-    echo >&2 "                 - mp4 = MP4, fast encoding, x264 codec, 2 pass encoding"
+    #echo >&2 "                 - mp4vhq = MP4, very high quality encoding, x264 codec, 2 pass encoding"
+    #echo >&2 "                 - mp4hq = MP4, high quality encoding, x264 codec, 2 pass encoding"
+    #echo >&2 "                 - mp4 = MP4, fast encoding, x264 codec, 2 pass encoding"
     echo >&2 "                 - iphone = MP4, x264 codec, 2 pass encoding, forced 480:320 scaling"
     echo >&2 "                 - ipod = MP4, x264 codec, 2 pass encoding, forced 320:240 scaling"
     echo >&2 "   -e <ext>      Specify a suffix extension to apply to the end of the final image filename (like .xvid, .ipod, etc)"
@@ -1115,9 +1115,7 @@ function remove_intermediate_dvdbackup_folder {
 # Make a note of when this DVD rip started
 echo -e "\n$date DVD rip started" >> "$logfile"
-echo "cmd: $cmd" >> "$logfile"
+echo "$cmd" >> "$logfile"
 # Rip the DVD - Mirror Mode
 if [ $mirror_mode -eq 1 ]; then