From: Carl N Baldwin <>
Date: Fri, 21 Oct 2005 15:00:23 +0000 (-0600)
Subject: Rename -> main.cpp
X-Git-Tag: release-0.4~82

Rename -> main.cpp

diff --git a/ b/
index 429b2b5..615ecfb 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -6,6 +6,6 @@ schema_files = schema.sql
 EXTRA_DIST = $(schema_files)
-lsbackups_SOURCES = \
+lsbackups_SOURCES = main.cpp \
                     filedata.hpp \
diff --git a/ b/
deleted file mode 100644
index 07868bc..0000000
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,168 +0,0 @@
-#include <iostream>
-#include <fstream>
-#include <iterator>
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <cassert>
-#include <ctime>
-#include "filedata.hpp"
-using namespace std;
-unsigned long long current_time() {
-  unsigned long long rc = 0;
-  time_t now_tt = time( 0 );
-  tm *now = localtime( &now_tt );
-  rc += ( now->tm_year + 1900ULL ) * 10000000000ULL;
-  rc += ( now->tm_mon  + 1ULL )    * 100000000ULL;
-  rc +=   now->tm_mday             * 1000000ULL;
-  rc +=   now->tm_hour             * 10000ULL;
-  rc +=   now->tm_min              * 100ULL;
-  rc +=   now->tm_sec;
-  return rc;
-template<class I, class O>
-bool copy_until_full( I begin, I end, O out, unsigned long long &space ) {
-  const unsigned long long block_size = 0x200ULL;
-  bool complete = true;
-  I i = begin;
-  while( 0 != space && i != end ) {
-    unsigned long long size = (*i)->getFileSize();
-    unsigned long long blocks = size & ( ~(block_size-1) );
-    if( blocks < size ) blocks += block_size;
-    if( blocks <= space ) {
-      space -= blocks;
-      out = *i;
-      ++out;
-    } else {
-      // We missed a file that should be included so the backup is not complete
-      complete = false;
-    }
-    ++i;
-  }
-  return complete;
-template<class SET>
-void populate_set( istream &in, SET &files ) {
-  do {
-    FileData *data = new FileData();
-    in >> data;
-    if( data->getFileName().size() ) {
-      files.insert( data );
-    } else {
-      delete data;
-    }
-  } while( ! in.eof() );
-template<class SET>
-void partition_sets( const SET &current, const SET &old,
-                     SET &added, SET &common, SET &old_common, SET &deleted  ) {
-  FileDataNameCmp cmp;
-  set_difference( current.begin(), current.end(),
-                  old.begin(),     old.end(),
-                  inserter( added, added.begin() ),
-                  cmp );
-  set_difference( old.begin(),     old.end(),
-                  current.begin(), current.end(),
-                  inserter( deleted, deleted.begin() ),
-                  cmp );
-  set_union(      current.begin(), current.end(),
-                  old.begin(),     old.end(),
-                  inserter( common, common.begin() ),
-                  cmp );
-  set_union(      old.begin(),    old.end(),
-                  common.begin(), common.end(),
-                  inserter( old_common, old_common.begin() ),
-                  cmp );
-int main() {
-  // Parse the list of current files on stdin
-  file_set current;
-  populate_set( cin, current );
-  file_set backed_up;
-  ifstream db( "test.db" );
-  if( db && db.good() ) {
-    populate_set( db, backed_up );
-  }
-  // Now divide the two sets into three sets (added, deleted and common )
-  file_set added, deleted, common, old_common;
-  partition_sets( current, backed_up, added, common, old_common, deleted );
-  // Now find the list of files to backup.
-  file_set backups;
-  // backup all added files
-  copy( added.begin(), added.end(), inserter( backups, backups.begin() ) );
-  // Backup files that have been modified
-  file_set::iterator i = common.begin(), j = old_common.begin();
-  for( ; i != common.end(); ++i, ++j ) {
-    (*i)->setLastBackupDate( (*j)->getLastBackupDate() );
-    if( needs_backup( *j, *i ) ) backups.insert( *i );
-  }
-  // Now, sort the backups by filesize and build a list that'll fit on a DVD
-  file_vector backups_s;
-  copy( backups.begin(), backups.end(), back_inserter( backups_s ) );
-  FileDataSizeCmp sizecmp;
-  sort( backups_s.begin(), backups_s.end(), sizecmp );
-  file_set final;
-  unsigned long long space = 0x107c00000ULL;  // 4220 MBytes
-  insert_iterator<file_set> final_i( final, final.begin() );
-  // Copy files over until full or out of files
-  bool complete = copy_until_full( backups_s.rbegin(),
-                                   backups_s.rend(),
-                                   final_i,
-                                   space );
-  // Now, sort the non-backed-up list by last_backup_date and back-fill
-  if( 0 != space ) {
-    file_vector leftovers;
-    FileDataNameCmp cmp;
-    set_difference( current.begin(), current.end(),
-                    final.begin(),   final.end(),
-                    back_inserter( leftovers ),
-                    cmp );
-    FileDataLastBackupCmp lastbackupcmp;
-    sort( leftovers.begin(), leftovers.end(), lastbackupcmp );
-    copy_until_full( leftovers.begin(), leftovers.end(), final_i, space );
-  }
-  unsigned long long now = current_time();
-  for( file_set::iterator k = final.begin(); k != final.end(); ++k ) {
-    (*k)->setLastBackupDate( now );
-  }
-  // Write the 'current' list to the dbfile
-  ofstream dbout( "test.db" );
-  copy( current.begin(), current.end(), ostream_iterator<FileData*>( dbout, "" ) );
-  // Write the 'final' list to stdout
-  copy( final.begin(), final.end(), ostream_iterator<FileData*>( cout, "" ) );
-  if( ! complete ) { cerr << "incomplete" << endl; }
-  // Clean-up
-  for( file_set::iterator i = backed_up.begin(); i != backed_up.end(); ++i ) { delete *i; }
-  for( file_set::iterator i = current.begin();   i != current.end();   ++i ) { delete *i; }
diff --git a/main.cpp b/main.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..07868bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/main.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+#include <iostream>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <iterator>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <cassert>
+#include <ctime>
+#include "filedata.hpp"
+using namespace std;
+unsigned long long current_time() {
+  unsigned long long rc = 0;
+  time_t now_tt = time( 0 );
+  tm *now = localtime( &now_tt );
+  rc += ( now->tm_year + 1900ULL ) * 10000000000ULL;
+  rc += ( now->tm_mon  + 1ULL )    * 100000000ULL;
+  rc +=   now->tm_mday             * 1000000ULL;
+  rc +=   now->tm_hour             * 10000ULL;
+  rc +=   now->tm_min              * 100ULL;
+  rc +=   now->tm_sec;
+  return rc;
+template<class I, class O>
+bool copy_until_full( I begin, I end, O out, unsigned long long &space ) {
+  const unsigned long long block_size = 0x200ULL;
+  bool complete = true;
+  I i = begin;
+  while( 0 != space && i != end ) {
+    unsigned long long size = (*i)->getFileSize();
+    unsigned long long blocks = size & ( ~(block_size-1) );
+    if( blocks < size ) blocks += block_size;
+    if( blocks <= space ) {
+      space -= blocks;
+      out = *i;
+      ++out;
+    } else {
+      // We missed a file that should be included so the backup is not complete
+      complete = false;
+    }
+    ++i;
+  }
+  return complete;
+template<class SET>
+void populate_set( istream &in, SET &files ) {
+  do {
+    FileData *data = new FileData();
+    in >> data;
+    if( data->getFileName().size() ) {
+      files.insert( data );
+    } else {
+      delete data;
+    }
+  } while( ! in.eof() );
+template<class SET>
+void partition_sets( const SET &current, const SET &old,
+                     SET &added, SET &common, SET &old_common, SET &deleted  ) {
+  FileDataNameCmp cmp;
+  set_difference( current.begin(), current.end(),
+                  old.begin(),     old.end(),
+                  inserter( added, added.begin() ),
+                  cmp );
+  set_difference( old.begin(),     old.end(),
+                  current.begin(), current.end(),
+                  inserter( deleted, deleted.begin() ),
+                  cmp );
+  set_union(      current.begin(), current.end(),
+                  old.begin(),     old.end(),
+                  inserter( common, common.begin() ),
+                  cmp );
+  set_union(      old.begin(),    old.end(),
+                  common.begin(), common.end(),
+                  inserter( old_common, old_common.begin() ),
+                  cmp );
+int main() {
+  // Parse the list of current files on stdin
+  file_set current;
+  populate_set( cin, current );
+  file_set backed_up;
+  ifstream db( "test.db" );
+  if( db && db.good() ) {
+    populate_set( db, backed_up );
+  }
+  // Now divide the two sets into three sets (added, deleted and common )
+  file_set added, deleted, common, old_common;
+  partition_sets( current, backed_up, added, common, old_common, deleted );
+  // Now find the list of files to backup.
+  file_set backups;
+  // backup all added files
+  copy( added.begin(), added.end(), inserter( backups, backups.begin() ) );
+  // Backup files that have been modified
+  file_set::iterator i = common.begin(), j = old_common.begin();
+  for( ; i != common.end(); ++i, ++j ) {
+    (*i)->setLastBackupDate( (*j)->getLastBackupDate() );
+    if( needs_backup( *j, *i ) ) backups.insert( *i );
+  }
+  // Now, sort the backups by filesize and build a list that'll fit on a DVD
+  file_vector backups_s;
+  copy( backups.begin(), backups.end(), back_inserter( backups_s ) );
+  FileDataSizeCmp sizecmp;
+  sort( backups_s.begin(), backups_s.end(), sizecmp );
+  file_set final;
+  unsigned long long space = 0x107c00000ULL;  // 4220 MBytes
+  insert_iterator<file_set> final_i( final, final.begin() );
+  // Copy files over until full or out of files
+  bool complete = copy_until_full( backups_s.rbegin(),
+                                   backups_s.rend(),
+                                   final_i,
+                                   space );
+  // Now, sort the non-backed-up list by last_backup_date and back-fill
+  if( 0 != space ) {
+    file_vector leftovers;
+    FileDataNameCmp cmp;
+    set_difference( current.begin(), current.end(),
+                    final.begin(),   final.end(),
+                    back_inserter( leftovers ),
+                    cmp );
+    FileDataLastBackupCmp lastbackupcmp;
+    sort( leftovers.begin(), leftovers.end(), lastbackupcmp );
+    copy_until_full( leftovers.begin(), leftovers.end(), final_i, space );
+  }
+  unsigned long long now = current_time();
+  for( file_set::iterator k = final.begin(); k != final.end(); ++k ) {
+    (*k)->setLastBackupDate( now );
+  }
+  // Write the 'current' list to the dbfile
+  ofstream dbout( "test.db" );
+  copy( current.begin(), current.end(), ostream_iterator<FileData*>( dbout, "" ) );
+  // Write the 'final' list to stdout
+  copy( final.begin(), final.end(), ostream_iterator<FileData*>( cout, "" ) );
+  if( ! complete ) { cerr << "incomplete" << endl; }
+  // Clean-up
+  for( file_set::iterator i = backed_up.begin(); i != backed_up.end(); ++i ) { delete *i; }
+  for( file_set::iterator i = current.begin();   i != current.end();   ++i ) { delete *i; }