From: Alan J. Pippin <>
Date: Mon, 30 Jan 2012 00:52:44 +0000 (-0700)
Subject: Changed previous solution for makemkv into a much better approach.

Changed previous solution for makemkv into a much better approach.

diff --git a/rip_dvd b/rip_dvd
index 70aa785..90a3c5e 100755
--- a/rip_dvd
+++ b/rip_dvd
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ typeset profile="xvidhq"
 typeset extension=""
 typeset mailto=""
 typeset encoder=""
+typeset ripper=""
 typeset default_alang="en"
 typeset track=""
 typeset drc="0.0"
@@ -77,7 +78,6 @@ typeset -i custom_audio_2ch=0
 typeset -i custom_audio_6ch=0
 typeset -i minimum_feature_title_length=60
 typeset -i lsdvd_timeout=10
-typeset -i real_isofile=0
 # Local Machine Settings:
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ fi
 # Command line processing
-while (($#)) && getopts 162wmvifkzx:ht:n:d:b:B:s:t:a:p:e:j:l:r: opt "$@"
+while (($#)) && getopts 162wmvifkzx:ht:n:d:b:B:s:t:a:p:e:j:l:r:R: opt "$@"
     case $opt in
         (n)     dvdname=$OPTARG;;
@@ -128,6 +128,7 @@ do
         (i)     make_final_dest_iso=1;;
         (f)     make_final_dest_folder=1;; 
         (z)     make_final_dest_comp=1;;
+	(R)     ripper=$OPTARG;;
 	(e)     encoder=$OPTARG;;
         (m)     mirror_mode=1;;
         (k)     keep_intermediate_files=1;;
@@ -166,8 +167,9 @@ function usage() {
     echo >&2 "                 - iphone = MP4, x264 codec, 2 pass encoding, forced 480:320 scaling"
     echo >&2 "                 - ipod = MP4, x264 codec, 2 pass encoding, forced 320:240 scaling"
     echo >&2 "                 Handbrake Only Encoder Profiles:"
-    echo >&2 "                 - mkvvhq = MKV, very high quality encoding (0.90 quality) (requires makemkv encoder option)"
-    echo >&2 "                 - mkvhq = MKV, high quality encoding (0.85 quality) (requires makemkv encoder option)"
+    echo >&2 "                 - mkvvhq = MKV, very high quality encoding (0.95 quality)"
+    echo >&2 "                 - mkvhq = MKV, high quality encoding (0.90 quality)"
+    echo >&2 "                 - mkv = MKV, high quality encoding (0.85 quality)"
     echo >&2 "                 - mp4vhq = MP4, very high quality encoding, x264 codec, 2 pass encoding"
     echo >&2 "                 - mp4hq = MP4, high quality encoding, x264 codec, 2 pass encoding"
     echo >&2 "                 - mp4 = MP4, fast encoding, x264 codec, 2 pass encoding"
@@ -180,8 +182,9 @@ function usage() {
     echo >&2 "   -v            Make the final image a DVD VOB file"
     echo >&2 "   -i            Make the final image a DVD ISO file"
     echo >&2 "   -f            Make the final image a DVD folder"
-    echo >&2 "   -z            Make the final image a compressed file based on your profile selection and encoder"
-    echo >&2 "   -e <encoder>  Specify the encoder to use to make the compressed file (valid encoders=mencoder|handbrake|makemkv) (default=handbrake if found)"
+    echo >&2 "   -z            Make the final image a compressed fi[[ ! -e "$vobfile" ]]le based on your profile selection and encoder"
+    echo >&2 "   -R <ripper>   Specify the ripper to use to make the DVD image (valid rippers=ddrescue|makemkv|handbrake|mplayer) (default=makemkv if found)"
+    echo >&2 "   -e <encoder>  Specify the encoder to use to make the compressed file (valid encoders=mencoder|handbrake) (default=handbrake if found)"
     echo >&2 "                 You must also specify the target size or bitrate using the '-s' or '-b' options with xvid profiles"
     echo >&2 "   -s <size>     Set the target size of the compressed file in MB (ex: 700, 1000, etc)"
     echo >&2 "   -b <bitrate>  Set the video bitrate desired in the compressed file in kbits/sec (ex: 1500, 2000 (default), etc)"    
@@ -250,14 +253,20 @@ if [ $audio_2ch -eq 0 ] && [ $audio_6ch -eq 0 ]; then
+# Make makemkv the default ripper if not specified and we can find it
+if [ -z "$ripper" ]; then
+  ripper="makemkv"
+  [[ ! -x `which $makemkv` ]] && ripper="ddrescue";
 # Make handbrake the default encoder if not specified and we can find it
 if [ -z "$encoder" ]; then
-  encoder="mencoder"; # If we can't find handbrake or makemkv, set mencoder as the default
+  encoder="mencoder"; # If we can't find handbrake, set mencoder as the default
   [[ -x `which $handbrake_xvid` ]] && [[ "$profile" =~ "xvid" ]] && encoder="handbrake";
   [[ -x `which $handbrake_mp4` ]] && [[ "$profile" =~ "mp4" ]] && encoder="handbrake";
+  [[ -x `which $handbrake_mp4` ]] && [[ "$profile" =~ "mk4" ]] && encoder="handbrake";
   [[ -x `which $handbrake_mp4` ]] && [[ "$profile" =~ "ip" ]] && encoder="handbrake";
   [[ -x `which $handbrake_mp4` ]] && [[ "$profile" =~ "hb" ]] && encoder="handbrake";
-  [[ -x `which $makemkv` ]] && [[ "$profile" =~ "mkv" ]] && encoder="makemkv";
 # Sanity check the profile selection
@@ -265,11 +274,8 @@ if [[ "$encoder" == "mencoder" ]]; then
   [[ "$profile" =~ "mp4" ]] && echo "-E- invalid encoder $encoder selected for mp4 profile: $profile" && exit
   [[ "$profile" =~ "mkv" ]] && echo "-E- invalid encoder $encoder selected for mkv profile: $profile" && exit
-if [[ "$encoder" == "handbrake" ]]; then
-  [[ "$profile" =~ "mkv" ]] && echo "-E- invalid encoder $encoder selected for mkv profile: $profile" && exit
-if [[ "$encoder" != "mencoder" ]] && [[ "$encoder" != "handbrake" ]] && [[ "$encoder" != "makemkv" ]]; then
+if [[ "$encoder" != "mencoder" ]] && [[ "$encoder" != "handbrake" ]]; then
   echo "-E- Invalid encoder specified: $encoder"
   exit 1
@@ -306,15 +312,14 @@ fi
 [[ ! -x `which mkisofs` ]] && echo "-E- missing dependency: mkisofs" && exit
 [[ -n "$handbrake_xvid" ]] && [[ ! -x `which $handbrake_xvid` ]] && echo "-E- missing handbrake xvid encoder, set in rip_dvd.conf to: $handbrake_xvid" && exit
 [[ -n "$handbrake_mp4" ]] && [[ ! -x `which $handbrake_mp4` ]] && echo "-E- missing handbrake mp4 encoder, set in rip_dvd.conf to: $handbrake_mp4" && exit
-[[ -n "$makemkv" ]] && [[ ! -x `which $makemkv` ]] && echo "-E- missing makemkv encoder, set in rip_dvd.conf to: $makemkv" && exit
+[[ -n "$makemkv" ]] && [[ ! -x `which $makemkv` ]] && echo "-E- missing makemkv ripper, set in rip_dvd.conf to: $makemkv" && exit
 [[ "$encoder" == "handbrake" ]] && [[ "$profile" =~ "xvid" ]] && [[ ! -x `which $handbrake_xvid` ]] && echo "-E- missing HandBrake encoder: $handbrake_xvid" && exit
 [[ "$encoder" == "handbrake" ]] && [[ "$profile" =~ "mp4" ]] && [[ ! -x `which $handbrake_mp4` ]] && echo "-E- missing HandBrake encoder: $handbrake_mp4" && exit
 [[ "$encoder" == "handbrake" ]] && [[ "$profile" =~ "ip" ]] && [[ ! -x `which $handbrake_mp4` ]] && echo "-E- missing HandBrake encoder: $handbrake_mp4" && exit
 [[ "$encoder" == "handbrake" ]] && [[ "$profile" =~ "hb" ]] && [[ ! -x `which $handbrake_mp4` ]] && echo "-E- missing HandBrake encoder: $handbrake_mp4" && exit
-[[ "$encoder" == "makemkv"   ]] && [[ "$profile" =~ "mkv" ]] && [[ ! -x `which $makemkv` ]] && echo "-E- missing MakeMKV encoder: $makemkv" && exit
-[[ "$encoder" == "makemkv"   ]] && [[ "$profile" =~ "mkv" ]] && [[ ! -x `which $mkvextract` ]] && echo "-E- missing mkvextract: $mkvextract" && exit
-[[ "$encoder" == "makemkv"   ]] && [[ "$profile" =~ "mkv" ]] && [[ ! -x `which $mkvpropedit` ]] && echo "-E- missing mkvpropedit: $mkvpropedit" && exit
-[[ "$encoder" == "makemkv"   ]] && [[ "$profile" =~ "mkv" ]] && [[ ! -x `which $mkvmerge` ]] && echo "-E- missing mkvmerge: $mkvmerge" && exit
+[[ "$encoder" == "handbrake" ]] && [[ "$profile" =~ "mkv" ]] && [[ ! -x `which $mkvextract` ]] && echo "-E- missing mkvextract: $mkvextract" && exit
+[[ "$encoder" == "handbrake" ]] && [[ "$profile" =~ "mkv" ]] && [[ ! -x `which $mkvpropedit` ]] && echo "-E- missing mkvpropedit: $mkvpropedit" && exit
+[[ "$encoder" == "handbrake" ]] && [[ "$profile" =~ "mkv" ]] && [[ ! -x `which $mkvmerge` ]] && echo "-E- missing mkvmerge: $mkvmerge" && exit
 [[ "$encoder" == "handbrake" ]] && [[ "$profile" =~ "mp4" ]] && [[ ! -x `which $mp4box` ]] && echo "-E- missing mp4box: $mp4box" && exit
 [[ "$encoder" == "handbrake" ]] && [[ ! -x `which ffmpeg` ]] && echo "-E- missing dependency: ffmpeg" && exit
@@ -360,6 +365,7 @@ else
     file "$dvdname" | grep -q "MPEG"
     if [ $? == 0 ]; then
       # It is a valid MPEG2 file, now strip the extension off our dvdname
+      # An MPEG file is like a VOB file (intermediate format of the DVD movie)
       dvdname=`basename "$dvdname"`
@@ -372,19 +378,21 @@ else
     file "$dvdname" | grep -q -e "ISO" -e "UDF"
     if [ $? == 0 ]; then
       # It is a valid ISO file, now strip the extension off our dvdname
+      # An ISO file is treated as a disc or DVD image that needs to be converted
+      # to an intermediate vobfile before it can be compressed.
       dvdname=`basename "$dvdname"`
-      real_isofile=1
-    # check to see if dvdname is a full path to an ISO file
+    # check to see if dvdname is a full path to a VOB file
     # if it is, set dvdname and isofile appropriately
     file "$dvdname" | grep -q -e "VOB"
     if [ $? == 0 ]; then
       # It is a valid VOB file, now strip the extension off our dvdname
+      # A VOB file is an intermediate format of the DVD movie
       dvdname=`basename "$dvdname"`
@@ -392,15 +400,16 @@ else
-    # check to see if dvdname is a full path to an ISO file
+    # check to see if dvdname is a full path to an MKV file
     # if it is, set dvdname and isofile appropriately
     file "$dvdname" | grep -q -e "mkv"
     if [ $? == 0 ]; then
-      # It is a valid VOB file, now strip the extension off our dvdname
-      isofile="$dvdname"
+      # It is a valid MKV file, now strip the extension off our dvdname
+      # An MKV file is like a VOB file (intermediate format of the DVD movie)
+      vobfile="$dvdname"
       dvdname=`basename "$dvdname"`
-      keep_isofile=1
+      keep_vobfile=1
@@ -673,10 +682,11 @@ function encode_vob_file_handbrake {
   # Set a variable that we will use later to determine if we found a handler for $profile or not
   typeset -i found_profile=0    
-  # For a given profile, to override the 2 pass behavior to be single pass,
-  # simply set the PASSES variable below to "2" instead of "1 2" inside your profile handler. 
-  # It indicates which PASS numbers to loop over. PASSES="2" means just do pass 2 => single pass mode.
+  # Default is 2 pass mode. Profiles can override this. Command line can override this as well.
+  if [ $force_onepass_mode -eq 1 ]; then
+      PASSES=""
+  fi
   # Set our DRC option
   DRC="-D $drc"
@@ -693,8 +703,12 @@ function encode_vob_file_handbrake {
-  # get our audio track from the VOB file (requires mp4 version of handbrake to extract)
-  get_audio_track_from_vob "$vobfile" "$handbrake_mp4"
+  # get our audio track from the vobfile (requires mp4 version of handbrake to extract)
+  if [[ "$vobfile" =~ /mkv/ ]]; then
+      get_subtitle_track_from_mkv "$vobfile" "$handbrake_mp4"
+  else
+      get_audio_track_from_vob "$vobfile" "$handbrake_mp4"
+  fi
   # XVID profile
   if [[ "$profile" =~ "xvid" ]]; then
@@ -734,7 +748,7 @@ function encode_vob_file_handbrake {
-    PASSES=""
     # Handle custom parameter overrides
     if [ $custom_video_bitrate == 1 ]; then
@@ -761,6 +775,43 @@ function encode_vob_file_handbrake {
+  # MKV profile
+  if [[ "$profile" =~ "mkv" ]]; then
+    found_profile=1
+    handbrake_cli="$handbrake_mp4"
+    final_output_file="$dest/$dvdname.mkv"
+    PASSES=""
+    # Handle custom parameter overrides
+    if [ $custom_video_bitrate == 1 ]; then
+      handbrake_opts[0]="-b $target_video_bitrate"
+    fi
+    if [ $custom_audio_2ch == 0 ]; then
+      audio_2ch=0
+    fi
+    if [ $custom_audio_6ch == 0 ]; then
+      audio_6ch=0
+    fi
+    # Very High Quality
+    if [ "$profile" == "mkvvhq" ]; then
+      handbrake_opts[0]="-q 0.95"
+    fi
+    # High Quality
+    if [ "$profile" == "mkvhq" ]; then
+      handbrake_opts[0]="-q 0.90"
+    fi
+    # Fast
+    if [ "$profile" == "mkv" ]; then
+      handbrake_opts[0]="-q 0.85"
+    fi
+    # Common options to all profiles above
+    handbrake_opts[1]="--strict-anamorphic"
+    handbrake_opts[2]="--crop 0:0:0:0"
+  fi
   # iphone and ipod MP4 profiles
   if [ "$profile" == "iphone" ] || [ "$profile" == "ipod" ]; then
@@ -795,7 +846,6 @@ function encode_vob_file_handbrake {
-    PASSES=""
     # Handle custom parameter overrides
     if [ $custom_video_bitrate == 1 ]; then
@@ -866,22 +916,67 @@ function encode_vob_file_handbrake {
     fatal_and_exit "-E- Unhandled handbrake error"
-  # Extract the chapters from the ISO/VOB so we can add them to the MP4 file. We can only do this if we have an ISO file and we made an MP4 file.
-  chapter_tmpfile="$tmpdir/$dvdname.chapters"
+  # SRC = ISO and FINAL = MP4
+  # Extract the chapters from the ISO/VOB so we can add them to the MP4 file. 
+  # We can only do this if we have an ISO file and we made an MP4 file.
   if [[ "$final_output_file" =~ "mp4" ]] && [[ -e "$isofile" ]]; then
+    chapter_tmpfile="$tmpdir/$dvdname.chapters"
+    $dvdxchap -t $feature_title "$isofile" > "$chapter_tmpfile"
+    $mp4box -chap "$chapter_tmpfile" "$final_output_file"
+    # We could also add subtitles, but we would need to follow this guide to do it:
+    #
+    #
+  fi
+  # SRC = ISO and FINAL = MKV
+  if [[ "$final_output_file" =~ "mkv" ]] && [[ -e "$isofile" ]]; then
+    chapter_tmpfile="$tmpdir/$dvdname.chapters"
     $dvdxchap -t $feature_title "$isofile" > "$chapter_tmpfile"
+    $mkvpropedit -c "$chapter_tmpfile" "$final_output_file"
+  fi
+  # SRC = MKV and FINAL = MP4
+  if [[ "$final_output_file" =~ "mp4" ]] && [[ "$vobfile" =~ "mkv" ]]; then
+    # Extract the chapters from the src and apply to the dst
+    chapter_tmpfile="$tmpdir/$dvdname.xml"
+    $mkvextract chapters "$vobfile" > "$chapter_tmpfile"
     $mp4box -chap "$chapter_tmpfile" "$final_output_file"
-  # We could also add subtitles, but we would need to follow this guide to do it:
-  #
-  #
+  # SRC = MKV and FINAL = MKV
+  # If our original src file was an MKV, extract the chapters and subtitles from it
+  if [[ "$final_output_file" =~ "mkv" ]] && [[ "$vobfile" =~ "mkv" ]]; then
+    # Extract the chapters from the src and apply to the dst
+    chapter_tmpfile="$tmpdir/$dvdname.xml"
+    $mkvextract chapters "$vobfile" > "$chapter_tmpfile"
+    $mkvpropedit -c "$chapter_tmpfile" "$final_output_file"
+    # find out what our default_alang subtitle track is in the src
+    get_subtitle_track_from_mkv "$vobfile" "$handbrake_mp4"
+    # Extract the subtitles from the src and apply to the dst
+    srt_tmpfile="$tmpdir/$"
+    sub_tmpfile="$tmpdir/$dvdname.sub"
+    idx_tmpfile="$tmpdir/$dvdname.idx"
+    $mkvextract tracks "$vobfile" $track:$srt_tmpfile
+    $mkvmerge -o "$final_output_file.subs" "$final_output_file" "$idx_tmpfile"
+    mv "$final_output_file.subs" "$final_output_file"
+    # Set the default subtitle track to "no subtitles" in the dst
+    $mkvpropedit "$final_output_file" --edit track:s1 --set flag-default=0 
+  fi
   # Remove intermediary file if we created one   
   if [ $keep_intermediate_files -eq 0 ]; then
-      rm "$chapter_tmpfile"
+      [[ -e "$chapter_tmpfile" ]] && rm "$chapter_tmpfile"
+      [[ -e "$idx_tmpfile" ]] && rm "$idx_tmpfile" 
+      [[ -e "$sub_tmpfile" ]] && rm "$sub_tmpfile"
-      echo "-> Keeping intermediate chapter file: $chapter_tmpfile" | tee -a "$logfile"
+      [[ -e "$chapter_tmpfile" ]] && echo "-> Keeping intermediate chapter file: $chapter_tmpfile" | tee -a "$logfile"
+      [[ -e "$idx_tmpfile" ]] && echo "-> Keeping intermediate subtitle files: $idx_tmpfile $sub_tmpfile" | tee -a "$logfile"
   # Concatenate the encode log to our main log file, greping out unwanted lines
@@ -1549,7 +1644,7 @@ function calculate_bitrate_from_target_size {
       echo "    If using mencoder, the target_size will be entirely disregarded." | tee -a "$logfile"
       echo "    You may need to rerun with the -b option with a target bitrate to get the desired size." | tee -a "$logfile"
       if [[ $encoder -ne "handbrake" ]] || [[ "$profile" =~ "xvid" ]]; then
-        fatal_and_exit "-E- You'll need rip this DVD with the handbrake or makemkv encoder and an MP4 type profile to get a good rip."
+        fatal_and_exit "-E- You'll need rip this DVD with the handbrake encoder and an MP4 type profile to get a good rip."
@@ -1673,7 +1768,7 @@ function check_for_mplayer_dumpstream_incompatibility {
     if [[ $vob_length -lt $min_length ]]; then 
       if [[ $encoder -ne "handbrake" ]] || [[ "$profile" =~ "xvid" ]]; then
         echo "-E- The main feature title that was ripped from the DVD has an invalid movie length." | tee -a "$logfile"
-        echo "    You'll need rip this DVD with the handbrake encoder and an MP4 type or makemkv encoder and an MKV type profile instead." | tee -a "$logfile"
+        echo "    You'll need rip this DVD with the handbrake encoder and an MP4 or MKV type profile instead." | tee -a "$logfile"
 	fatal_and_exit "-E- Aborting encoding step due to invalid movie length."
@@ -1745,7 +1840,7 @@ echo "$cmd" >> "$logfile"
 if [ $mirror_mode -eq 1 ]; then
   echo "-> Ripping DVD $dvdname to $dest"
-  if [[ "$encoder" == "makemkv" ]]; then
+  if [[ "$ripper" == "makemkv" ]]; then
       # use makemkv to make an MKV file of the disk
       make_dvd_mkv_image "$dest/$dvdname.mkv" "disc" "$makemkv_disc_id"
       # add this video data to the mythtv DB
@@ -1777,69 +1872,41 @@ if [ $mirror_mode -eq 0 ]; then
   # Rip image from DVD
   if [ $ripdvd -eq 1 ]; then
     echo "-> Ripping DVD $dvdname to $dest" | tee -a "$logfile"
-    if [[ "$encoder" == "makemkv" ]]; then
+    if [[ "$ripper" == "makemkv" ]]; then
 	# use makemkv to make an MKV file of the disk
 	make_dvd_mkv_image "$tmpdir/$dvdname.mkv" "disc" "$makemkv_disc_id"
+	vobfile="$tmpdir/$dvdname.mkv"
         # use ddrescue to make an ISO image of the disk
 	make_dvd_iso_image "$tmpdir/$dvdname.iso"
+	isofile="$tmpdir/$dvdname.iso"
   # Rip image from DVD path
   if [ -n "$dvdpath" ]; then
     echo "-> Ripping DVD $dvdpath to $dest" | tee -a "$logfile"
-     if [[ "$encoder" == "makemkv" ]]; then
-	 make_dvd_mkv_image_from_folder "$dvdpath" "$tmpdir/$dvdname.mkv" 1
-     else 
-	 make_dvd_iso_image_from_folder "$dvdpath" "$tmpdir/$dvdname.iso" 1	 
-     fi
-  fi
-  # make sure our isofile value is set
-  if [ -z "$isofile" ]; then
-      if [[ "$encoder" == "makemkv" ]]; then
-	  isofile="$tmpdir/$dvdname.mkv"
-      else 
-	  isofile="$tmpdir/$dvdname.iso"
-      fi
-  fi
-  # MakeMKV special case
-  if [[ "$encoder" == "makemkv" ]] && [[ $make_final_dest_comp -eq 1 ]]; then 
-      echo "-> Encoding the DVD video to a compressed file using $encoder" | tee -a "$logfile"
-      # eject the DVD disk since we are finished with it
-      [ $eject_disk -eq 2 ] && eject -T $dev
-      # Encode the final MKV file
-      encode_mkv_file_makemkv "$isofile" "$dest/$dvdname.mkv"
-      # remove the intermediate ISO file
-      remove_intermediate_iso_file
-      # keep intermediate log files 
-      if [ $keep_intermediate_files -eq 0 ]; then
-        [[ -e "$passlogfile" ]] && rm -f "$passlogfile";
-      else
-        echo "-> Keeping mencoder 2pass logfile: $passlogfile"
-      fi
-      # add this video data to the mythtv DB
-      fill_mythvideo_metadata "$dest/$dvdname.mkv"
-      # All done!
-      exit 0
+    make_dvd_iso_image_from_folder "$dvdpath" "$tmpdir/$dvdname.iso" 1	 
+    isofile="$tmpdir/$dvdname.iso"
   if [ $make_final_dest_vob -eq 1 ] || [ $make_final_dest_comp -eq 1 ]; then
-    if [ ! -e "$vobfile" ]; then
-      echo "-> Creating DVD video $vobfile" | tee -a "$logfile"
-      # get the feature title from the ISO
-      get_feature_title "$isofile"
+    # Create our "vobfile" using makemkv if told to do so
+    if [[ "$isofile" =~ "iso" ]] && [[ "$ripper" == "makemkv" ]]; then
+	vobfile="$tmpdir/$dvdname.mkv"
+	make_dvd_mkv_image "$vobfile" "iso" "$isofile"
+    fi
+    # get the feature title from the ISO
+    if [[ "$isofile" =~ "iso" ]]; then
+	get_feature_title "$isofile"
+    fi
+    # Create our "vobfile" using mplayer if needed
+    if [[ ! -e "$vobfile" ]] && [[ "$isofile" =~ "iso" ]]; then
+      echo "-> Creating DVD video $vobfile from $isofile" | tee -a "$logfile"
       # get the crop value from the ISO
@@ -1896,7 +1963,7 @@ if [ $mirror_mode -eq 0 ]; then
-      if [ "$encoder" != "handbrake" ]; then 
+      if [[ -e "$vobfile" ]] && [[ "$encoder" != "handbrake" ]]; then 
         echo "-> Skipping VOB creation. VOB DVD video already exists: $vobfile" | tee -a "$logfile"
         # get our audio id from the VOB file
         get_audio_id_from_vob "$vobfile"
diff --git a/rip_dvd_menu.xml b/rip_dvd_menu.xml
index 2adb1a0..255bd05 100644
--- a/rip_dvd_menu.xml
+++ b/rip_dvd_menu.xml
@@ -3,19 +3,19 @@
       <text>Rip Netflix DVD (FULL)</text>
-      <action>EXEC /myth/video/bin/rip_dvd.wrap netflix -m</action>
+      <action>EXEC /myth/video/bin/rip_dvd.wrap netflix -m -r makemkv</action>
-      <text>Rip Netflix DVD (DIVX)</text>
-      <action>EXEC /myth/video/bin/rip_dvd.wrap netflix -b 2000 -z</action>
+      <text>Rip Netflix DVD (MP4)</text>
+      <action>EXEC /myth/video/bin/rip_dvd.wrap netflix -b 2000 -z -r makemkv -p mp4hq</action>
-      <text>Rip Kid's DVD (DIVX)</text>
-      <action>EXEC /myth/video/bin/rip_dvd.wrap childrens -b 2000 -z</action>
+      <text>Rip Kid's DVD (MP4)</text>
+      <action>EXEC /myth/video/bin/rip_dvd.wrap childrens -b 2000 -z -r makemkv -p mp4hq</action>
@@ -26,8 +26,8 @@
-      <text>Rip Our DVD (DIVX)</text>
-      <action>EXEC /myth/video/bin/rip_dvd.wrap collection -b 2000 -z</action>
+      <text>Rip Our DVD (MP4)</text>
+      <action>EXEC /myth/video/bin/rip_dvd.wrap collection -b 2000 -z -r makemkv -p mp4hq</action>
@@ -38,8 +38,8 @@
-      <text>Rip Church DVD (DIVX)</text>
-      <action>EXEC /myth/video/bin/rip_dvd.wrap church -b 2000 -z</action>
+      <text>Rip Church DVD (MP4)</text>
+      <action>EXEC /myth/video/bin/rip_dvd.wrap church -b 2000 -z -r makemkv -p mp4hq</action>