From: Carl N Baldwin <cnb@plane.(none)>
Date: Sat, 29 Oct 2005 03:57:27 +0000 (-0600)
Subject: Fix up the burn script
X-Git-Tag: release-0.4~44

Fix up the burn script

diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
index a180c4d..a6a5ba9 100755
--- a/scripts/
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -1,39 +1,62 @@
-img=$(ls $imagedir | head -n 1)
-echo $img
-if [ -n "$img" ]; then
-  if -dao speed=8 dev=$sdev $isoimage; then
-    md5sum=$(tempfile)
-    dd if=$dev bs=1M count=4440 | md5sum | awk '{print$1}' > $md5sum
-    if ! cmp $md5sum $isoimage.md5sum; then
-      echo "Failed" | mailx -s "DVD md5sum doesn't match image file!!!" $mailto
-      exit 1
-    else
-      echo $md5sum >> $img.stat
-    fi
-  else
-    echo "Failed" | mailx -s "DVD burning failed!!!" $mailto
-    exit 1
-  fi
-  {
-    echo "Image md5sum:"
-    cat $img.md5sum
-    echo
-    echo "md5sum of burned disks:"
-    cat $img.stat
-  } | mailx -s "DVD burned.  File it as ${img%.*}" $mailto
-  if [ "$(wc -l $img.stat 2>/dev/null)" == "2" ]; then
-    echo "Burned the image twice.  Removing it!"
-    rm -f $img{,.md5sum,.stat}
-    rmdir $img.mnt
-  fi
+# Discover disk images by looking for .img.md5sum files in $imagedir
+imgmd5=$(ls $imagedir/*.img.md5sum | head -n 1)
+# If we didn't find an non-empty file then exit gracefully
+[ -z "$imgmd5" ] && exit 0
+[ -s "$imgmd5" ] || exit 0
+# Get the name of the disk image by stripping off the tailing '.md5sum'
+# A little paranoia.  Make sure the disk image file is there.
+[ -z "$img" ] && exit 1
+[ -s "$img" ] || exit 1
+# Burn the image to a disk. -dao dev=$sdev $isoimage > $logfile 2>&1
+if [ 0 != "$?" ]; then
+  echo >&2 "cdrecord failed!"
+  exit 1
+# Now verify the disk by running md5sum on the entire contents of the disk
+dd if=$dev bs=1M count=4440 2>$logfile | md5sum | awk '{print$1}' > $md5sum
+# Check that the md5sums match
+if ! cmp $md5sum $isoimage.md5sum; then
+  echo "Failed" | mailx -s "DVD md5sum doesn't match image file!!!" $mailto
+  exit 1
+# Record the date in the stat file to indicate that this burn was a success
+date >> $img.stat
+{ # Send e-mail
+  echo "Image md5sum:"
+  cat $img.md5sum
+  echo
+  echo "md5sum of burned disks:"
+  cat $img.stat
+  echo
+  cat $logfile
+} | mailx -s "DVD burned.  File it as ${img%.*}" $mailto > $logfile 2>&1
+# Two lines in the stat file indicate two successful burns.  Clean-up the image.
+if [ "$(wc -l $img.stat 2>/dev/null)" == "2" ]; then
+  # Burned the image twice.  Removing it and associated files!
+  rm -f $img{,.md5sum,.stat}
+  [ -d $img.mnt ] && rmdir $img.mnt