From: Owen Leonard <owen@balawis.leonard.fam>
Date: Sat, 18 Sep 2010 03:40:05 +0000 (-0600)
Subject: added tc_scheduling_priority table, removed pri and notes fields from tc_individual... 
X-Git-Tag: release_1_0_0~33

added tc_scheduling_priority table, removed pri and notes fields from tc_individual tc_family and tc_companionship

diff --git a/bin/import_ward_data b/bin/import_ward_data
index 560650a..b88cba8 100755
--- a/bin/import_ward_data
+++ b/bin/import_ward_data
@@ -105,22 +105,19 @@ sub print_hash
-#| Field       | Type             | Null | Key | Default | Extra          |
-#| individual  | int(16) unsigned |      | PRI | NULL    | auto_increment |
-#| mls_id      | int(16) unsigned |      |     | NULL    |                |
-#| name        | varchar(60)      | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
-#| phone       | varchar(12)      | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
-#| email       | varchar(120)     | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
-#| priesthood  | enum             | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
-#| ppi_pri     | int(10) unsigned | YES  |     | 1       |                |
-#| ppi_notes   | varchar(128)     | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
-#| hti_pri     | int(10) unsigned | YES  |     | 1       |                |
-#| hti_notes   | varchar(128)     | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
-#| attending   | tinyint(1)       | YES  |     | 0       |                |
-#| valid       | tinyint(1)       | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
+#| Field                | Type             | Null | Key | Default | Extra          |
+#| individual           | int(16) unsigned |      | PRI | NULL    | auto_increment |
+#| mls_id               | int(16) unsigned |      |     | NULL    |                |
+#| name                 | varchar(60)      | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
+#| phone                | varchar(12)      | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
+#| email                | varchar(120)     | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
+#| priesthood           | enum             | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
+#| scheduling_priority  | int(10) unsigned | YES  |     | 30      |                |
+#| attending            | tinyint(1)       | YES  |     | 0       |                |
+#| valid                | tinyint(1)       | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
 sub update_tc_individual_table
 	print "\n-> Updating tc_individual table\n";
@@ -160,7 +157,7 @@ sub update_tc_individual_table
 		if($rows == 0) {
 			# No existing records found for this individual, make a new entry
 			print "   Adding new individual: $individual_name\n";
-			$sth = $dbh->prepare("insert into tc_individual values (NULL,'$id',\"$individual_name\",'$address','$phone','$email','','$hhposition','$priesthood','','$default_interview_pri','','$default_interview_pri','',$attending,1)");
+			$sth = $dbh->prepare("insert into tc_individual values (NULL,'$id',\"$individual_name\",'$address','$phone','$email','','$hhposition','$priesthood',NULL,$attending,1)");
 			$sth->execute or die "-E- DB error: $DBI::errstr\n";
 		} elsif($rows == 1) {
 			# An existing record was found for this individual, update it
@@ -271,14 +268,15 @@ sub update_tc_district_table
-#| Field         | Type             | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
-#| companionship | int(16) unsigned |      |     | 0       |       |
-#| individual    | int(16) unsigned | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
-#| district      | int(16) unsigned | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
-#| valid         | tinyint(1)       | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
+#| Field                | Type             | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
+#| companionship        | int(16) unsigned |      |     | 0       |       |
+#| individual           | int(16) unsigned | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
+#| district             | int(16) unsigned | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
+#| scheduling_priority  | int(10) unsigned | YES  |     | 30      |       |
+#| valid                | tinyint(1)       | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
 sub update_tc_companionship_table
 	print "\n-> Updating tc_companionship table\n";
@@ -309,7 +307,7 @@ sub update_tc_companionship_table
 					if($rows == 0) {
 						# No existing records found for this companionship, make a new entry
 						print "   Adding Companion to companionship: $individual_name -> $id\n";
-						$sth = $dbh->prepare("insert into tc_companionship values ($id,'$individual','$district',1)");
+						$sth = $dbh->prepare("insert into tc_companionship values ($id,'$individual','$district',NULL,1)");
 						$sth->execute or die "-E- DB error: $DBI::errstr\n";
 					} else {
 						# An existing companionship was found for this companionship, update it
@@ -332,19 +330,18 @@ sub update_tc_companionship_table
-#| Field         | Type             | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
-#| family        | int(16) unsigned |      | PRI | 0       |   A   |
-#| hofh_id       | int(16) unsigned | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
-#| name          | varchar(30)      | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
-#| name_id       | varchar(30)      | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
-#| individual    | int(16) unsigned | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
-#| companionship | int(16) unsigned | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
-#| visit_pri     | int(10) unsigned | YES  |     | 1       |       |
-#| visit_notes   | varchar(128)     | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
-#| valid         | tinyint(1)       | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
+#| Field                | Type             | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
+#| family               | int(16) unsigned |      | PRI | 0       |   A   |
+#| hofh_id              | int(16) unsigned | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
+#| name                 | varchar(30)      | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
+#| name_id              | varchar(30)      | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
+#| individual           | int(16) unsigned | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
+#| companionship        | int(16) unsigned | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
+#| scheduling_priority  | int(10) unsigned | YES  |     | 30      |       |
+#| valid                | tinyint(1)       | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
 sub update_tc_family_table
 	print "\n-> Updating tc_family table\n";
@@ -375,7 +372,7 @@ sub update_tc_family_table
 				if($rows == 0) {
 					# No existing records found for this family, make a new entry
 					print "   Adding new Family: $family_name\n";
-					$sth = $dbh->prepare("insert into tc_family values (NULL,$id,'$family_name','$name_id','0','0','$default_visit_pri','',1)");
+					$sth = $dbh->prepare("insert into tc_family values (NULL,$id,'$family_name','$name_id','0','0',NULL,1)");
 					$sth->execute or die "-E- DB error: $DBI::errstr\n";
 				} elsif($rows == 1) {
 					# An existing record was found for this family, update it
@@ -628,6 +625,65 @@ sub update_organization_class_data
+sub update_tc_scheduling_priority_table
+	print "\n-> Updating scheduling priority table\n";
+	# individuals
+	# TODO: make steward flexible with a setting in the config file
+	$sth = $dbh->prepare("select * from tc_individual where steward='Elder' and valid=1");
+	$sth->execute or die "-E- DB error: $DBI::errstr\n";
+	while($sqlhashref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
+		$individual = $sqlhashref->{individual};
+		$scheduling_priority = $sqlhashref->{scheduling_priority};
+		if ($scheduling_priority == 'NULL')
+		{
+			$sth2 = $dbh->prepare("insert into tc_scheduling_priority values (NULL, 30, '')");
+			$sth2->execute or die "-E- DB error: $DBI::errstr\n";
+			$scheduling_priority = $dbh->last_insert_id(NULL,NULL,'tc_scheduling_priority',NULL);
+			$sth2 = $dbh->prepare("update tc_individual set scheduling_priority=$scheduling_priority where individual=$individual");
+			$sth2->execute or die "-E- DB error: $DBI::errstr\n";
+		}
+	}
+	# families
+	# TODO: make steward flexible with a setting in the config file
+	$sth = $dbh->prepare("select tf.scheduling_priority, from tc_family AS tf JOIN tc_individual AS ti ON tf.individual=ti.individual and ti.steward='Elder' and tf.valid=1");
+	$sth->execute or die "-E- DB error: $DBI::errstr\n";
+	while($sqlhashref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
+		$family = $sqlhashref->{family};
+		$scheduling_priority = $sqlhashref->{scheduling_priority};
+		#print "$family   $scheduling_priority\n";
+		if ($scheduling_priority == 'NULL')
+		{
+			$sth2 = $dbh->prepare("insert into tc_scheduling_priority values (NULL, 30, '')");
+			$sth2->execute or die "-E- DB error: $DBI::errstr\n";
+			$scheduling_priority = $dbh->last_insert_id(NULL,NULL,'tc_scheduling_priority',NULL);
+			$sth2 = $dbh->prepare("update tc_family set scheduling_priority=$scheduling_priority where family=$family");
+			$sth2->execute or die "-E- DB error: $DBI::errstr\n";
+		}
+	}
+	# companionships
+	# TODO: make steward flexible with a setting in the config file
+	$sth = $dbh->prepare("select tc.individual, tc.scheduling_priority from tc_companionship AS tc JOIN tc_individual AS ti ON tc.individual=ti.individual and (ti.steward='Elder' or ti.steward='') and tc.valid=1");
+	$sth->execute or die "-E- DB error: $DBI::errstr\n";
+	while($sqlhashref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
+		$individual = $sqlhashref->{individual};
+		$scheduling_priority = $sqlhashref->{scheduling_priority};
+		#print "$individual   $scheduling_priority\n";
+		if ($scheduling_priority == 'NULL')
+		{
+			$sth2 = $dbh->prepare("insert into tc_scheduling_priority values (NULL, 30, '')");
+			$sth2->execute or die "-E- DB error: $DBI::errstr\n";
+			$scheduling_priority = $dbh->last_insert_id(NULL,NULL,'tc_scheduling_priority',NULL);
+			$sth2 = $dbh->prepare("update tc_companionship set scheduling_priority=$scheduling_priority where individual=$individual");
+			$sth2->execute or die "-E- DB error: $DBI::errstr\n";
+		}
+	}
@@ -699,6 +755,7 @@ if($opt_s) { $dbh->disconnect(); exit; }
 print "\n-> Import Successful! DONE...\n";
diff --git a/inc/ b/inc/
index 976709f..07c0b0e 100644
--- a/inc/
+++ b/inc/
@@ -1406,17 +1406,27 @@ class tc
 			// Save any changes made to the ppi notes table
-			$new_data = get_var('ppi_notes',array('POST'));
+			$new_data = get_var('notes',array('POST'));
 			foreach ($new_data as $entry) {
-				$ppi_notes = $entry['notes'];
+				$notes = $entry['notes'];
 				$individual = $entry['individual'];
-				$ppi_pri = $entry['pri'];
+				$priority = $entry['pri'];
 				// Perform database save actions here
+				$sql = "SELECT * FROM tc_individual WHERE individual='$individual'";
+				$this->db->query($sql,__LINE__,__FILE__);
+				if ($this->db->next_record()) {
+					$scheduling_priority = $this->db->f('scheduling_priority');
+					$this->db2->query("UPDATE tc_scheduling_priority SET priority='$priority' AND notes=\"$notes\" WHERE scheduling_priority='$scheduling_priority'", __LINE__, __FILE__);
+				}
 				$this->db->query("UPDATE tc_individual set " .
-				                 " ppi_notes='" . $ppi_notes . "'" .
-				                 ",ppi_pri='" . $ppi_pri . "'" .
+				                 " notes='" . $notes . "'" .
+				                 ",priority='" . $priority . "'" .
 				                 " WHERE individual=" . $individual,__LINE__,__FILE__);
@@ -1508,7 +1518,7 @@ class tc
 		// TODO:  changed this so it picks the quorum dynamically
-		$sql = "SELECT * FROM tc_individual where valid=1 and steward='Elder' ORDER BY ppi_pri ASC, name ASC";
+		$sql = "SELECT * FROM tc_individual as ti JOIN tc_scheduling_priority as tsp where ti.scheduling_priority=tsp.scheduling_priority and steward='Elder' and valid=1 ORDER by tsp.priority ASC, ASC";
@@ -1517,8 +1527,8 @@ class tc
 			$individual[$i] = $this->db->f('individual');
 			$indiv_name[$i] = $this->db->f('name');
 			$indiv_phone[$individual[$i]] = $this->db->f('phone');
-			$indiv_ppi_pri[$individual[$i]] = $this->db->f('ppi_pri');
-			$indiv_ppi_notes[$individual[$i]] = $this->db->f('ppi_notes');
+			$indiv_priority[$individual[$i]] = $this->db->f('priority');
+			$indiv_notes[$individual[$i]] = $this->db->f('notes');
@@ -1529,8 +1539,8 @@ class tc
 			$id = $individual[$i];
 			$name = $indiv_name[$i];
 			$phone = $indiv_phone[$id];
-			$ppi_pri = $indiv_ppi_pri[$id];
-			$ppi_notes = $indiv_ppi_notes[$id];
+			$priority = $indiv_priority[$id];
+			$notes = $indiv_notes[$id];
 			// If this individual has had a yearly PPI this year, don't show him on the schedule list
 			$year_start = $year - 1 . "-12-31"; $year_end = $year + 1 . "-01-01";
@@ -1558,12 +1568,12 @@ class tc
 				$table_data.= "<tr bgcolor=". $this->t->get_var('tr_color') ."><td title=\"$phone\"><a href=$link>$name</a></td>";
 				$table_data.= "<td align=center>$phone</td>";
-				//$table_data.= "<td align=center>$ppi_pri</td>";
+				//$table_data.= "<td align=center>$priority</td>";
 				$table_data.= "<td align=center>";
-				$table_data.= '<select name=ppi_notes['.$i.'][pri]>';
+				$table_data.= '<select name=notes['.$i.'][pri]>';
 				foreach(range(0,6) as $num) {
 					if($num == 0) { $num = 1; } else {$num = $num*5; }
-					if($ppi_pri == $num) { 
+					if($priority == $num) { 
 						$selected[$num] = 'selected="selected"'; 
 					} else { 
 						$selected[$num] = ''; 
@@ -1572,9 +1582,9 @@ class tc
 				$table_data.= '</select></td>';
 				$table_data.= "<td align=center>$date</td>";
-				$table_data.= '<td><input type=text size="50" maxlength="128" name="ppi_notes['.$i.'][notes]" value="'.$ppi_notes.'">';
-				$table_data.= '<input type=hidden name="ppi_notes['.$i.'][individual]" value="'.$id.'">';
-				$table_data.= '<input type=hidden name="ppi_notes['.$i.'][indiv_name]" value="'.$name.'">';
+				$table_data.= '<td><input type=text size="50" maxlength="128" name="notes['.$i.'][notes]" value="'.$notes.'">';
+				$table_data.= '<input type=hidden name="notes['.$i.'][individual]" value="'.$id.'">';
+				$table_data.= '<input type=hidden name="notes['.$i.'][indiv_name]" value="'.$name.'">';
 				$table_data.= '</td>';
 				$table_data.= '</tr>';
 			} else {
@@ -1588,14 +1598,14 @@ class tc
 				$link = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/tc/index.php',$link_data);    
 				$date = $this->db2->f('date');
-				$ppi_notes = $this->db2->f('notes');
-				if(strlen($ppi_notes) > 40) { $ppi_notes = substr($ppi_notes,0,40) . "..."; }
+				$notes = $this->db2->f('notes');
+				if(strlen($notes) > 40) { $notes = substr($notes,0,40) . "..."; }
 				$tr_color2 = $this->nextmatchs->alternate_row_color($tr_color2);
 				$completed_data.= "<tr bgcolor=". $this->t->get_var('tr_color2') ."><td title=\"$phone\"><a href=$link>$name</a></td>";
 				$completed_data.= "<td align=center>$phone</td>";
 				$completed_data.= "<td align=center><a href=".$link.">$date</a></td>";
-				$completed_data.= "<td align=left>$ppi_notes</td>";
+				$completed_data.= "<td align=left>$notes</td>";
 				$completed_data.= '</tr>';
 		} // End for individuals Loop
@@ -1756,10 +1766,17 @@ class tc
 				$hti_pri = $entry['pri'];
 				//print "hti_notes: $hti_notes indiv_name: $indiv_name <Br>";
 				// Perform database save actions here
+				$this->db->query("SELECT * FROM tc_companionship WHERE individual=$individual and valid=1",__LINE__,__FILE__);
+				if ($this->db->next_record()) {
+					$scheduling_priority = $this->db->f('scheduling_priority');
+					$this->db2->query("UPDATE tc_scheduling_priority SET priority='$hti_pri' and notes=\"hti_notes\" where scheduling_priority=$scheduling_priority",__LINE__,__FILE__);
+				}
 				$this->db->query("UPDATE tc_individual set " .
 				                 " hti_notes='" . $hti_notes . "'" .
 				                 ",hti_pri='" . $hti_pri . "'" .
 				                 " WHERE individual=" . $individual,__LINE__,__FILE__);
 			$take_me_to_url = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/tc/index.php','');
@@ -1885,7 +1902,7 @@ class tc
 			for ($j=0; $j < count($unique_companionships); $j++) {
 				// Select all the companions from each companionship
-				$sql = "SELECT * FROM tc_companionship where valid=1 and companionship=". $unique_companionships[$j]['companionship'];
+				$sql = "SELECT * FROM tc_companionship AS tc JOIN (tc_scheduling_priority AS tsp, tc_individual as ti) WHERE tc.scheduling_priority=tsp.scheduling_priority AND tc.individual=ti.individual AND tc.valid=1 AND tc.companionship=". $unique_companionships[$j]['companionship'];
 				$k=0; $int_completed=0;
 				$comp = $unique_companionships[$j]['companionship'];
@@ -1896,20 +1913,11 @@ class tc
 					// Get this companions information
 					$individual = $this->db->f('individual');
-					$sql = "SELECT * FROM tc_individual where individual='$individual'";
-					$this->db2->query($sql,__LINE__,__FILE__);	
-					if($this->db2->next_record()) {
-						$individual = $this->db2->f('individual');
-						$indiv_name = $this->db2->f('name');
-						$indiv_phone[$individual] = $this->db2->f('phone');
-						$indiv_hti_pri[$individual] = $this->db2->f('hti_pri');
-						$indiv_hti_notes[$individual] = $this->db2->f('hti_notes');
-					}
-					$id = $individual;
-					$name = $indiv_name;
-					$phone = $indiv_phone[$id];
-					$hti_pri = $indiv_hti_pri[$id];
-					$hti_notes = $indiv_hti_notes[$id];
+					$id = $this->db->f('individual');
+					$name = $this->db->f('name');
+					$phone = $this->db->f('phone');
+					$hti_pri = $this->db->f('priority');
+					$hti_notes = $this->db->f('notes');
 					// If the companionship has already had its quarterly interview,
 					// Skip the other companion in the companionship.
@@ -2118,10 +2126,17 @@ class tc
 				$visit_pri = $entry['pri'];
 				// Perform database save actions here
+				$this->db->query("SELECT * FROM tc_family WHERE family='$family'",__LINE__,__FILE__);
+				if ($this->db->next_record()) {
+					$scheduling_priority = $this->db->f('scheduling_priority');
+					$this->db2->query("UPDATE tc_scheduling_priority SET priority='$visit_pri' AND notes=\"$visit_notes\" WHERE scheduling_priority='$scheduling_priority'",__LINE__,__FILE__);
+				}
 				$this->db->query("UPDATE tc_family set " .
 				                 " visit_notes='" . $visit_notes . "'" .
 				                 ",visit_pri='" . $visit_pri . "'" .
 				                 " WHERE family=" . $family,__LINE__,__FILE__);
 			$take_me_to_url = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/tc/index.php','');
@@ -2203,7 +2218,7 @@ class tc
-		$sql = "SELECT * FROM tc_family where valid=1 and individual != 0  and companionship != 0 ORDER BY visit_pri ASC, name ASC";
+		$sql = "SELECT * FROM tc_family AS tf JOIN tc_scheduling_priority AS tsp WHERE tf.scheduling_priority=tsp.scheduling_priority AND tf.valid=1 AND tf.individual != 0  AND tf.companionship != 0 ORDER BY tsp.priority ASC, ASC";
 		$total_families=0; $families_with_yearly_visit=0;
@@ -2390,15 +2405,15 @@ class tc
 		// TODO:  changed this so it picks the quorum dynamically
-		$sql = "SELECT * FROM tc_individual where steward='Elder' and valid=1 ORDER BY individual ASC";
+		$sql = "SELECT * FROM tc_individual AS ti JOIN tc_scheduling_priority as tsp where ti.scheduling_priority=tsp.scheduling_priority and ti.steward='Elder' and ti.valid=1 ORDER BY ti.individual ASC";
 		while ($this->db->next_record()) {
 			$individual[$i] = $this->db->f('individual');
 			$indiv_name[$i] = $this->db->f('name');
 			$indiv_phone[$individual[$i]] = $this->db->f('phone');
-			$indiv_ppi_pri[$individual[$i]] = $this->db->f('ppi_pri');
-			$indiv_ppi_notes[$individual[$i]] = $this->db->f('ppi_notes');
+			$indiv_priority[$individual[$i]] = $this->db->f('priority');
+			$indiv_notes[$individual[$i]] = $this->db->f('notes');
diff --git a/sql/tc.sql b/sql/tc.sql
index 531b98e..71902b6 100644
--- a/sql/tc.sql
+++ b/sql/tc.sql
@@ -87,6 +87,7 @@ CREATE TABLE `tc_companionship` (
   `companionship` int(16) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
   `individual` int(16) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
   `district` int(16) unsigned default NULL,
+  `scheduling_priority` int(16) unsigned default NULL,
   `valid` tinyint(1) default NULL,
   KEY `companionship` (`companionship`)
@@ -116,10 +117,7 @@ CREATE TABLE `tc_individual` (
   `hh_position` enum('Head of Household','Spouse','Other') DEFAULT 'Other',
   `priesthood` enum('High Priest','Elder','Priest','Teacher','Deacon','Unordained') DEFAULT NULL,
   `steward` enum('High Priest','Elder') DEFAULT NULL,
-  `ppi_pri` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '1',
-  `ppi_notes` varchar(128) default NULL,
-  `hti_pri` int(10) unsigned default '1',
-  `hti_notes` varchar(128) default NULL,
+  `scheduling_priority` int(16) unsigned default NULL,
   `attending` tinyint(1) default '0',
   `valid` tinyint(1) default NULL,
   PRIMARY KEY  (`individual`)
@@ -135,8 +133,7 @@ CREATE TABLE `tc_family` (
   `name_id` varchar(30) NOT NULL default '',
   `individual` int(16) unsigned default '0',
   `companionship` int(16) unsigned default NULL,
-  `visit_pri` int(10) unsigned default '1',
-  `visit_notes` varchar(128) default NULL,
+  `scheduling_priority` int(16) unsigned default NULL,
   `valid` tinyint(1) default NULL,
   PRIMARY KEY  (`family`)
@@ -206,3 +203,12 @@ CREATE TABLE `tc_willingness` (
   `willing` enum('y','n','') NOT NULL,
   KEY `individual` (`individual`,`assignment`)
+-- Table structure for table `tc_scheduling_priority`
+CREATE TABLE `phpgroupware`.`tc_scheduling_priority` (
+`priority` INT( 10 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '30',
+`notes` VARCHAR( 128 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''