From: Alan J. Pippin <>
Date: Sat, 29 Oct 2022 17:30:12 +0000 (-0600)
Subject: Fixed various bugs in video copy and merge scripts

Fixed various bugs in video copy and merge scripts

Added support to extract video taken date from file vs relying alone on modification time

diff --git a/NameMyTVSeries b/NameMyTVSeries
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..fda7b56
Binary files /dev/null and b/NameMyTVSeries differ
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c06e5e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+Create a Plex Playlist with what aired on this day in history (month-day), sort by oldest first.
+If Playlist from yesterday exists delete and create today's.
+If today's Playlist exists exit.
+import operator
+from plexapi.server import PlexServer
+import requests
+import datetime
+PLEX_URL = 'http://localhost:32400'
+PLEX_TOKEN = 'xxxxx'
+LIBRARY_NAMES = ['Movies', 'TV Shows'] # Your library names
+today =
+TODAY_PLAY_TITLE = 'Aired Today {}-{}'.format(today.month,
+plex = PlexServer(PLEX_URL, PLEX_TOKEN)
+def remove_old():
+    # Remove old Aired Today Playlists
+    for playlist in plex.playlists():
+        if playlist.title.startswith('Aired Today') and playlist.title != TODAY_PLAY_TITLE:
+            playlist.delete()
+            print('Removing old Aired Today Playlists: {}'.format(playlist.title))
+        elif playlist.title == TODAY_PLAY_TITLE:
+            print('{} already exists. No need to make again.'.format(TODAY_PLAY_TITLE))
+            exit(0)
+def get_all_content(library_name):
+    # Get all movies or episodes from LIBRARY_NAME
+    child_lst = []
+    for library in library_name:
+        for child in plex.library.section(library).all():
+            if child.type == 'movie':
+                child_lst += [child]
+            elif child.type == 'show':
+                child_lst += child.episodes()
+            else:
+                pass
+    return child_lst
+def find_air_dates(content_lst):
+    # Find what aired with today's month-day
+    aired_lst = []
+    for video in content_lst:
+        try:
+            ad_month = str(video.originallyAvailableAt.month)
+            ad_day = str(
+            if ad_month == str(today.month) and ad_day == str(
+                aired_lst += [[video] + [str(video.originallyAvailableAt)]]
+        except Exception as e:
+            # print(e)
+            pass
+        # Sort by original air date, oldest first
+        aired_lst = sorted(aired_lst, key=operator.itemgetter(1))
+    # Remove date used for sorting
+    play_lst = [x[0] for x in aired_lst]
+    return play_lst
+play_lst = find_air_dates(get_all_content(LIBRARY_NAMES))
+# Create Playlist
+if play_lst:
+    plex.createPlaylist(TODAY_PLAY_TITLE, play_lst)
+    print('Found nothing aired on this day in history.')
diff --git a/check_phone_videos_are_in_originals b/check_phone_videos_are_in_originals
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f002e59
--- /dev/null
+++ b/check_phone_videos_are_in_originals
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+# Checks to make sure all videos off of phone have been copied to the Originals directory
+# If they are missing, it means Nextcloud missed them somehow. Copy them to New Memories then.
+new_memories="/naspool/dropbox/New Memories"
+adb connect
+if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then
+  echo "#ERROR: Unable to connect to phone at"
+  exit 1
+mp4s_on_phone=$(adb -e shell ls -1 $dcim_path/*.mp4 | xargs -n 1 basename)
+mp4s_in_originals=$(/bin/ls -1 $originals/*.mp4 | xargs -n 1 basename)
+for i in $mp4s_on_phone; do
+  echo "$mp4s_in_originals" | grep -q $i
+  if [[ $? == 1 ]]; then
+    echo "mp4 not found in originals: $i"
+    adb -e pull "$dcim_path/$i" "$new_memories"
+  fi
diff --git a/ffprobe b/ffprobe
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9d0198b
Binary files /dev/null and b/ffprobe differ
diff --git a/make_mkv b/make_mkv
index bf98325..f048116 100755
--- a/make_mkv
+++ b/make_mkv
@@ -17,6 +17,10 @@ use Data::Dumper;
 use DateTime;
 use DateTime::Duration;
 use DateTime::Format::Duration;
+use DateTime::Format::Strptime qw( );
+# Set our ffmpeg creation_time format
+$ffmpeg_time_format = DateTime::Format::Strptime->new(pattern=>'%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S', time_zone => 'UTC', on_error => 'croak');
 # Configuration parameters
@@ -66,7 +70,15 @@ sub epoch_to_date {
 my %videos;
 foreach $video (split(/,/, $opt_i)) {
     if(! -r "$video") { die "-E- Unable to read input video file: $video\n"; }
-    my $mtime_epoch = stat("$video")->mtime;
+    my $mtime_epoch = 0;
+    my $creation_time = `$ffmpeg -i "$video" 2>&1 | grep "creation_time" | head -n 1 | awk '{print \$3}'`;
+    if($creation_time) {
+	my $date_taken = $ffmpeg_time_format->parse_datetime($creation_time);
+	$date_taken->set_time_zone('local');
+	$mtime_epoch = $date_taken->epoch;
+    } else {
+	$mtime_epoch = stat("$video")->mtime;
+    }
     my $mdate = epoch_to_date($mtime_epoch);
     $videos{$video} = $mtime_epoch;
@@ -191,6 +203,10 @@ foreach my $video (sort{$videos{$a} <=> $videos{$b}} keys %videos) {
 		    unlink "$video_mp4";
 		    die "-E- handbrake encountered some errors with exit code $errno\n";
+		# Restore the metadata from the original video to the intermediate video to preserve the creation_time of the original video metadata in it
+		`$ffmpeg -i \"$video\" -i \"$video_mp4\" -map 1 -map_metadata 0 -c copy -movflags use_metadata_tags \"$video_mp4.fixed.mp4\" >> \"$tmpfile\" 2>&1`;
+		$errno=system("mv \"$video_mp4.fixed.mp4\" \"$video_mp4\" 2>/dev/null");
+		if($errno) { print "-E- Error moving fixed metadata video back to dstfile: $video_mp4.fixed.mp4 -> $video_mp4\n"; }
 	} else {
 	    if($no_recompress) { 
@@ -273,7 +289,15 @@ foreach my $key (keys %merge_videos) {
 	my $hour = 0;
 	my $min  = 5;
 	my $sec  = 0;
-	my $mtime_epoch = stat("$video")->mtime;
+	my $mtime_epoch = 0;
+	my $creation_time = `$ffmpeg -i "$video" 2>&1 | grep "creation_time" | head -n 1 | awk '{print \$3}'`;
+	if($creation_time) {
+	    my $date_taken = $ffmpeg_time_format->parse_datetime($creation_time);
+	    $date_taken->set_time_zone('local');
+	    $mtime_epoch = $date_taken->epoch;
+	} else {
+	    $mtime_epoch = stat("$video")->mtime;
+	}
 	my $mdate = epoch_to_date($mtime_epoch);
 	my $duration = `$ffmpeg -i "$video" 2>&1 | grep Duration`;
 	if($duration =~ /Duration: (\d+):(\d+):(\d+)\.(\d+)/) {
@@ -309,7 +333,7 @@ foreach my $key (keys %merge_videos) {
     print "\n$merge_cmd\n";
     if(! defined $opt_s) {
-	if(-f "$opt_o.$key.mkv") { die "-E- Output video file $opt_o already exists. This is unexpected for key $key!"; }
+	#if(-f "$opt_o.$key.mkv") { die "-E- Output video file $opt_o already exists. This is unexpected for key $key!"; }
 	my $errno = system("$merge_cmd");
 	$errno = $errno >> 8;
 	if($errno > 1) {
diff --git a/merge_videos_by_day b/merge_videos_by_day
index 146ac84..193a7bd 100755
--- a/merge_videos_by_day
+++ b/merge_videos_by_day
@@ -7,6 +7,11 @@ use File::Basename;
 use Getopt::Std;
 use File::stat;
 use Time::localtime;
+use DateTime::Format::Strptime qw( );
+# Set our ffmpeg creation_time format
+$ffmpeg_time_format = DateTime::Format::Strptime->new(pattern=>'%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S', time_zone => 'UTC', on_error => 'croak');
+$ctime_format = DateTime::Format::Strptime->new(pattern=>'%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y', time_zone => 'local', on_error => 'croak');
 # Early command line options processing
@@ -96,12 +101,28 @@ foreach $file (sort `$find_cmd`) {
     if($srcfile =~ /.hb.mp4/) { next; }
     print "Found video: srcdir: $srcdir srcfile: $srcfile srcext: $srcext dstext: $ext\n" if($opt_v);
-    # Make a note of the month, year, and day this video was taken (from the modification time of the file)
-    $date_taken = ctime(stat("$srcdir/$srcfile")->mtime);
+    # Make a note of the month, year, and day this video was taken
+    $creation_time = `$ffmpeg -i "$srcdir/$srcfile" 2>&1 | grep "creation_time" | head -n 1 | awk '{print \$3}'`;
+    if($creation_time) {
+	$date_taken = $ffmpeg_time_format->parse_datetime($creation_time);
+    } else {
+	# From the modification time of the file since we couldn't find it in the video file
+	$date_modified = ctime(stat("$srcdir/$srcfile")->mtime);
+    }
+    # Get the date taken from the ffmpeg creation_time
+    if(!$merge_by_modification_time && $date_taken) {
+	$date_taken->set_time_zone('local');
+	$year = $date_taken->year;
+	$month = sprintf("%02d",$date_taken->month);
+	$day = sprintf("%02d",$date_taken->day);
+	$monthnum = sprintf("%02d",$date_taken->month);
+	$monthname = lc($month2monthname{$month});
+	#print "date_taken: $year-$month-$day ".$date_taken->hour.":".$date_taken->minute.":".$date_taken->second." ".$date_taken->time_zone."\n";
+    }
     # Get the date taken from the filename
-    if(!$merge_by_modification_date && $srcfile =~ /^(\d\d\d\d)-(\d\d)-(\d\d)/) {
+    elsif(!$merge_by_modification_date && $srcfile =~ /^(\d\d\d\d)-(\d\d)-(\d\d)/) {
 	$year = $1;
 	$month = $2;
 	$day = sprintf("%02d",$3);
@@ -124,7 +145,7 @@ foreach $file (sort `$find_cmd`) {
 	$monthname = lc($month2monthname{$month});
     # Get the date taken from the modification time
-    elsif($date_taken =~ /\S+\s+(\S+)\s+(\d+)\s+\S+\s+(\d+)/) {
+    elsif($date_modified =~ /\S+\s+(\S+)\s+(\d+)\s+\S+\s+(\d+)/) {
 	$year = $3;
 	$month = $1;
 	$day = sprintf("%02d",$2);
diff --git a/mkv2dvd b/mkv2dvd
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..cc07c43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mkv2dvd
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+if [[ -z $SRC ]] || [[ ! -r $SRC ]]; then
+    echo "-E- You need to specify a valid src video file as an argument"
+    exit 1
+if [[ ! -e "$MPG" ]]; then
+    echo "-> Converting \"$SRC\" -> \"$MPG\""
+    # Convert the SRC video into a DVD compatible mpg2 file
+    ffmpeg -i "$SRC" -target ntsc-dvd -aspect 16:9 "$MPG"
+    if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then
+	echo "-> ffmpeg encountered an error. aborting..."
+	rm "$MPG"
+	exit 1;
+    fi
+echo "-> Creating DVD ISO: $ISO"
+# Create an intermediate DVD dir
+mkdir -p "$DVD"
+# Define the title file
+dvdauthor -o "$DVD" -t "$MPG"
+# Create a table of contents
+dvdauthor -o "$DVD" -T
+# Convert the DVD dir into an ISO image
+genisoimage -dvd-video -o "$ISO" "$DVD"
+# Remove the intermediate DVD dir
+rm -rf "$DVD"
+# Remove the intermediate MPG file
+rm "$MPG"
diff --git a/move_videos_from_watchdir b/move_videos_from_watchdir
index 364ade6..864d33e 100755
--- a/move_videos_from_watchdir
+++ b/move_videos_from_watchdir
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ foreach $watchpath (split(';', $watchpathname)) {
 	# Make sure we have a unique dstfile
-	if(-f "$dstfile") {
+	if($overwrite_dest == 0 && -f "$dstfile") {
 	    $video_ext = $srcfile;
 	    $video_ext =~ s/.*\.(\S+)$/$1/;
 	    $suffix = 0;
@@ -102,18 +102,22 @@ foreach $watchpath (split(';', $watchpathname)) {
 	if(!defined $opt_t) {
 	    # Make sure the dstfile doesn't exist, if it does, add a unique number to the end
-	    if(! -f "$dstfile") {
-		$errno=system("mv \"$srcdir/$srcfile\" \"$dstfile\" 2>/dev/null");
-		if($errno) { print "-E- Error moving srcfile to dstfile: $srcdir/$srcfile -> $dstfile\n"; next; }
-	    } else {
-		print "-E- Unable to mv $srcdir/$srcfile -> $dstfile because it already exists\n";
-	    }
+	    #if(! -f "$dstfile") {
+	    $errno=system("mv \"$srcdir/$srcfile\" \"$dstfile\" 2>/dev/null");
+	    if($errno) { print "-E- Error moving srcfile to dstfile: $srcdir/$srcfile -> $dstfile\n"; next; }
+	    #} else {
+	    #	print "-E- Unable to mv $srcdir/$srcfile -> $dstfile because it already exists\n";
+	    #}
 	    # Fix the permissions
 	    system("chown $owner \"$dstfile\"");
 	    system("chgrp $group \"$dstfile\"");
 	    system("chmod $mode \"$dstfile\"");
+    # Update nextcloud file cache so it knows what files we have moved
+    $watchpath =~ s/$nextcloudbase//g;
+    system("$occ files:scan --path \"$watchpath\" > /dev/null");
diff --git a/organize_videos b/organize_videos
index 05edab4..d62af19 100755
--- a/organize_videos
+++ b/organize_videos
@@ -179,10 +179,13 @@ foreach $file (`$find_mkv`) {
     print "srcfile: $srcfile\n";
     if($srcfile =~ /.hb.mp4/) { next; }
-    print "Found movie: srcdir: $srcdir srcfile: $srcfile ext: $ext\n" if($opt_v);
-    # Make a note of the month, year, and day this video was taken (from the modification time of the file)
-    $date_taken = ctime(stat("$srcdir/$srcfile")->mtime);
+    print "Found video: srcdir: $srcdir srcfile: $srcfile ext: $ext\n" if($opt_v);
+    # From the modification time of the file since we couldn't find it in the filename
+    $date_modified = ctime(stat("$srcdir/$srcfile")->mtime);
+    # NOTE: This file matching algorithm only applies to videos produced by merge_videos_by_day called by this script earlier
+    # We just need to take those merged videos, and extract what date to call the video by under HomeVideos
     # Get the date taken from the filename
     if($srcfile =~ /^(\d+)-(\d+)-(\d+)/) {
@@ -208,7 +211,7 @@ foreach $file (`$find_mkv`) {
 	$monthname = lc($month2monthname{$month});
     # Get the date taken from the modification time
-    elsif($date_taken =~ /\S+\s+(\S+)\s+(\d+)\s+\S+\s+(\d+)/) {
+    elsif($date_modified =~ /\S+\s+(\S+)\s+(\d+)\s+\S+\s+(\d+)/) {
 	$year = $3;
 	$month = $1;
 	$day = sprintf("%02d",$2);
diff --git a/organize_videos.conf b/organize_videos.conf
index fd12413..27b7933 100644
--- a/organize_videos.conf
+++ b/organize_videos.conf
@@ -26,11 +26,20 @@ $save_originals = 1;
 # Path to a dir (or dirs separated by semis) to watch for videos to move to $srcpathname to be organized
 $watchpathname = "/naspool/cloud/alan/files/InstantUpload/Camera;/naspool/cloud/mary/files/InstantUpload/Camera;";
+# Path to nextcloud base dir where user dirs start
+$nextcloudbase = "/naspool/cloud/";
+# If there are file duplicates in srcpathname, should they be overwritten (assumes all files from phones will be named uniquely)
+$overwrite_dest = 1;
+# Path to nextcloud occ cmd script
+$occ = "/naspool/www/";
 # Path to merge_videos_by_day script
 $merge_videos_by_day = "/naspool/videos/bin/merge_videos_by_day";
 # Flag to merge videos by modification date instead of the date parsed from the filename
-$merge_by_modification_date = 1;
+$merge_by_modification_date = 0;
 # Path to the make_mkv script
 $make_mkv = "/naspool/videos/bin/make_mkv";
@@ -76,7 +85,7 @@ $no_recompress_file_ext = qr/\.(mp4)$/i;
 # Video file creation dates must not have changed in the last X minutes to process any of the video files
 # This is done to ensure that all videos from a given upload from a camera have completed prior to looking for videos to merge
-$minage = "+120";
+$minage = "+60";
 # What command should be used to find files that have changed (are at least $minage old) 
 $find_changed_cmd = "find  \"$srcpathname/\" -not -cmin $minage -a \\( $movie_file_ext \\)";
diff --git a/remove_empty_tv_dirs b/remove_empty_tv_dirs
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b9b7941
--- /dev/null
+++ b/remove_empty_tv_dirs
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+# Author: Alan J. Pippin
+# Description: Find and remove TV recording directories that don't contain any recordings in them
+use File::Copy;
+use File::Basename;
+use Getopt::Std;
+use File::stat;
+use Time::localtime;
+use File::Pid;
+use Data::Dumper;
+# Configuration parameters
+my $tv_src_dir = "/tvpool/tv";
+my $log = "/var/log/organize/remove_empty_tv_dirs.log";
+my $tv_file_ext = "-iregex \".*\.mov\" -o -iregex \".*\.avi\" -o -iregex \".*\.mp4\" -o -iregex \".*\.mpg\" -o -iregex \".*\.ts\" -o -iregex \".*\.mkv\"";
+my $find_tv_show_dirs = "find \"$tv_src_dir/\" -maxdepth 1 -cmin +14400 -type d";
+my $find_tv_season_dirs = "find \"$tv_src_dir/\" -maxdepth 2 -mindepth 2 -cmin +14400 -type d";
+my $find_tv_shows = "find \"$tv_src_dir/\" -cmin +14400 $tv_file_ext";
+# Find empty TV show directories to remove
+my %tv_show_dirs;
+# Find all of our TV season dirs and store them in a hash
+foreach $dir (`$find_tv_season_dirs`) {
+    chomp($dir);
+    my $season = basename($dir);
+    my $show = basename(dirname($dir));
+    #print "-> Found dir $dir show $show season $season\n";
+    $tv_show_dirs{$show}{$season}{has_recordings} = 0;
+foreach $dir (`$find_tv_show_dirs`) {
+    chomp($dir);
+    my $show = basename($dir);
+    #print "-> Found dir $dir show $show\n";
+    $tv_show_dirs{$show}{has_recordings} = 0;
+# Find all of our TV show recordings and store them in a hash
+foreach $file (`$find_tv_shows`) {
+    chomp($file);
+    my $recording = basename($file);
+    my $season = basename(dirname($file));
+    my $show = basename(dirname(dirname($file)));
+    #print "-> Found show $show season $season and recording $recording\n";
+    $tv_show_dirs{$show}{$season}{has_recordings} = 1;
+    $tv_show_dirs{$show}{has_recordings} = 1;
+#print Dumper(\%tv_show_dirs);
+# For each season directory that doesn't have recordings, remove it
+foreach $show (keys %tv_show_dirs) {
+    foreach $season (keys %{$tv_show_dirs{$show}}) {
+	if($season eq "has_recordings") { next; }
+	if ($tv_show_dirs{$show}{$season}{has_recordings} == 0) {
+	    print "-> Removing season dir '$show/$season'\n";
+	    system("rm -rf \"$tv_src_dir/$show/$season/\"");
+	}
+    }
+# For each show directory that doesn't have any recordings under it, remove it
+foreach $show (keys %tv_show_dirs) {
+    my $has_recordings = 0;
+    if($show eq ".grab") { next; }
+    foreach $season (keys %{$tv_show_dirs{$show}}) {
+	if ($tv_show_dirs{$show}{$season}{has_recordings} == 1) {
+	    $has_recordings = 1;
+	}
+    }
+    if($has_recordings == 0) { 
+	print "-> Removing show dir '$show'\n";
+	system("rm -rf \"$tv_src_dir/$show/\"");
+    }