From: Alan J. Pippin <>
Date: Wed, 27 May 2009 13:53:02 +0000 (-0600)
Subject: Fixed sourcing of $PWD/rip_dvd.conf file if present
X-Git-Tag: 1_0~2

Fixed sourcing of $PWD/rip_dvd.conf file if present

diff --git a/rip_dvd b/rip_dvd
index 9e13ae3..ebcd87f 100755
--- a/rip_dvd
+++ b/rip_dvd
@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ typeset SCALE=""
 typeset CROP=""
 typeset profile="xvidvhq"
 typeset extension=""
+typeset mailto=""
 typeset -i force_onepass_mode=0
 typeset -i eject_disk=1
 typeset -i keep_isofile=0
@@ -74,16 +75,16 @@ config="${0%/*}/rip_dvd.conf"
 # 1) /path/to/rip_dvd/script/rip_dvd.conf.dist
-[ -e "${config}.dist" ] && found_config=1 && . ${config}.dist
+[ -e "${config}.dist" ] && found_config=1 && . "${config}.dist"
 # 2) /path/to/rip_dvd/script/rip_dvd.conf
-[ -e "${config}" ] && found_config=1 && . ${config}
+[ -e "${config}" ] && found_config=1 && . "${config}"
 # 3) /etc/rip_dvd.conf
-[ -e "/etc/rip_dvd.conf" ] && found_config=1 && . /etc/rip_dvd.conf
+[ -e "/etc/rip_dvd.conf" ] && found_config=1 && . "/etc/rip_dvd.conf"
 # 4) $PWD/rip_dvd.conf
-[ -e "rip_dvd.conf" ] && found_config=1 && . rip_dvd.conf
+[ -e "$PWD/rip_dvd.conf" ] && found_config=1 && . "$PWD/rip_dvd.conf"
 # Check to make sure we found the config file
 if [ $found_config -eq 0 ]; then