From: Alan J. Pippin <>
Date: Sun, 20 Jun 2021 15:37:28 +0000 (-0600)
Subject: Fixed case when local filesystem is missing

Fixed case when local filesystem is missing

Change-Id: Ifcf8773d148b058825519b4676a4a456e95e933f

diff --git a/zfs-replicate b/zfs-replicate
index a5a3ad9..e6e6dd5 100755
--- a/zfs-replicate
+++ b/zfs-replicate
@@ -170,9 +170,9 @@ $zfs list -H -t snapshot |
     grep ^${backup_pool}/${remote_fs}@ |
     grep -v ^${backup_pool}/${current_backup_marker} | 
     awk "{gsub(/^$backup_pool./,\"\",\$1); print\$1}" > $local_list
-if [[ $? != 0 ]] && [[ $expect_empty_remote_list == 0 ]]; then
-  fatal_and_exit "-E- local $zfs list on $hostname command failed" $mailto
+# If no local snapshots exist, we may need to send the entire filesystem, which we'll do later
+# So, no error check here as a non-zero return code means the local filesystem or snaps are missing
+# We'll catch this later on as a case where we need to send the entire filesystem
 # Destroy the current backup marker snapshot on the remote system if it exists
 grep -q ${current_backup_marker} $remote_list